Monday, June 5, 2017

"Hollywood Movies: What are my least, and most Favorited Movies/TV episodes?"

Compiled by Mr. David Deng de Wuor
Follow us on Twitter: @DavidWuor

1.) What are my least favorited Movies?
- [x] "Santa Claus 2" film, FX Now Station provided.*
- [x] "The Batman" Film, Hollywood Movie Production.
- [x] "Under World" Film, Hollywood Movie Production.
- [x] "The Lion King: The Broadway Play" film, Hollywood Movie Production.
- [x] "The King Kong: The Broadway Play" film, Hollywood Movie Production.
- [x] "The King Charles II: Politically Upheaval Play-Wright of United Kingdoms(UK)" film, PBS Station provided.
- [x] "Doctor Who: Tom Baker Movie" film, PBS Station provided.
- [x] "Hotel Rwanda: 1994-Genocides done by Tutsi, and Tutu Tribes" Documentary Film, Hollywood Movie Productions.
- [x] "Fargo: Missing Casework of Mrs. Amy Elliot, and Mr. Nick Dunnes" Documentary Film. FX Now Station provided.
- [x] "I Bought a Zoo" film, FX Now Station provided.
- [x] "The Gods Must be Crazy: I, & II" (1980/1988)film*, Columbia Pictures(C.A.T) Movie Productions. NYS-Monroe Branch Library provided.
- [x] "Evan Almighty"(2007) film, Hollywood Movie Production.
- [x] "Bruce Almighty"(2003) film, Hollywood Movie Production.
- [x] "Lawrence of Arabia"(1962-2000) film, Columbia Pictures. NYS-Monroe Branch Library provided.
- [x] "The Member of the Wedding"(2008) Stanley Kramer film collection, Columbia Pictures Corporation. NYS-Monroe Branch Library provided.
- [x] "The Hitch"(2005) film, Columbia Pictures. NYS-Monroe Branch Library provided.
- [x] "Miracle on 34th Street: Story of Santa Claus in New York City(NYC)"(1947-1999) film, 20th Century Fox-Home Entertainment, Inc. NYS-Monroe Branch Library provided.
- [x] "Emma Woodhouse"(1795-2010) Masterpiece film, BBC Worldwide America, Inc. NYS-Monroe Branch Library provided.
2.)What are my least favorited TV episodes?
- [x] "From Bronte's Sisters to Walking Invisibles" TV episode. PBS Station Production.
- [x] "Queen Victoria's Administration Slum House" TV episode. PBS Station Production.
- [x] "Sex, and City" TV episode.
- [x] "Survivor: The Game Changers" TV episode, CBS News Station provided.
- [x] "The Amazing Race" TV episode, CBS News Station provided.
- [x] "The Iroquois Nations" TV episode. PBS Station Productions.
- [x] "Mom" TV episode, CBS News Station provided.
- [x] "Anger Management" TV episode. Fox-Rochester Station provided.
- [x] "Two, and 1/2 Men" TV episode. Fox Now Station provided.
- [x] "Last Man on the Earth" TV episode. Fox-Rochester Station provided.
- [x] "How I Met Your Mothers" TV episode. Fox Now Station provided.
- [x] "Mike, and Molly" TV episode. FX Now Station provided.
- [x] "Modern Family: Philosophy" TV episode. Fox-Rochester Station provided.
- [x] "The Second Chance Kids" film, Frontline. PBS Station provided.
- [x] "Master-Chefs: Kids learning to Cook"  by Ramzi Gordon, TV episode. Fox-Rochester Station provided.
- [x] "Call Us Monsters: Institutionalized Juveniles in Prisons" film, Independent  Len. PBS Station provided(Still to come).
- [x] "Islands of Australia" by Martin Clunes, TV episode. PBS Station provided.
- [x] "Bachelors Paradise" Hollywood Show, TV episode. ABC News Station provided.
3.) What are my most Favorited Hollywood Movie?
- [x] "The Coming to America" film, Hollywood Movie
- [x] "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" film, Hollywood Movie
- [x] "Brand New Day: Going Home Never Felt so good?" (2009/2011) Movie, Film Victoria Production.
- [x] "God Grew Tired of Us: Lost Boys of Sudan" (2006) documentary film, Sony Pictures Production.
- [x] "Madea's Family Reunion: Tyler Perry"(2006) Movie, Lionsgate Production.
- [x] "Big Mama" film, Hollywood Movie Productions
- [x] "Lawrence of Arabia" film, Hollywood Movie Productions
- [x] "Liar-liars" film, Hollywood Movie Productions.
- [x] "Shrek 1, & 2" film, Hollywood Movie Productions.
- [x] "Charlie and Chocolate Factory" film, Hollywood Movie Productions.
- [x] "The Terminal: Politically Turmoils in Croatia of Former Eastern Europe's Blocks"(2004) film*, DreamWorks Production. NYS-Monroe Branch Library provided.

