Thursday, May 10, 2018

2010-2011 "Africa Educational Trust(AET)'s PC-Tutorial guide" by David Wuor

AET Student’s Name:……………………………………………………Date:………………….
Mentor’s Name:……………………………………………………….Course Type:…………..
And for Africa Educational Trust (AET)’s PC-Tutorial guide in PDF file, please right-click here to open it in Hyperlink page.

I.       Introduction to Computer

Basically, what’s computer?.....”it is a devices that computes especially a programmable electronic machine that performs high speed mathematical or logical operations or that assembles, stores, correlate, or otherwise processes information.” Or it has only one Central Processing Unit (CPU) that performs most calculations and includes a main memory chip, control unit and an arithmetic logic unit.”
Types of Computer
1)      Micro-computer(PC)
2)      Mini-computer/or mid-range computer
3)      Main frame computer
4)      Super computer
Micro-computer : ‘are most common type of computer in existence today, whether at work in school or on the desk home.’ E.g, desktop computers, laptops/notebooks, palm top computers, game consoles, PDA (stands for Personal Digital Assistant) , etc.
Mid-range or Mini-computers “: is class of multi-user computers that lies in the middle range of the computing spectrum: Main frame and Micro-computers, e.g higher end architectural computers, IBM, HP computers, etc.”
Main-Frame Computer---‘are computers capable of processing large amount of data entry quickly and are also used in large institution such as government, banks, and large corporation, etc.’
Super-Computer---‘are used to process intense numerical calculations such as weather forcasting, fluid dynamics, nuclear simulations, theoretical astro-physics and complex scientific computation, etc.’
Advantages and Disadvantages of computer?
Advantage of Computer
Ø  Stores massive of data and quickly perform data computations
Ø  Helps users organize their files neatly
Ø  Allows Internet web-based networking such as be able to go into social networking,,, etc where users can communicate with colleagues in the globe in a matter of second
Disadvantages of Computer
Ø  Appears to be costly, sometime hard to afford by users with lower income
Ø  Destroys social life since users happen to spend much time on computer until they forgot to interact with people they used to keep them maintain balance
Ø  Hurts users’ eye sights due to radiation if they use it for long time
Ø  Causes pimples and wrinkles
Ø  Causes violation of privacy since hackers got into other users computers without noticing

Hardware…is a general term for the physical artifacts of technology that computes and this refer to the physical parts of computer that can be seen and torched e.g. keyboard, screen, monitor, visual-display unit, Mouse Printer, speaker and Central Processing Unit (C.P.U). Of course, it is one that makes up computer system

Components of Computer
Ø  Input devices… > Keyboard, Mouse pad button, etc
Ø  Output devices…> Printer, projector, monitor, screen, Ethernet cable, etc.
Software….This refers to various program uses. Software resides on the hardware without software the hardware alone can not be used. It is the programs and instructions used to run the system or computer meant to instruct computer on what to do.
Input device…Are targets in putting data in to the computer and they are important especially when manipulation data are using computer e.g. Keyboard, mouse pad button, track-boll, light pen, joy stick, etc.
Output Device…are used to display information out in the computer e.g. Printers: Dot matrix, laser-jet, inkjet, daisy-wheal, canon (B), projector;  monitor, screen, ear plugs, USB drive, cable ports, ethernet cable, speakers, flash drive or jump drive USB, random access memory (RAM) drive, Power Supply cables, Sound cards, graphics card, motherboard, hard drive, etc..
Application—‘is a unit within a program that is made up of a single executable file or hundreds of files, which includes additional software modules, configuration files and also data files.’
Central Processing Unit (CPU): this is the main central activity inside the computer which has been categorically divided in to the parts namely:
a)      Central Unit (CU)
b)      Arithmetical and Logic Unit (ALU)
c)      Main Memory Immediate Access Storage (MMIAS)

Central UnitThis is the part, which supervise, or monitoring execution of program instruction.

Arithmetical and Logic Unit…..This part performs mathematically operation and logical comparison.

