Thursday, February 23, 2017

Guess what: What letters did I write to friends and distant relatives on a giant social media of Facebook?

Dear Friends, and distant relatives,

=]Thank you friends again!! I am no longer putting a "post sharing" memes until I got an "employment prospect" in the future. And I got a "low popularity" level, where I received a less number of "likes", and "comments" for every post on this giant social media.

=] I should also register my "blogspot" homepage with local governments, However I got no enough "monies" either for upto date "gadgets" as well, or to purchase a "blogspot apps.". It seems to me that I got a lot more to resolve rather than "cyber-attack" people on both Twitter, Inc., Google, Inc., Blogger, Inc., and Facebook, Inc.

=] Of course, I thought I should inform you about a bad situation to which I am involved in our "New World."  I am not pessimistic, However I have lost a lot of people to call each day. More and more people are yet negatively ridiculing me even at the USA shopping Marketplace Malls, where they "cyber-phishing" on how many friends I have got on social media.

=] Make no mistake, this is a "peasantry living" ever to which I have not involved since I come from a Country of South Sudan, and of Old Sudan. I guess, I should play it by ear instead of "cyber-attack" geniune people online everyday.

=] Again, Friends, and distant relatives, I can't no longer accept, or succumb to a "friend request" whatsoever until there's a drastically "change" on my "unemployment status", where I would still be boastful about on social media. Feel free to contact me through email or by phone calls.

With abundant "glorification, and praising" of times you spend each day,

David D. Wuor
Follow us on Twitter: @DavidWuor

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I am already succumbed to change by Mr. David D. Wuor