Monday, May 22, 2017

"Marriage Arrangement: What informations to keep about our 2010-"Marriage Arrangement" reception?"

Compiled by Mr. David Deng de Wuor
Follow Us on the Twitter: @DavidWuor

1.) Where does a "Raising Hope" TV episode apply into our 2010-"Marriage Arrangement" reception?
=] My 1st wife Household of Mrs. Deborah Akur Deng of "Wut Palual sectarian" clans, is yet dwelling with her 2013 "new" partner Mr. Panrac Majak Deng of village of Mach de Deng
           a.) My 1st wife, & "2" children are safely on their refuge in the UNHCR-Ifo Refugee Camp in a town of Dadaab, Kenya instead of UNHCR-Kakuma Refugees Camp, Kenya. Since 2013 "Tribal Calamity" in the City of Juba, & Bor Town, they have had sought their Refugee resettlement in the region of Eastern Africa Community(EAC).
          b.) 1st wife Birthdate w/ her "foreign-born" children & her 2013 "New" partner Mr. Panrac Majak Deng are yet dwelling in UNHCR-Ifo Refugee Camp, Kenya.
                 i.) January 7th, 1993(Their birth date, although I do NOT have her "New" spouse's birthdate).
         c.) Children-born Overseas' Birthdates?
                 1.) Miss. Achirin D. Wuor
                        i.) May 16th, 2011
                 2.) Mr. Jimmy Anyieth D. Wuor
                        ii.) November 7th, 2015
2.) How "foreign-born" children got their "family-given surnames?"
=] Of course, they were named after our extended relatives: Mr. Anyieth de Yiyieth of "Pan de Alek Athor" section clans, and Mrs. Achirin Bior Ajang Aguer of "Pan de Bior Ajang de Aguer" section clans.