Main Memory (Immediate Access Storage)

This is the part where the program and working data are stored.

Output Devices

Main Memory Drive

Backing Storage

System Unit Software: -This is a software, which is need for the general operation of the computes, that include the following; Operating System, System Utility and Programming Language;

Operating system….is software that controls the operation of the computer. Is the first to be loaded when the computer is turning on and the last to be closed before the computer turning off / down.

System Utility

This is software, which helps or facilitates the function of operating system. In other words software give additional support to operating system to allow its function as required without interference.

Programming Language,

Programming language allows the user to write instruction for the computer. Most of the programming languages are problems oriented. They are restricted to particular problem domain. Example of programming language is as follow: C:/drive, D-drive, E-drive, etc.
Language Processor: -It translates the user program in to machine code. There are two (2) types of language processor namely Compiler and interpreter.

Compiler program,

It is translate the user program in to machine sensitive area / code all at once provided, there is no syntax error.

Interpreter program,

Interpreter is the program, which translates and executes the source program once at a time. Some time an interpreter is refer to as interactive language.

Microsoft Windows Operating System: -

Various version of windows operating system have been developed by Giant software Company e.g. micro soft co-operation base in USA, micro soft develops windows to replace micro soft disk operating system M.S DOS which relies on Coptic commands. Windows operating system is a graphic interface, which employs graphic objects or icon or menu (list of commands or instruction to help users).

Version of Windows Operating System: -

Ø  Windows 95
Ø  Windows 98
Ø  Windows 2000 (millennium edition)
Ø  Windows XP (Home Edition)
Ø  Windows NT(New Technology)
Ø  Windows OS / 2.(Operating System)

