Friday, May 4, 2018

“John Garang and Sudanism: A Peculiar, Resilient Nationalism” Thesis by Mathew J. Delaney, California Polytechnic State University in June 2010.


  1. Um, “John Garang fought in fervor against oligarchs in Sudan.....”(see page 3 of 46 pages ), wrote Mathew J. Delaney in his 2010 thesis in PDF file to California Polytechnic State University.

  2. "You can't bring 'people' to Towns; However only 'people' can ‘choose’ to come to Towns",said late Dr. John Garang de Mabior.


  3. Um, congrats on your “newlyweds” Mr. Deng Lueth Mayom Ayiik, and Ms. Madina Garang. And I deeply apologized for any misunderstanding regarding selfie photos’ “delete, or remove” demanding from Facebook, Inc. social giant media.🤓


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I am already succumbed to change by Mr. David D. Wuor