- [x] "The Second Chance Kids" film, Frontline. PBS Station provided.
- [x] ..........,........(2017)."Victorian Slum House" TV episode. PBS Station's DVD/Blu-Ray Documentary.
- [x] "Planned Parenthood" homepage has some of highlights about "sex educations", and STDs preventions.
- [x] ............,........(2017)."The Iroquois Nations", TV episode. PBS Station's DVD/Blu-Ray Documentary. New York State(NYS) of Museum.
- [x] ............,.........(2017)."Poverty, Politics, and Profits: How We did the Math of Housing in Crisis?" Frontline. PBS Station Provided.
- [x] ............,..........(2017). "American Patriots: An inside Armed protesters against Federal governments" Documentary of BLM, Hammond Ranches, Marshall, & "Land grabbing". Frontline. PBS Station provided.
- [x] NYS-Monroe County Library Systems.

Sunday, June 4, 2017

"Curriculum: What is our American Educations' breakdown in comparison with Kenyan Educations?"

Compiled by Mr. David Deng de Wuor
Follow Us on the Twitter: @DavidWuor

1.) What is our American Educations' breakdown of K12 Pre-School Levels, Elementary School Levels, Middle School Levels, and High School Levels?
=] Rochester City Schools District Education(RCSD12):
- [x] Kindergarten(K12): Pre-school Levels:
       a.) K-12 pre-school grades(K-12).
- [x] Elementary School Levels:
       a) 1st grade through 6th grade(1-6).
- [x] Middle School Levels:
       a.) 7th grade through 8th grade(7-8).
- [x] High School Levels:
       a.) 9th grade through 12th grade(9-12).
=] General Educations:
- [x] General Educational Development(GED)diploma.
1.) What does GED stand for?
=] Higher Educations:
- [x] 2yrs SUNY Community Colleges
- [x] 4yrs Colleges, and Universities both private, or public schools.
- [x] Graduate schools.
- [x] Post-graduate schools.
2.) What is our Kenyan Education's breakdown of K-12 Pre-school Levels(K-12), Primary School Levels(1-8), and Secondary School Levels(9-12)?
- [x] K-12 Pre-schools of Nursery kids' levels.
          i.) Textbooks is yet unknown.
- [x] Elementary School levels(1-6):
         i.) "Hello Children" English subject's  textbook(1st grade).
         ii.) "Read with us" English subject's textbook(2nd grade).
        iii.) "New Friends" English subject's textbook(3rd grade).
        iv.) "New Adventure" English subject's textbook(4th grade).
       v.) "Neighbors"English subject's textbook(5th grade).
       vi.) "Marching Ahead" English subject's textbook(6th grade).
- [x] Middle School Levels(7-8):
       i.) "One more Steps" English subject's textbook(7th grade).
      ii.) "Stepping Out" English subject's textbook(8th grade).
- [x] High School Levels, or Secondary School Levels(9-12):
        i.) "Advanced in English" subject's textbook for Form I, Form II, Form III, and Form IV.
3.) What are "2" types of our Kenyan Standardized Tests(SAT) for 8th graders, and 12th graders?"
- [x] "Primary School Levels" for School kids between 1st graders, and 8th graders(1-8); they sit for KCPE Exams.
- [x] "Secondary School Levels" for School kids between 9th graders, and 12th graders(9-12); they sit for KCSE Exams.


- [x] See "Wikipedia" homepage for what does GED diploma stand for?
- [x] See our "Rochester City Schools District" homepage.
- [x] See their "NYS-Regent Reviews" homepage.
- [x] See our "Kenyan's 8-4-4 Curricula Education Systems" homepage.
- [x] See our "Education Majors" grads.
- [x] Calls our UNHCR-Wau Primary School#9.
- [x] Contacts our UNHCR-Kakuma Refugees Camp, Kenya's Napata Secondary School, and Bor Town Secondary School Levels' Acroynm: Form I, Form II, Form III, and Form IV.

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I am already succumbed to change by Mr. David D. Wuor