Desktop features of windows operating system: -

Windows 95 – 98 and later version have similar desktop feature which include the following icons: a small graphic, which represents application or utility. An icon obstructs an idea about a program that it represents.
Microsoft Word---‘ is a word processor designed by Microsoft corporation in the 1983 under the name Multi-tool word for venix system. Other versions were inter-written for IBM PCS running (1983), the APPLE Mac-Intosh (1984), and finally Microsoft Windows was invented as late as in 1989.’
Ø  When you start a Word Processing, a new blank document is displayed on the screen. Its name---Document1 on the title bar
Ø  Each new document that you create during a session in Word Processing is given a temporary name following the Document1 format and your second document will be called Document2, the next Document3, and so on.
For procedure on how to open a Microsoft word, go to Start menu, click it and you will see All Program tab, point your mouse pad pointer onto it, then follows the arrow until you see the Microsoft Office tab from the task pane bar. Do not stop there, just keep following the arrow right from the Microsoft Office until you got to Microsoft Office packages and choose Microsoft word processing, the one with W-symbol, not X-symbol, P-symbol nor a Key symbol for Microsoft access.
Uses of Headers and Footers
Ø  Are pieces of text or graphics that appears at the top and bottom of page
Ø  For procedure on how to get it, go to the view menu, click on header and footer tab
Ø  You can also add page number (#) to a header or footer of the page and MS word  processing will automatically insert the right page number for you.
Creating of a Folder/or Binder
Ø  For procedure on how to get it,  go to ‘My document’ icon and double-click on that icon, and there should be a pop-up dialogue prompt window on the screen. Click on ‘make a new folder’ tab from the task pane and rename it after it pop-up on your left side of the screen. You could also move and drag it onto to the desktop after renaming it.
Saving in a Folder of which you created
Ø  Drag a file or document and then drop a document you produced into a folder so that you can use it whenever you need it
Saving of a Document: New and Existed Document
Ø  Locate your menu bar and click with your left mouse pad button on the word, ‘file’ menu and there you will see a ‘drop-down list’
Ø  Move your mouse pad pointer to ‘save as ‘ or ‘save’ tab from the task pane and then click once with left mouse button
Ø  Choose where you want to put a document into whether under the Desktop, My Document, Created folder, or on a flash drive USB from the drop-down list arrow right there on the top of pop-up window prompt
Ø  Rename that document you wanted to save and finally click on either ‘save as’ or ‘save’ tab
Openning of File
Ø  From the file menu, click on Open tab and there the Open dialogue box prompt window appear. Choose from the prompt window right from the drop-down list depending on where documents were saved either under My document, Desktop, in a Flash drive or anywhere---locate the right name of file you wanted to open from the prompt and finally click on the Open tab button after you found your appropriate documents to be used
Cut, Copy and Past features
1.      Three techniques on how to cut:
a.       Menu Cutting
b.      Right-Click Cutting
c.       Keyboard Cutting
a.) Menu-Cutting:----Highlight the text, you wanted to cut. In the image below, the word ‘Dear Darling’ is selected. This is a word we wanted to cut. Go to Clipboard file if you wanted to see it and this is a home for cut, or copied documents to stay there temporarily. For procedure on how to do it, from the menu-bar, after text is highlighted, click on the ‘edit’ menu, and then select cut button tab from the standard tool bar. Therefore, your highlighted document has gone.
b.) Right-Click Cutting---highlight the text first you wanted to cut: Dear Darling
  • Click on the highlighted text with the right mouse button tab to get the pop-up menu
  • Choose the ‘Dear Darling’ by clicking it with the left mouse pad button
c.) Keyboard Cutting---Highlight the word first you wanted to cut. Hold down the Control Key on your keyboard. Keep the Control key held down. Presses the letter X in the keyboard and there your highlighted text will disappear.
For Copy---Click on “edit” menu bar, and then select copy tab from the task pane in the standard tool bar after you highlighted text. e.g Dear Darling. Move your cursor or insertion point to the so-called new location
For Paste----From the menu bar, click on the ‘edit’ menu from the standard toolbar and then select ‘paste’ button tab from the task pan. Now, your text is reproduced to the location you specified. E.g Dear Darling.
d.) Right-Click to Copy and Paste---Highlight the text you wanted to either copy or paste. Click on the highlighted text with the right mouse pad button. From the pop-up menu, click ‘copy’ button tab with left mouse pad. Move your cursor to the place where you want to paste your text. Click the new location with your right mouse pad button. From the pop-up menu, click on the ‘paste’ with the left mouse pad button. Your text is pasted to the new location
e.) Keyboard Copying and Pasting—Highlights the text you wanted to copy and paste. Hold down the control (CTRL) key on your keyboard. Your text is now copied. Move the cursor point to the place where you wanted to paste your text. Press down letter (V) on your keyboard [control key + Letter V] short-cut for pasting.
Document Formatting
1)      Bold Text ----To make letters look much darker than their usual appearance e.g Sweet valley is located in the Western hemisphere
2) Italics ----To make text appear much skinner and slanted forward i.e Western Hemisphere            
