Thursday, July 12, 2018

‘Cover Letter’: What ‘Insights’ Can I Tell to Employers? By Mr. David D. Wuor


  1. This ‘Cover Letter’ is NOT bad, though. And I think 💭 I wanna still read more about how to write a good ‘Cover Letter’ from “Career Expert, and Award Winner”, Author like Mr. Andrew LaCivita.💭

  2. Reminding?
    =] Calls New York State Department of Labor(NYSDOL)‘Unemployment Insurance Benefits’ office every Sunday for “weekly end claim” by phone number provided between 7am and 5pm:
    a.) At least, 3 to 5 “Work Search” are required weekly. And this “work search records” sheet is supposed to be submitted Annually when they needed.

  3. For updated ‘Resume’ on google photos’ Archive, please go to links at:


"Blogspot" Archive

I am already succumbed to change by Mr. David D. Wuor