Wednesday, December 7, 2016

"In a Time of State Emergency: How well are we prepared?"

In a time of Emergency: How well prepared are we?

Compiled by David D. Wuor

1.) How important is cattle keeping?
=] Well, as long as you have other means of making a living to support self and of family, then why other people would choose to send their kids to Schooling? Since you never know who will do exceptionally and Excell in School, why some of them would relieve their impoverished family behind?

And yet, if we were to talk about daddy family, and then we do NOT have "inherited cattle wealth" from our ancestors. Since 1990s insurgency, where "Nuer ethnicity" had rustled majority of Twic East County, Duk County, and rest of Bor South County until "1993 reconstruction period", the "Nuer ethnicity insurgents" were immensely defeated by SPLM governments.  Although you are already aware of this repercussion, where mass majority of residents in Jonglei State had starved to death due to inadequate "food insecurity." There were none of "head of cattle" left behind between 1990-1993 by "Nuer ethnicity insurgents."

2.) What did "Family of Wuor" accomplish?
=] Given our "impoverished status", where we did NOT inherit any "cattle wealth" between 1990 and 1993 Nuer ethnicity insurgency, we have shipped our "invulnerable wives, sibling, and children" to UNHCR sponsored camps: Kakuma Refugee Camps, Kenya in midst of 2013 "coup de'tat" in Juba City, Republics of South Sudan. And a problem still was to "ad-hocally" spilled over onto Jonglei State.

And my daddy is still there in Twic East County, rearing minimum of our 30 head of cattle, although my half siblings and yet rest of my siblings are schooling in Nimuli town in Equatorial region, where two of my half brothers are partially employed by JUBA governments, where one of my siblings is a "payroll accountant" to SPLM and SPLA governments.

3.) How well prepared are we as family of Wuor for future diaster?
=] We currently have THIRTY "head of cattle" and if anything happened again to rustle Twic East County's cattle, includding our available cattle, although we got ONE head of cattle from Pibor town of "Murle ethnicity", which we got from 2011 deadly battle with Murle ethnicity "cattle raiders" , and then they could come to retrieve their cattle anytime they felt to since "GPAA administration" of Cobra Division by Lt. General David Yau-Yau is already re-in-stated into SPLM governments, where he is also installed to receive any returning Dr. Riek Machar oppositions.

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I am already succumbed to change by Mr. David D. Wuor