3) Underline ----(all stand for BIU)---to run straight lines under the selected text or document, e.g. Western Hemisphere
4.) Setting fonts: Font size and Font styles[(11-inches to 12-inches font point) is normal font size for document]-----are used when formatting characters in Word. Of course, Font size is the effect of which letters are differently smaller or bigger. .e.g the smaller the font size point (8-point), the smaller the letter. Or the bigger the font size, the bigger the letter in appearance, whereas the Font style tends to have different effect. e.g go to font style gallery and choose either Time New Roman or Arial for your text and you will notice the different it entice depending on user discretion. For procedure, go to format menu, and click on font tab. Finally click Ok if you are happy to make a change
5.) Page Margins ---to change the margin setting, go to file menu from the formatting toolbar, and choose Page set up—Select the Margin tab or edit the margin field if required and finally click on Ok.
 6.) Bulleted and Numbered text---of course, you can add bullets or numbers automatically to your paragraphs. To change the setting, go to format menu from the tool bar, and then choose Bullets and Numbering and there should be dialogue box prompt appearing. Finally click on Ok button.
How to Insert a Page Break?
  • -Click on ‘insert menu’, from the bar and then from the drop-down list, click on the ‘page break’ button and there dialogue box window prompt appears.
How to format your text or documents with ‘Word Art’?
Ø  Click on the slanted blue letter A in the ‘Drawing Tool bar’ and then the Word Art dialogue box prompt appears.
Ø      A lot of different styles to choose from
Ø      Select a style and click it with your left mouse button
Ø      You can also change the font styles and font size point as you type them in your document template
Ø      You can always click on ‘edit’ menu and then select ‘undo’ to go back to your original letters
Clip Art
Ø  Inserting Clip Art
Ø  Resizing Clip Art
Ø  Moving Clip Art
Ø  Text Wrapping
Inserting Clip Art----The first thing to do is type your text into a new blank document. So go ahead and type the Dear Darling in your new blank document space when you have type all that you can insert some clip art
Ø  From the menu bar, click on the ‘insert menu’ and go to ‘picture’ tab, then select clip art picture from the drop-down list
Resizing Clip Art----Now, you have inserted ‘clip art’, click on the image with left mouse pad button. Hold down your left mouse pad button. Keep the left mouse pad button held down and finally drag your mouse pad button to the right
Text Wrapping---Click on the image. Or for procedure, go to Format menu bar and then select ‘picture’. This will bring up the format picture dialogue box window prompt. Click on the word ‘layout’ from the dialogue box prompt to bring layout tab strip once more
Borders and Shading
Ø  Click on the Format menu and then select Borders and Shading. From the dialogue box prompt and then click the shading tab strip and finally select a fill in color for your background
 Creating of Table
Ø  Click where you wanted to create a table
Ø  Click ‘insert table’ menu tab on the standard toolbar
Ø  Select the number of columns and rows from the drop-down list
Margins and/ or Orientation
Ø  Go to file menu and choose a Page set up
Ø  Select the Margin tab to set margins as required and finally click Ok
Spelling and Grammar
Ø  Go to the Tool menu bar, after you highlighted text or documents
Ø  Choose language and select set language tab to see whether it is already set to English
Ø  Click Ok
To Deal With Spelling Errors
Ø  Click or either click on Ignore once, Ignore all, Auto-correct, Change tab
Ø  Click Add tab so that word can be added to the Dictionary  and lastly click on Ok
Find and Replace
Ø  Are useful when working with longer files or documents
Ø  Go to ‘edit’ menu and choose Find and Replace tab to either locate or replace text with new  text
Ø  And finally click on Find Next to continue until you find what you wanted on the Personal Computer(PCs) short-cut e.g Control key [CTRL] + F
Ø  Place the insertion point or cursor where you wanted to drawing. For procedure, go to Insert menu, and choose Picture. Select New drawing
Ø  Create your drawing objects or select one of the drawing tools
Ø  Click and drag to position the object
Showing and/or Hiding Tool Bars
Ø  Right-click on the tool bars
Ø  Any tool bars that are displaced have a tick symbol beside their names
Ø  Click on the name of the tool bar that you wish to show and hide
NB. If no tool bars are displayed, you can use the view menu, instead to show again. Go to View menu bar, and choose Tool bars. Click on the once that you wanted to show and you can click on the customize tab to make some change in the dialogue window prompt
Paragraph Spacing
Ø  You can control the amount of space before and after a paragraph in the format paragraphs dialogue box prompt
Ø  For procedure, you go to Format menu, and choose Paragraph to open the dialogue box
Ø  Set the spacing before  and/or after by selecting paragraph(s) ---double-space, single-space or multiple space, ---use the split arrow to adjust the values or type the settings into the field
Ø  Finally click on Ok
View Options
Ø  When working in a document, there are several view options and some of those type are: Normal, Print Layout, and Web-page layout view
Ø  For procedure, you can go to View menu from the standard toolbar and choose either Normal , Print–layout and/or Web-page layout view.
Keyboard Short-Cut
Ø  Using keyboard short-cut is fascinating and any keys starting from A-to-Z plus the Control key has function and below is the short-cut table using keyboard only
Hold-Down Control Key[CTRL] with one of the letters starting from Letter A to Z