=] This is a UNHCR-BorTown compound officials' Satellite phone number: 442030510988. And since then, majority of people in Bor town sought a refuge for "Safety" measure in midst of 2013 "Tribal Nations' Calamity."
3.) What "family-given surnames" they should give to "next" children after Miss. Achirin D. Wuor, & Mr. Anyieth D. Wuor?
        i.) Late great grand-relative: Mr. Kuir-"Ngaarial" Bior Ajang de Aguer since He was a son of Late Blacksmith Craftsmanship by profession: Mr. Awan Riak from "Dinka-Hol ethnicity" of Duk County & Akuac Chol adulterous affair, although "wedlock" basis motion is still valid, whose heritage stemmed from "Dinka-Ngok Ethnicity."
        ii.) Late great grandparents: Mrs. Abiei Akol Kier & her Late Spouse Mr. Awer Adeer Deng Pajieth from Twic East County, Jonglei State, South Sudan.
        iii.) Late great grand-relatives: Mr. Mabior Ajur Kibai since He was a sibling brother of our late grandparents: Mr. Joak Ajur Kibai & his Spouse: Mrs. Achirin Bior Ajang Aguer from Twic East County, Jonglei State, South Sudan.
       iv.) Late Mother-in-Law Mrs. Akuol-"Makony" Chok Kuir, and her survived spouse "SPLA Army Brigadier Gen." Mr. Deng Leek Deng de Malual from Duk County, Jonglei State, South Sudan.
4.) How still "validity" is our 2010 "Marriage Arrangement" Motion in the village of Kongor Payam District by Kongor Payam Head Chief: Mr. Duot Ajang de Duot of "Wut paan de Bior Ajang de Aguer" clans?
=] She told me that I could no longer call them by phone, anymore. And since then, she is now dwelling with a "new" partner: Mr. Panrac Majak Deng.
           i.) I also have "custodian rights" to speak to my children. We are supposedly to see a Family Court Judge by "writ of appearance" order in USA for legally Annulment to 2010 "Marriage Arrangement" reception. And we ought to enter into legally "annulment procedural" motion of our 2010-"Marriage Arrangement", where we will have to legally consult for "re-appealment", and "replacement" in order to meet our "Civilized World standards."
          ii.) Children's "financial supports" is presumably mandate. And since then, she is presumably a "single mother", who is raising her "Hope" in 2013-UNHCR-Ifo Refugees Camp, Kenya.
         iii.) Children's Day Care, parents, car-pools, and their babysitters
         iv.) K12 Pre-School Kindergarten's Assignments, & "Bed-time" readings for children
         v.) Children's "Pre-School Report Cards."
=] It would be awesome if my wife, and her "children" find a "Refugee Resettlement" for Australia, New Zealand, USA, and of Canada.
5.) Where does "Rules of Engagement" TV episode apply into our 2010 "Elopment" casework of 2010 "newly-wedded" woman from City of Kampala, Uganda to village of Kongor Payam District by flight.
=] A Household of Mrs. Anon Atem of Pakeer Payam District, and Mr. Deng Deu of "Pan de Reech de Bior, & Pan de Thioloch de  Bior" combined sectarian clans, which are led by former SPLA Army ranking veteran: Sub-chief whip known as "Magaak": Mr. Makwei de Bior-lothdit.
          a) She probably bore a child for me in my absenteeism. Although she later married to Mr. Deng Deu. I will find out in the nigh future whether she got my child or Not. Whatever number of children she bore since between 1994 and 1998, one of them should belong to me.
          b.) I should have had asked her between 2010, and 2012 when I was in a Country of South Sudan. However, I forgot to find out if she has had
successfully been impregnated by me.
6.) What is Family Court Judge's criterion of our 2010 "Marriage Arrangement"  motion in the village of Kongor Payam District?
         a.) "Incestuous concerns"
         b.) "Religious groups' affiliation"
         c.) "Family-given Names" similarities between 2010 "bride-groom": Mr. David Deng de Wuor of "Wut paan de Bior Ajang de Aguer" sectarian clans, whose family heritage stemmed from today Duk Community of "Dinka-Hol ethnicity" people, and his 2010 "bride": Mrs. Deborah Akur Deng de Leek to our SPLA Army Brigadier Mr. Deng Leek Deng de Malual, and his 4th wife Mrs. Yar de Malual of "Wut Palual" sectarian" clans of "Dinka-Nyarweng ethnicity" people within Duk Community.
          d.) "Under-aged" minor of her Marital status when she entered into 2010 "Matrimonial Marriage" contracts in the village of Kongor Payam District apart from her recent 2013 spousal affairs with Mr. Panrac Majak de Deng of village of Mach Deng within Dinka-Bor Community, where her father: SPLA Army Brigadier Mr. Deng Leek Deng de Malual, and 4th wife Mrs. Yar de Malual has had married to a woman of Dinka-Bor Community.
          e.) "Reproductive Rights" due to parents' deepest concerns of "birth defect", and of "infectiously Lipstick" spouse: Mr. David Deng de Wuor, where 2010 "over-orgasm" probably became an attribute to "birth defect" of 2011: 1st "foreign-born" daughter: Miss. Achirin D. Wuor.
         f.) "Unruly behavior" of both spouses
        g.) Taboos of "Father-Daughter" Matrimonial  Marriage", especially common in the Inter-faith community of "Muslim religious groups."
        h.) Children molestation, especially to  "under-aged women to be" gender groups with exception of "boy molestations", which is common in "Judaism-Christianity" Community.
        i.) "Sister-Brother" relationships, especially on their fathers, and mothers sides, where "incestuous-Matrimonial marriage" motion is NOT opt-out.
       j.) "1st Cousin Matrimonial Marriage" motion of architects of Theory of Darwinism, & Evolution: Late Charles Darwin.
       K.) Question of "Health Care mandate", "Sex Educations", condom usage for infectious preventions from STDs diseases, Teen pregnancy's contraceptive drugs, and our "Planned parenthoods." Etc.

- [x] Watch our 2010-DVD-Video of "Marriage Arrangement" Reception in the village of Kongor Payam Districts, Twic East County, Republics of South Sudan/Sudan on YouTube streaming entitled: "David Wuor's Marriage Narrative Rehearsal#2."
- [x] Contacts our UNHCR-Ifo Refugees Camp, Kenya.
- [x] See "Planned Parenthood" homepage.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

"Writing Rules: What a Writer can NOT "distort" it when writing?"

Compiled by Mr. David Deng de Wuor
Follow us on Twitter: @DavidWuor

1.) What to avoid when writing?
- [x] Cliches.
- [x] Use of "long sentences", which led to ambiguity. A concise, and a "short sentence" are always good. And what to avoid is "vague sentences", and complexity sentences.
- [x] Use of jargons.
- [x] Avoid a usage of "passive voices" statements instead of NOT being simply "clear."
- [x] Spin of truths by NOT distorting it with "ambiguity sentences."
2.) What about usage of "passive-aggressive" statements?
- [x] I guess, I should read this (1946) entitled: "Politics, and English Language" essay by Author: Mr. George Orwel.

