Thursday, May 11, 2017

"What did I do for 'Job Search' before Winter Season come: A Reminding Note?"

=] Surf for "jobs" online tomorrow at our City of Rochester's Publics Library Branch before a Winter season come due to transportation:
      a.) Ask for "librarians" to help me find a jobs, esp, in the City of Rochester, New York.
     b.) As one of our "librarians" recommended, and then I will go to "Rochester at Work" place off Goodman Street for "job seeking."
=] Where to Apply for jobs?
1.) Spectrum's homepage, esp. in City of Rochester, New York
2.) US Postal Services' Homepage, esp. for Mail Processing Places'
3.) "Vacancies" at Monroe County gov't homepage, esp. for City of Roxhester's Waste Management(WM).
4.) SUNY Monroe Community College(MCC)'s homepage
5.) City of Rochester(ROC)-International Airport, esp. for Transportation, and Security Agency(TSA) homepage.
6.) 7-Home Depot Stores' homepage
7.) 1993-NYC-GOAL Ireland's "Orphanage Program" homepage since my legally Daddy Mr. Wuor Deng Joak de Ajur used to work for them as "Cooking Firewood" Splitter, where late Mr. Garang Kuei de Mel, Veterinarian Mr. Ahmed Deng de Wel, and Mr. Mach Mel were part of Staff, and Management for GOAL's Orphanage Program in the village of Panyagor, Twic East County, Republics of South Sudan.
8.) Rochester Publics Library Branch
9.) Alaskan Seafood Processing Company
=] What to bring?"
    a.) Brings my "Gateway" laptop, & jump-drive storage, where I have stored my "resume", and rest of other "documentations" along with a "draft resume."
    b.) Remember to un-check a "Marital Status" as "Single" since my previously wife Mrs. Deborah Akur Deng de Leek, and our two children are staying in UNHCR-Ifo Refugees Camp, Kenya, where Mr. Panrac Majak de Deng is her allegedly a "new" man, who currently bearing children thus far.
    c.) Historically 1973-"wiretapping" of former President Richard Nixon on DNC Convention, esp. for constantly "spying" on me, where "finger-pointing" would go to "unknown" officials in the Strong Memorial Hospital(SMH), "unnamed" City of Juba's gov't officials including my spousal father "SPLA Army High Ranking Command" Member Mr. Deng Leek Deng de Malual of Duk County, and to previously "Droning Program" of former President Barack H. Obama's Department of Homeland Security(DHS/USCIS).
=] What about "Annulment" motion due to "Names" similarity, "incest", and "Age" issues?
     a.) Of course, I have turned-down an "Annulment" motion of our 2010 Annully-marriage arrangement at the "village of Pawel" sanctuary place. And I am currently "financially unstable" to afford another flight ticket for Africa, if a legally "casework" jurisdiction be traced.
=] How could I be able to find a "Transportation to work whilst disabled?"
      a.) RTS Bus' Fare
      b.) Get a "rental car" from Enterprise: Car rental Company.
      c.) Calling "close friends", who I know to give me a "ride to work."
      d.) Purchase my own "RTS Bus fare" for work daily.
=] "Where is a hard-copy of my "Work history, and Experiences: Resume" since April 03, 2001 Arrival to USA?"


a.) It is saved it on my "Jump-drive" device. And it was NOT easy to "paste" on my "blogspot" homepage links: Http://


1.) Attached a Social Security Administration(SSA)gov't's "Ticket to Work" Program letter when they asked me for my disability.
     i.) See a "List of Employment Network(EN)" provided, which are currently servicing a County of Monroe, Rochester, New York.
    ii.) Call a "State's Vocational Rehabilitations(VR)" of NYSED-Rochester District Office.
2.) "Charlie, and Chocolate Factory: Gold Ticket" Hollywood Film.
3.) South Sudan Relief, and Rehabilitation Agency(SSRRA).

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