Means Select All
Means Bold
Means Copy
Means Depends upon the application; font dialogue box (word); Fill down(Excel); Duplicate(in PowerPoint)
Means Centre Align
Means Find
Means Go to
Means Replace
Means Italics
Means Justify
Means Insert Hyperlink
Means left align
Means Left indent(word)
Means New file
Means Open file
Means print file
Means Remove paragraph formatting(word)
Means Replace
Means Save File
Means Hanging indent(word)
Means Underline
Means Paste
Means Close active window
Mean Cut
Means Repeat the last action
Means Undo

Computer Keyboard Symbols and Shortcuts Continued

Functions Related to Files
·         Ctrl + S = To save a file
·         Ctrl + N = To create a new document
·         Ctrl + O = To open an existing file
·         Ctrl + P = To print a file or folder
·         Ctrl + W = To close an open file or folder
Functions Related to Paragraph Alignment (when documents or texts is first selected)
·         Ctrl + J = To justify a paragraph
·         Ctrl + L = To left align a paragraph
·         Ctrl + R = To right align a paragraph
·         Ctrl + E = To center align a paragraph
Functions Related to Line Spacing (when text is firs highlighted)
·         Ctrl + 1 = For single line spacing
·         Ctrl + 2 = For double line spacing
·         Ctrl + 5 = For 1 ½ line spacing
Functions Related to Font Styles (when text is first selected)
·         Ctrl + B = For bold
·         Ctrl + I = For Italic
·         Ctrl + U = To underline
Functions Related to Page Scrolling
·         Ctrl + Home = To reach the top of the document
·         Ctrl + End = To reach the bottom of the document
·         Ctrl + Page Up = To reach the top of the page
·         Ctrl + Page Down = To reach the bottom of the page
Functions Related to Editing
·         Ctrl + A = To select all
·         Ctrl + X = To cut
·         Ctrl + C = To copy
·         Ctrl + V = To paste
·         Ctrl + F = To find
·         Ctrl + H = To find and release
·         Ctrl + Z = To undo
·         Ctrl + Y = To redo
Functions Using The Alt Key
·         Alt + 0176 = Degrees
·         Alt + 0162 = For the symbol ¢
·         Alt + 0188 = For the fraction ¼
·         Alt + 0189 = For the fraction ½
·         Alt + 0190 = For the fraction ¾
·         Alt + 0163 = For the symbol £
·         Alt + 0169 = For the symbol ©
·         Alt + 0174 = For the symbol ®
·         Alt + 0165 = For the symbol ¥
·         Alt + 0177 = For the symbol ±
·         Alt + 0247 = For the symbol ÷
·         Alt + 0166 = For the symbol ¦
·         Alt + 0149 = For the symbol •
·         Alt + 0134 = For the symbol †
·         Alt + 0227 = For the symbol ã
·         Alt + 0151 = For the symbol —
·         Alt + 0150 = For the symbol –
More PC Keyboard Shortcuts
·         Windows Key + E = Opens window explorer
·         Windows Key + F = Finds files and folders
·         Windows Key + R = The Run command is brought up
·         Window Key + Pause/Break = Will take you to the systems profile
·         Windows Key + D = Helps you toggle between the desktop and the other thing you are working on
·         F1 = For help
·         F7 = To check the spelling
·         Shift + F7 = To go to the thesaurus
·         F12 = To save as….
·         Alt + F4 = To exit the program
·         Ctrl + Alt + Del = To break out of a lockup and open task manager
Printing----“It is always a good idea to have a quick look at your document before you print it and you can do this by clicking once on the Print Preview button on the standard toolbar. If you are not happy and wish to make some changes before you print it, close the preview window and go ahead to make the necessary changes (Manning, pg 69).”
If you wish to print more than one copy, you should click on File and then click on Print. And there the dialogue box window will appear. You will see that the number in the “Number of Copies  box is highlighted enabling you to overtype. Type the number of copies you require. Then click Ok and your document will be printed (Manning, pg 69).”
Dragging of Columns and Rows
For column, you use the right mouse pad button to drag the column to the desired location. Right or left mouse pad button to drag a column.
For rows, you hold down the control key as you drag a row to a desired location.
NB. Keep looking at the cursor point and it will change to four arrows.
Formatting of Cells
Select the cell, you may want to format. Go to the format menu, and then choose cells and then click on the number tab in the format cell dialogue box.
Calculation of subtotals
Go to the data menu, click on the subtotal tab and there appear a command for subtotal for anything you want to add up before you add up grand total.
Calculation of Absolute Tax
For example, if you purchase a computer for 800 Sudanese Pounds and there is an 8.9 percent sale tax. How much do you have to pay for the sales tax? In this example, you want to find 8.9 percent of 800 Sudanese Pound.
A Column                                                                                               B Column
Purchase Price [X-axis value ]
Sales Tax[Y-axis value] in decimal point
800 Sudanese Pounds
0.089  This is equivalent to 71.20 Pound in currency
Formula=A2*B2 and then hit an enter key for an answer
Description[result 800 Sudanese pounds by 0.089 to find out the amount of sales tax to (71.20 Sudanese Pounds)]
Total:   871.20  in Pound                                                              Value in Sale Tax: 71.20  in Pound
Note: To convert a number in percentage format to a decimal point, divide it by 100. For example, the sales tax in this example (8.9) by 100 percent=0.089
A) Formula for division=A3/B3 and then hit an enter key for answer
b) Formula for Addition=A3+B3 and then hit an enter key for answer
c) Formula for Subtraction=A4-C5 and then hit an enter key for answer
d) Formula for Multiplication=A3*B3 and then hit an enter key for answer
Inserting in of a Charts and Graphs
Go to Insert menu, and select Chart and choose XY (scatter) as you type. Select what kind of lines you want. Follow the wizard to create whatever axis labels you want, or if you do not need labels, just hit next a lot. At the end of the wizard click finish and your graph appears.
Sorting of Columns and Rows
Well, Excel makes it easy to sort a range of values. You might not think of sorting spreadsheet values, but it can come in handy; sorting can help alphabetize a column or row names.
Go to data menu, and select sort and there dialogue box appears. Click on the Options button in the sort dialogue box
a)      Select sort top to bottom or left to right in the dialogue for either columns or rows
Click Ok in the sort option dialogue box or you can choose Ascending or descending to determine the sort order.
Exercise…………..See page 189 in the textbook
Cat food
Water Melon