1.) Orwel, George.(1946)."Politics, & English Language". Essay. Penguin Publication. 256pg.(approx.).
2.) "Abii Orwele!! Kong'e abii Orwele,
Orwel ee, kong'e abii Orwele, X2" by Unknown Dinka Ethnic groups' singer.
3.).........,..........(2016)."Style Guide: An Introduction" of 1950s author: Mr. George Orwel's Quotes. The Economist Magazine Publications. Vol.# Unknown. Series: Unknown. Page:# Unknown.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

"What are Types, and Processes of Dating a Woman instead of "Sexually Trafficking" for Orgasm Exploitations?"

Compiled by Mr. David Deng de Wuor
Follow us on Twitter: @DavidWuor

=] Questions:
1.) What are "Types of Dating Woman?"
- [x] "Blind-dating" Meetings with a woman to which a parent, or closed friends set you up to meet with a woman.
- [x] "Date-picks"
- [x] "Lonely-wolfs of Nevada's" 1-on-1 Super Predating "attacks.
- [x] "Show-Up" with "closed-friends" on your "dating places" for more insights of your dating partners.
2.) What is a "dating process of woman" for long-term relationship?
- [x] Unknown yet.
3.) What do I do for "living?"
- [x] I am currently "unemployed" after February 5th, 2014 workforce place's "aggravated assault" on my management team. And therefore, there is nothing I do for livings to support a family, and myself.
4.) What "places" to go for "dating" for long-terms relationship?
- [x] "Regal Places" for Movies, and funs times together
- [x] Restraunts, where you both can go to eat, talk, and have funs.
- [x] Marketplace Malls
5.) What to affect after "dating" woman?
- [x] An irrationally "break-up" by saying do NOT call anymore.
- [x] Statements like I do NOT have an interest in you; or I am "married commitment."
- [x] "No responses" from them, which means a woman does NOT have a relationships' interests.
- [x] Refusal to eat when you both go for "dating places" for relationships' talks.
- [x] "Illicit drugs usage", and "alcohol consumptions" appeared to attract a woman.
- [x]  "Class stratifications", which indicated your "places" in the society.
6.) What to affect after "Sexually Trafficking a Woman" for "Orgasm Exploitations?"
- [x] Stealing my "belongings." Even, I almost lose my "keys" last time after I "sexually exploited" a woman for less "monies" instead of "sexually sleeping" with them for "free-in-charge."
- [x] Getting a "wrong address, and their contact phone numbers", where to reach them for "long-terms relationships."
- [x] Constantly negotiating a "deal" of how much I should give them for once-time "orgasms" without follow-ups for long terms relationships.
- [x] "Miscarriages" of my "1 days embryos" of unofficially OB/GYN Pregnancy Test by them sleeping with their "existing friends, ex-boyfriends,  and husbands."
- [x] Or shewing "Match-box" to instantly terminating their 1 days "unborn" fetus  instead of going to see their OB/GYN physicians.
- [x] Bringing-in "Bedbugs" into my Studio-rooms apartment.
- [x] Usage of other means of "Birth-Control pills."
- [x] Expecting "Streets", and other kinds of "sexually domestic violences" after you spent a night with them.
- [x] "Stabbing, and shooting" people in the streets as showcased of late Mr. Chol de Awuol's 2012 "rampage shootings."
- [x] And "unknown places" attacks by "street-kids' gangs."
7.) What to avoid when you are "on the dating" places with a woman?
- [x] "Religious talks."
- [x] 'Kinda' of "Big Bang Theory" of TV episode Intellectually talks.
- [x] Lying by telling what do NOT exist.
- [x] "Elitist misrepresenting" to individual to whom you are on the "dates."
- [x] Usage of "droning Program", by defaming others for your popularity.
- [x] "Politics' talks" by boasting your politically views on issues matter to "ballot-box" voters whilst you do NOT work for governments.
8.) What are "questions" to expect on your dating places?
- [x] Unknown yet.
=] Kissing a woman on your "first dates", I think it is a "success" for long-terms relationships.
- [x] Periodically "phone calls."


