Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Dinka Ethnic groups: What are types of Marriage Arrangements, and How much "Bride-wealth" individuals pay?

Dinka ethnic group's Type of Marriage Arrangements, and their bride-wealth cost

Compiled by David D. Wuor
E-mail: dengwuor1980@gmail.com

1.) What a "traditional Dinka ethnic groups" bride-wealth cost?

- [x] Average Dinka ethnic groups' grooms pay at least between 30 and 100 heads of cattle to extended family members of bridesmaids

A.) Bride-wealth Cost:
- [x] 4 Heads of cattle are offered from both side of bride & groom's family members to be slaughtered at the marriage reception, especially in Dinka ethnic group's Community.
- [x] Bridesmaids: are number of women handpicked, and scheduled to entourage a bride into her "new home" of Marital groom, where they have to be lavishly fed for those at least TWO weeks of their stay
- [x] "Azookwiin" rebate: It is a rebate, which agreed to return out of minimum of bride-wealth worth they had arrangingly offered to family members of bride
- [x] "Alothok" incentives: are incentives assigned to Marital groom's best men based on numbers of Bridesmaids, who have had accompanied a bride to her "new" home
- [x] "Kweeth" of bride-wealth out of home of grooms' extended family

B.) Types of Dinka ethnic group's Marriage Arrangements, & bride-wealth division:
- [x] "Apaat" Arrangement
- [x] "Appot" Arrangement
- [x] "Ayuup" Arrangement

C.) Type of Dinka ethnic group's Marriage entries basis into home of bride extended family:
- [x]  "Jot" basis
- [x]  "Maat" basis
- [x]  "Keeny" basis
- [x]  "Lieech" basis
- [x] "Ruok" splitting basis, where one of parties by pregnancy motion, take a kid by "Paternity Custody", and at least 6 heads of Cattle are paid to family of woman in "pregnancy status"

=] Of course, it depends on what type of "marriage arrangements" you had pursued. Some grooms marry a bride by "Jot" basis, "Maat" basis, "Lieech" basis, & "keeny" basis.

2.) How "Leernyiirbei" bridesmaids selection" is done?
- [x] Well, Bridesmaids selection is done accordingly to whoever related to extended family of bride in Marriage motion.

- [x] "Socrates' Traditional Marriage Narrative is not valid anymore, although those "Traditional Marriage Motions" could still be questioned for "absolute truth", said Philosopher Plato. Of course, both Parties in "Marital Status" could send out their invitation cards to dignitary invitees, where they have to indicate avenue, and time for "wedding receptions."
- [x] "Gok": engagement by a group or rather more than "one" lonely wolf is likely led to durable, and sustainably relationship.
- [x] For a "girlfriend" to be?                                      =] I should get a more affluent rather than a girlfriend, who has the same "social stratification" like me. I am already a "poor gentleman", where I no longer have a vehicle for transportation, & grocery shopping. I do NOT have a "monies" for wedding arrangements, and bride-wealth to family of girlfriend to be. For instance, "The Coming to America" movie film, it is just a movie film. And there is none of my "family members" will back me up as it showcased in the movie clips.  
- [x] A "condom usage": Free Latex, it is plausible in this situation, where I had to protect myself from unknown Sexually Transmitted Diseases(STDs) in the New World.
- [x] According to Council of Dinka ethnic groups' Elders(CoE), there's an "opening statement", especially when Marriage Arrangement begin: "Amadeeni, yin Mr. Bil de Aweet.......eei wo ke bo; buke Miss. Nyan de angadie ben tom maikou........."
- [x] 1988: 1st grade class H: Americans' song lyrics in village of Pawel: " Old Ronald McDonald has a Farm, eio!! eio!! X2 A Cow is "moowing" here! And A cow is "moowing" there! Everywhere is ""moowing", and "moo! moo!!!"

3.) How about them going to Church, and Court for certification of their Marriage?

4.) What is a derivation of word: "Muslim", and its "Tik-Nya" Marriage motion in Judaism-Christianity World?