Opening of Power presentation is much similar to opening of word processing and Excel as well. Simply go to start menu, and click on that All Program, and follow that arrow until you see Microsoft Office. Under the Office, you will see a list of tab and there click on the Ms PowerPoint tab.
Uses of Presentation’s Slide
Allows users to incorporate all kinds of creative backgrounds on the slides
            -Nice background will make slides look presentable and more readable.
With PowerPoint, you can add or place photos into slide template and other graphics and project them to the board.
Inserting in of background
Go to format menu, and click on the background tab from the task pane. As background dialogue box appear, select a desired color that can be used temporarily as a background.
Inserting in of “design template
Go to format menu, and click on the slide design from the task pane and there dialogue box appear. Choose from the style template of what “design template” you want to use as a background for your presentation.
Inserting in of color scheme
Go to format menu, and click on the ‘slide design’ from the task pane and under slide design tab, you would be able to choose color scheme tab, where you could pick any color you wanted to use as a background
Inserting in of ‘new slide’
Go to Insert menu from the standard bar and click on the ‘new slide’ tab to create another slide to write on.
Terminology in PowerPoint
1)      Slides—the individual pages of a presentation. They may contain text, graph, clip art, tables, drawings, and animation, video-clips, visuals from other applications
2)      Note page---are pages that has a small image of the slide plus any types notes. You can print those pages and use them to prompt you during presentation.
3)      Handouts---are smaller version of your slides that can be printed: 2, 3, 6 and 9 to a page. They provide backup materials for your audients and can be customized with a company name or logo.
4)      Outline… a useful overview of your presentation’s structure, this has the slide title and main text, but no art work or drawing
5)      Objects---are texts or graphs, tables, word art, clip art pictures, chart and sounds that you can place on the slide in a PowerPoint
Exercise 16…….See Page 238 in the textbook
-“Is a database that is used to store names, addresses, and data to run a business such as suppliers, stock, customers, staff, etc.”
Terminology in Access that might be unfamiliar to you and below is a brief description of terms which you will later encounter during the session as we go.
‘All the data on one topic is stored in a table. In a simple database, you might have only one table. More complex area ones may consist of several tables (p159).”
“The data for a single item in your table, e.g the details relating to one book in a library table (p159).”
“A piece of data within a record, e.g in book’s record, things like ISBN, Title, or author( p159)”
“Links the details in one table to the detail in another e.g through the ISBN(p159)”
“The process of linking tables or queries,(p159).”
Data definition
“The process of defining what data will be stored, specifying the field’s type (number, text, etc.), size and how it is related to data in other table (pg159).”
Data Manipulation
“Work done on an existing database e.g sorting it into an order, extracting records from tables, or listing detail from several tables in one report (pg159).”

