Saturday, May 18, 2019

CHAPTER 7. South Sudan’s Gun Control, and Disarmaments Commission Policy

Basically, it is a policy that was drafted and implemented right after signing of 2005 Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in Naivasha in Kenya. This is probably what stipulated in the CPA six(6) Protocols mandate to which it advocates removal of arms in the hands of mentally deranged civilians. Nobody is expected to bring harms to any innocent people in South Sudan. Since the 1956-1972 Civil Wars with Old Sudan was ended, I know in the United States of America(USA), the Second Amendment of US Constitution authorized ‘gun control’ monopoly of legal licensing of “non mentally deranged Individual-1.”  “It is the rights of people to keep, and bear arms. And it  shall not be infringed(US Constitution Pamphlet, page 21, (2003).Edition).”  However, in the South Sudan, this gun control, and disarmament ad hoc commission was created to take away loosely guns from the hands of convicted South Sudan’s Civil War Criminals, which were apprehended to be dangerous to the general publics. And this was only now under the latest 2010 interim government of South Sudan. They could get ‘machine guns’ with appropriate authority so that the STEM problems of children abductions, women kidnapping, and livestock rustlings would be lessened by licensing the guns’ owners, and of machine gun barriers.
After creating this “Machine guns” removal ‘ad hoc commission’ to remove loosely machines from civilian monopoly, Message was dispersed and dispatched to certain South Sudanese. States like people in Jonglei State in South Sudan, which has had history narratives for 1990s Nuer Ethnic groups’ insurgents. And probably there might be reprisal for relatives, whose parents were killed between the 1991, and 1993 by the Nuer ethnic groups’ insurgency as well as “gun control” ad hoc policy for relatives, whose parents were barbarically killed by the Murle people. The cattle rustling has never had stopped since before the 1980s Sudan’s Civil Wars with Old Sudan ignited. Governments of South Sudan had decided to lessen a high rate risk of livestock rustling, and historically influx of children abduction, and women kidnappings in the State of Jonglei in South Sudan.

Even before I made a visit for South Sudan, this “Machine guns” removal ad hoc commission was meant to remove ‘loosely guns’ in the hands of civilian populations. Unless you have had an appropriate licensing that when this “Machine gun control” ad hoc commission was led by 2nd Lieutenant, Mr. Bol Kong from Ayod County in South Sudan. He was the low ranking SPLA Army Commanders, especially from SPLM Liberation Movement Party like High Commander, Mr. Bior-‘Manyunduk’ Aguerdit from Twic East County, Jonglei State in South Sudan. And there were a lot of delegations from 2010 “gun control, and disarmaments” ad hoc commission. They probably were  selected for temporary “gun control and disarmament” commission. As talking to residential people of Twic East County, Jonglei State in South Sudan, they had told me that this was a ‘second time’ occasion for SPLM Party’s “gun control and disarmament” ad hoc commission to remove unlicensed machine guns from the hands of mentally deranged civilians to which they were awfully affected by 1980s Sudan’s Civil Wars. I was so fortunate and lucky enough to meet with some of this “gun control and disarmament” ad hoc commission in 2010 right before referendum was held in 2011. These gun control and disarmament delegations were working to enforce gun removal from suspected Sudan’s Civil War Criminals dwelling in the Protections of Civilians(POC) site in Tonyping Neighborhood of City of Juba in South Sudan. This temporary agency was rushing to disarm people in South Sudan. Since they tended to foster ‘formidable threats’ to the domestic tranquility and to the well-being of people of Twic East County, Bor South County and Duk County in South Sudan, we know these 11 Counties in Jonglei State in South Sudan, they just got out of 1980s Sudan’s Civil Wars. And they are waging Counterinsurgency fightings. This 1990s Tribal Horrors was ended in 2002 Nairobi Agreements in Kenya. These are innocent populations, who just recently got out of 1980s Sudan’s Civil Wars with Old Sudan as well as from 1990s Nuer Ethnic groups’ Counterinsurgency fighting that was ended in 2002 Nairobi Agreements in Kenya.  The 2002 Nairobi Agreement was ended before 2005 CPA Agreement was brokered and signed in Naivasha in Kenya. The South Sudan has gotten a lot of Political Parties. And some of those Political Parties are the South Sudan People’s Defense Force(SSPDF), and the South Sudan Independence Movement (SSIM), which are led by the Rebel leader, Dr. Riek Machar-Teny. He is today transcended to the post of South Sudan’s vice-presidency to 2010 South Sudan’s President Salva Kiir Mayardit after ending the so-called 1991 Nasir Declaration in the Two-gentlemen Agreement in Nairobi, Kenya in 2002. They both have had signed the September Agreements in 2018 in Khartoum in Sudan. And we know that the South Sudan has gotten independence in 2011 by ‘secession’ vote from Old Sudan during the referendum as it is stipulated in the 2005 CPA Protocol mandate. In 2005, this was almost the same year when the South Sudan and Old Sudan concluded 2005 CPA ‘Naivasha-Machakos’ Agreement mandate in Kenya.
When was the Gun Control and Disarmament ad hoc Policy started?
It was just begun right during the South Sudan’s 2011 referendum for six years Term of 2005 CPA Agreement protocols. Before 2011 referendum of secession votings, especially in the Jonglei State, Twic East County in South Sudan, they have also eventually had unearthed the ‘clustered bomb and land-mines. They were sowed during 1991-1993 Counterinsurgency fightings against the 1990s Nuer ethnic insurgents. Since they had defected from the mainstream South Sudan SPLM Political organizations, they are free to form their own distinct factions as well. They probably had removed landmines, which were sowed during the South Sudan’s political struggles in the 1980s Sudan’s Civil Wars.