5.) What is "Exit Strategy" out of problems in "Tik-Nya" Marriage Practice in the World today instead of "Mass migration?"
- [x] Boyfriend, and Girlfriend relationships

=] Dinka Ethnic groups' Marriage's Glossary Keywords:
- [x] "Chieeth" Pre-Screening of groomsmen's bride-wealth
- [x] Invitation Papers
- [x] Wedding Reception
- [x] Wedding gowns
- [x] Marriage certification
- [x] Engagement rings
- [x] Marriage rings
- [x] Achievement ring
- [x] Bridesmaids
- [x] Groomsmen
- [x] Couples' pledge of allegiance in front of Priest in the Church reception
- [x] "Leimze" vehicle bookings
- [x] Pregnancy baby-shower reception
- [x] "Leernyiirbei" Bridesmaid selection
- [x] "Biool" offertory: 4 quantity of cattle on both side of who are holding a "Marriage Arrangement"
- [x] Parents, & invited dignitaries' entourages.
- [x] Time for ring placements
- [x] Time for bride, & groom kissing
- [x] "Azookwiin" rebates
- [x] "Alothok" incentives
- [x] Day of "Ching de Waal": It is a Day, where number of bride-wealth are placed on the dyke horizontally, and vertically during the 3rd Days of Marriage's bride-wealth: "Allen" arrangement
- [x] "Horizontally Wal": It showcased whether bride-wealth are yet ready or NOT yet ready for "Kweeth" screening into hands of groomsmen's extended families
- [x] "Vertically Wal": It indicated whether bride-wealth are yet ready or NOT for "Kweeth" screening into hands of bridesmaids' extended families
- [x] "Chieeth" Pre-screenings: It is when one of groomsmen's family members  are sent out to pre-screeningly evaluate of what groomsmen's bride-wealth are before Day of Marriage Arrangement began.
- [x] "Mioor de Cha": It is normally equivalent to 1 Head of Cattle for offertory slaughtering feast, where extended family of parties in Marriage motion sat down, and ate out peacefully
- [x] "Leery de Meth bei": It is a transportation of a kid of Parties in Marriage motion to home of groomsmen's family
- [x] Courtship
- [x] Financially Child support
- [x] Incest, and Annulment: It is a lawfully cancellation of already done Marriage motion due to incestuous dilemma, rape, and of underaged involvement into "Marriage arrangement" motion
- [x] Divorce motion
- [x] Separation motion
- [x] "Survivor", & Retirement Benefits
- [x] "Koch" replacement: It is a replacement event held if one of parties in "Marriage" motion have had deceased, and then one of Parties in Marriage motion would have to file a "Survivability" benefit.
- [x] "Ruok" splitting motion
- [x] "Akoor" death: It is a death caused by either a woman, or  man in Marriage motion, who have committed an adultery NOT outside of groomsmen's extended family members.
- [x] Adultery issue
- [x] "Family feud" infightings
- [x] "Nyop e Tik Chiin Maach" Cooking event
- [x] "Hannah": It is a tattoo drawing occasion on the hand palms, and feet of bridesmaids
- [x] "Niaai de Nhom": It is a braiding of bridesmaids' heads at the nearby Salons: Hair Shop.
- [x] "Ruuk e Tik" preparation
- [x] "Jaam ee Nyiirthok": It is a symposium event, where bridesmaids, and groomsmen sat down for philosophically talk whether they have a "common ground" on selection of groom
- [x] "Thai de Nyiirbei" event: It is an event, where bridesmaids, and groomsmen are entouragely walked into home yard of groom
- [x] "Gok": engagement, dating, & Courtship
- [x] Reception during an Engagement event: It is a reception held so that dignitary invitees, and parents at large makeup their "state of minds" about future couples' choice for engagement, and commitment before Days of Marriage motion
D.) Types of Relationship's "Given Titles Clarification:
=] "Nuclear Family's Titles?"