Library Database example
Book Table
First Name
Last Name
Publisher code
The Planets
Outdoor Cooking
The Kitchen Garden

Access Objects
An Access database consists of objects that can be used to input, display, interrogate, print and automate your work. These objects are listed in the database window. The ones we will be using are:
·         Tables---“the most important objects in your database. Tables hold your data and are used for data entry and editing. They display data in a datasheet.”
·         Queries—“used to locate specific records in your tables using various criteria, e.g overdue books, or all science fiction books.”     
·         Forms---“used to provide an alternative and more user’s friendly front end to your table for entering and editing records.”  
·         Reports---“used to produce various printed outputs from the data in your database.”
Creating of Tables
Ø  Double-click on wizard form to create a table
Ø  Select tables on the object box
Ø  Click New on the database window tool bar
Ø  Select design view
Ø  Click Ok
NB. In design view, you can specify the field names, data types and any other properties you think would be useful.
Primary Key---“is the one that is the unique identifier in each table. In the table above, the primary key in the book table is the ISBN and in the Publisher table, it is the Publisher ID.”
  1. Click the relationship tool on the database tool bar at database window
  2. The show table window should also be displayed ---if it not, click the show table tool to display a list of tables
  3. Select the tables to add to the relationship window and click add
  4. Click close once you have added your tables
NB. We need to create a relationship: a) Between the books and publisher table using the publisher ID. With the tables related, we will be able to pull information from more than one table at a time if   necessary (pg 168)”
Relationship Types
1.      One-to-many relationship---“This is the most common type of relationship and for example, the Publisher table can have many matching records in the Book table”.
2.      One-to-One relationship---“This type of relationship may be used when storing personal data, where you could have general information in one table---i.e name, address, job title, and confidential information in another, salary , bank details, etc.”
Referential Integrity---“are rules that are followed to preserve the defined relationship between table when you enter or delete records.
To Create a Relationship
  1. Click on the field, you wish to relate to another table
  2. Drag the field and drop it onto the field you wish to link it to in the other table
3. At the Edit relationship prompt dialogue box, select referential integrity (if desired) and click create to establish a relationship
4. Click Ok
The lines running between the fields linking the tables are called join lines
To delete an existing relationship
1.      Click on the join type line, you wish to remove to select it
2.      Press [Delete]
3.      Respond to prompt as required
-Save the changes made to the relationship window if you wish to keep them and close the window when you have done.
To create an Auto-Form for a table
  • Select the table you wish to use from the table list in the Database window, e.g. Books, etc
  • Click the Field list tool to show the display of the field list
  • Click the toolbox tool
Form Wizard
  • Select Forms in the Object bar
  • Double-click create form by using wizard tab
  • Select the table or query you wish to use a field from
  • Select the field and click symbol forward (>)to add it to the selected fields list
  • Choose the layout required and click Next
  • Select a style and then click Next
  • Amend the suggested Forms names if you wish
  • Select Open the form to view or edit information
  • And finally click on Finish
Report Wizard
  • Select Reports in the Object bar
  • Double-click on create report by using wizard
  • Select the book table and add all the fields to the selected field list and click Next
  • Specify the grouping, e.g Classification, and click Next
  • Set the sort order, e.g Title, etc.
  • Click Summary Option
Exercise 3:     See Page 206 in the textbook
‘The Recipes table of records’
Main Food
Code with Herbs
Tuna bean salad
Red Pepper
Roast vegetable soup
Pasta with pesto sauce
Banana ice-cream
Chocolate Souffle