1.) See an "eHarmony" homepage for dating insights.
2.) See a "Hitch" film, Hollywood Movie Productions.
3.) Usage of "Latex condoms" to prevent individuals for "Birth-Control pills", and for prevention from "pre-existing conditions" of HIV/AIDS, and other STDs virus.
4.) See "Endangered species" legislations.

"What did I do for 'Job Search' before Winter Season come: A Reminding Note?"

=] Surf for "jobs" online tomorrow at our City of Rochester's Publics Library Branch before a Winter season come due to transportation:
      a.) Ask for "librarians" to help me find a jobs, esp, in the City of Rochester, New York.
     b.) As one of our "librarians" recommended, and then I will go to "Rochester at Work" place off Goodman Street for "job seeking."
=] Where to Apply for jobs?
1.) Spectrum's homepage, esp. in City of Rochester, New York
2.) US Postal Services' Homepage, esp. for Mail Processing Places'
3.) "Vacancies" at Monroe County gov't homepage, esp. for City of Roxhester's Waste Management(WM).
4.) SUNY Monroe Community College(MCC)'s homepage
5.) City of Rochester(ROC)-International Airport, esp. for Transportation, and Security Agency(TSA) homepage.
6.) 7-Home Depot Stores' homepage
7.) 1993-NYC-GOAL Ireland's "Orphanage Program" homepage since my legally Daddy Mr. Wuor Deng Joak de Ajur used to work for them as "Cooking Firewood" Splitter, where late Mr. Garang Kuei de Mel, Veterinarian Mr. Ahmed Deng de Wel, and Mr. Mach Mel were part of Staff, and Management for GOAL's Orphanage Program in the village of Panyagor, Twic East County, Republics of South Sudan.
8.) Rochester Publics Library Branch
9.) Alaskan Seafood Processing Company
=] What to bring?"
    a.) Brings my "Gateway" laptop, & jump-drive storage, where I have stored my "resume", and rest of other "documentations" along with a "draft resume."
    b.) Remember to un-check a "Marital Status" as "Single" since my previously wife Mrs. Deborah Akur Deng de Leek, and our two children are staying in UNHCR-Ifo Refugees Camp, Kenya, where Mr. Panrac Majak de Deng is her allegedly a "new" man, who currently bearing children thus far.
    c.) Historically 1973-"wiretapping" of former President Richard Nixon on DNC Convention, esp. for constantly "spying" on me, where "finger-pointing" would go to "unknown" officials in the Strong Memorial Hospital(SMH), "unnamed" City of Juba's gov't officials including my spousal father "SPLA Army High Ranking Command" Member Mr. Deng Leek Deng de Malual of Duk County, and to previously "Droning Program" of former President Barack H. Obama's Department of Homeland Security(DHS/USCIS).
=] What about "Annulment" motion due to "Names" similarity, "incest", and "Age" issues?
     a.) Of course, I have turned-down an "Annulment" motion of our 2010 Annully-marriage arrangement at the "village of Pawel" sanctuary place. And I am currently "financially unstable" to afford another flight ticket for Africa, if a legally "casework" jurisdiction be traced.
=] How could I be able to find a "Transportation to work whilst disabled?"
      a.) RTS Bus' Fare
      b.) Get a "rental car" from Enterprise: Car rental Company.
      c.) Calling "close friends", who I know to give me a "ride to work."
      d.) Purchase my own "RTS Bus fare" for work daily.
=] "Where is a hard-copy of my "Work history, and Experiences: Resume" since April 03, 2001 Arrival to USA?"


a.) It is saved it on my "Jump-drive" device. And it was NOT easy to "paste" on my "blogspot" homepage links: Http://


1.) Attached a Social Security Administration(SSA)gov't's "Ticket to Work" Program letter when they asked me for my disability.
     i.) See a "List of Employment Network(EN)" provided, which are currently servicing a County of Monroe, Rochester, New York.
    ii.) Call a "State's Vocational Rehabilitations(VR)" of NYSED-Rochester District Office.
2.) "Charlie, and Chocolate Factory: Gold Ticket" Hollywood Film.
3.) South Sudan Relief, and Rehabilitation Agency(SSRRA).

"Blogspot" Archive

I am already succumbed to change by Mr. David D. Wuor