- [x] Father: Mr. Wuor Deng Joak de Ajur, and his 3rd wife household: Mrs. Achol Anhon de Dau of Wut Kongor sectarian clans of Kongor Payam district.
- [x] Step-Mothers: 2nd wife Household: Late Mrs. Adhieu Bul de Nyuop of Wut Kongor sectarian clans of Kongor Payam district, her survived son: SPLA Army's Payroll Clerk: Mr. James Deng Wuor de Deng, and her son's family members.
- [x] Brother:............"A brother's son, and daughter are probably known as Nephew, and/or Niece.
- [x] Sister:..............."A Sister's son, and daughter are probably known as Nephew and/or Niece."
- [x] Nephew:.............."Brothers' sons, and Sisters' sons are likely referred to as: Nephews."
- [x] Niece:................."Brothers' daughters, and Sisters' daughters are likely referred to as: Nieces."
- [x] Parents: Mama, & Papa, Husband, & wife, Non-Married Couples, Married spouses, Separated Couples, Divorced Couples, etc.
- [x] Grandparents: grandma, & grandpa.
- [x] Relatives
- [x] Non-relatives: Friends
- [x] Neighbors
- [x] In-Laws
- [x] Masters: Slave-owners
- [x] Slaves
- [x] Freed slaves
- [x] Workers
- [x] Co-workers
- [x] Tenants: Guests, Roommates, Friends on sleep-overs, etc.
- [x] Landlords
- [x] Adopting families, or Foster Care Families
- [x] Host Families for refugees, homeless persons, alyssums, etc.
=] "Extended Families' Titles?"
- [x] Uncle.............."Uncles' children are likely referred to as: Cousins."
- [x] Aunt................."Aunts' children are likely referred to as: Cousins."
- [x] Cousin............"Wen de......", or "Nyan de......: Walen, Wuwac, Molen, and Nor(Dinka ethnic group's translation)." Or Children of my Uncles, and Aunts are likely known as Cousins."
- [x] Etc.
=] "In-Laws' Family Members Titles?"
- [x] Father-in-Law: SPLA Army Brigadier Mr. Deng Leek Deng de Malual, and his family of Nyarweng sectarian clan
- [x] Mother-in-Law: Late Mrs. Akuol Chok de Kuir, and her family of Nyarweng sectarian clan.
- [x] Brother-in-Laws: Late Mr. Leek Deng de Leek of Nyarweng sectarian clan.
- [x] Sister-in-Laws: Mrs. Ayen Deng de Leek, and her family.
- [x] Etc.
=]"Steps' Family members Titles?"
- [x] Step-Father: Mr. Garang Akoi de Bol and biological mother: Mrs. Nyaluak Mabil de Awer of "Pan de Yaak" family within "Ayual sectarian clans" of Nyuak Payam district.
- [x] Step-Brothers, and Step-sisters: 1.) Late SPLA Army PVT Mr. Akoi Garang Akoi de Bol, 2.) Mr. J. Atiop Garang Akoi de Bol, 3.) Mr. G. Manyuon Garang Akoi de Bol, 4.) Mrs. Abit Garang Akoi de Bol, and her husband Mr. Alaak Garang de Deng, 5.) Late Mr. Madit Garang Akoi de Bol, and his Cousin: Late Mrs. Akuol Yaak Akoi de Bol, 6.) Mr. Ngor Garang Akoi de Bol, and his sister: Miss. Nyibol Garang Akoi de Bol.

6.) How many "young-women" have I had sexually stalked, dated, & courtship in the past?
- [x] Miss. Yar of "Awulian sectarian clans"
- [x] Miss. Adut of "Adhiok sectarian clans"
- [x] Miss. Akuac of "Adhiok sectarian clans"
- [x] Aunty Miss. Ajith de Manyok of "Ayual sectarian clans"
- [x] Miss. Adau Joak de Deng of our "Kongor sectarian clans"
- [x] Mrs. Anon de Atem of "Pakeer sectarian clans"
- [x] Mrs. Abuol de Garang Deng of our "Kongor sectarian clans"
- [x] Miss. Akuol de Abbot of "Nyarweng sectarian clans"
- [x] Mrs. Abiei de Gai of "Bor sectarian clan"
- [x] Mrs. Achieu Achok de Deng of "Bor sectarian clans"
- [x] Miss. Maureene Atieno of "Luo ethnic group" in Western Province of Kenya
- [x] And undisclosed past girl-friends

Other Bibliography reference
- [x] For questions of "Islam religion", Visit: Http://www. samharris.org/blog

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I am already succumbed to change by Mr. David D. Wuor