VI.) What you need to know about Internet Usage
---Use MS Interactive audio since there is no Internet connection. For procedure on how to get MS Interactive audio training:

a)      Go to start menu, click on All Program Application tab

b) Proceeds up the task pane until you see ‘Accessories’ and then click on MS Interactive Audio training
First Step with the Internet
-To open your browser-------Please Click on that Big letter (E) symbol Icon
       --double-click the Internet Explorer short-cut on your Desktop
      --click the launch Internet Explorer on the taskbar menu
Types of Internet Connection:
a)      DSL—means cable connection
b)      Dial-up---Means phone line connected device
Web Addresses:
World Wide Web (WWW) and also there URL (Uniform Resources Locator), which is the address of the page you wish to visit: Http:// or;, etc.
Home Page
-is the one that appears when you start Internet Explorer
Search Engines/or Search Companions:,,,, MSN, etc.
Email Components
1)      Send message                             6) Copy Field (CC)
2)      Inbox                                             7) Blind Copy (BCC)
3)      Compose Message                     8) Reply to or Forward to Field
4)      Attachment                                 9) Address Book i.e contacts, email address
5)      Subject field                               10) Message area or field
·         Send Message---Click on compose tab and then enter the address of recipient in the To field space. Type in something in the Subject space and finally key in the message you want to convey. Click on the Send tab
·         Inbox---Message that you receive will be displayed in your inbox and also unread messages have an icon beside them and read message have no message
·         Reply to/Forward a Message---
¨      Open the message if necessary
¨      To reply a message , click reply or reply all when your message is displayed on the screen
§  Forward a Message---to forward a message to someone else, click forward
·         Enter the address details as required
·         Type in your reply or message
·         Click send
·         Attachments----If you want to send a report or a holiday snap or pictures to your colleagues and family, you can send them in a form of attachment.
--Basically you click on add/edit attachment button tab when your message is displayed and click on browse tab and there you should be prompt dialogue when it will ask you to click on attach to add your file or documents you wanted to send to the list of attachments.
--Repeat this step until document or file is attached and finally click on Ok
·         Address book---Select the contacts tab; click New contacts and also be able to complete the quick contact information as required and finally click on Ok button
TO, CC, and BC
The TO: is the field for those that you want to send a message
The blind copy (BCC)—is the field for sending a blind copy to i.e;, etc.
CC field---is an area for those messages you intend to send a copy to so they know what is going on e.g;;, etc.

Bibliography/or Works Cited:
Manning, Lynn. (2006) Computing for Beginners: The Basics Explained in Plain English.              Author House Publisher, Bloomington, Indiana (USA).
Sherman, Jackie.(2008) Practical Exercises for ECDL Using Office XP and 2003. Pearson Education Limited/Prentice Hall Publisher, World wide.
Stephen, Moira.(2003) Teach Yourself: Basic Computer Skills. McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc(USA) and Hodder Education Publisher(UK).

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"Blogspot" Archive

I am already succumbed to change by Mr. David D. Wuor