Wednesday, May 9, 2018

“The ISIS Files”: We unearthed thousands of Internal documents that help us understand how Islam States stay in power so long” by Rukmini Callimachi, et al., New York Times(NYT) Newspaper, April 4th, 2018


  1. “In Mosul, what had been called the Directorate of Agriculture was renamed Diwan al-Zera’a, which can be translated as the Ministry of Agriculture. The term “diwan” harks back to the seventh-century rule of one of the earliest caliphs,” wrote Rukmini Callimachi, et al., to New York Times(NYT) Newspaper, April 4th, 2018

  2. “The United States-led coalition, trying to eject the Islamic State from the region, tried in vain to strangle the group by bombing its oil installations. It’s much harder to bomb a barley field. It was not until last summer that the militants abandoned Mosul, after a battle so intense that it was compared to the worst combat of World War II,” wrote Rukmini Callimachi, et al., to New York Times(NYT) Newspaper, April 4th, 2018


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