These regional Areas of Deep Southern States were awfully affected, especially in the Equatorial region and in the Upper Nile region with exception of Bhar-el-ghazal region in South Sudan. Since there were the so called ‘Mural Dheen’ militias, they penetrated and they rubbishly destroyed everything by horseback. It had adopted the different fighting strategies that was imposed to protect those civilians. Of course, I wanted to speak volume about it since 1980s Sudan’s Civil Wars operations’ was based in one part of region, especially the Equatorial region in the South Sudan. Part of region are already annexed to the Old Sudan. To these regional areas, there are exceptions of Nuba Mountain territory, Blue Nile territory, and of Abyei territory, which are still annexed to the Republics of South Sudan according to the Sudanese Governments of National Unity(GONU). This condition might have had been what stipulated in the 1905 Dinka Ngok Ethnic groups’ Speaking people of late Paramount Chief, Mr. Deng Majok‘s “Border Demarcations” agreements between the South Sudan and Old Sudan. Although the Country was still united under the 1950s colonial British overseas Boma Administrations, they still had to run regionally by uniting “Junubin” people of South Sudan  with the “shuman” people of Old Sudan. This has historical trends with 1905 Dinka Ngok Ethnic groups’ speaking people  of late Paramount chief, Mr. Deng Majok, who I think he is the father of Brooking Institute Professor Francis Mading Deng.  And yet he is the South Sudan UN General Assembly Ambassador to the United Nations(UN) in New York(USA).
Who enforced 2010 “Gun control and Disarmament?”
It was enforced by this SPLA Army’s gun removal ad hoc commission to which it comprised of special landmining Technicians. They were commissioned by the South Sudan’s federal governments and State governments. They are also meant to remove unlicensed machines guns as well as by removing sew clustered landmines, and bombs in the areas of Twic East County in South Sudan. They were planted during the 1993 Counter-insurgency fighting to curb back enemy from backlashing inflations of economic long Austerity.
Advantage and Disadvantage of the “gun control and disarmament” Commission Policy
 It was awesome having loosely machine guns control policy. They are supposed to be removed from the hands of mentally challenged civilians of Jonglei State in South Sudan. Since this deep Southern States had never had ‘long-Term peace of minds’ Agreement with itself. Initially, it began with ongoing tension of livestock rustlings, children abductions, and women kidnapping to which people of Twic East County in South Sudan always reiterated. Why Murle people of Pibor County in South Sudan never multiple by procreating for children, and of families? They had never stopped kidnapping childrens, and women. Probably, they might have some sort of genetics pathogens and diseases that keeps them barren or having ‘no children.’ Instead of taking other people’s children and women always, they also decided to rustle cattle for well beings. This is what I am paraphrasing some of statements from people of Twic East County in South Sudan. In response to the ongoing livestock rustlings, children abductions, and women kidnapping, they are ‘tampered with evidences’ that the Murle people of Pibor County in South Sudan frequently stole their cattle. With exception of cattle rustlers from 1990s Nuer ethnic groups, they come in the large quantity of people, who are equipped for barbaric battles. And they used an “excessive force” to plunder livestocks. After horrific battles with people of Twic East County, Jonglei State in South Sudan like 1970s ‘Pagaak battle’, the Nuer ethnic groups’ speaking people had resulted in killing of my late grandparents, Mr. Jok Ajur Kibai Ater, alongst with late Kongor Payam districts’ Paramount Chief, Mr. Duot Bior-’kweigak’ Ajang Aguer.

And there was recently 2010 ‘monstrous battle’ with Murle people of Pibor County, Jonglei State in South Sudan, in the village of Payom which had lasted for several hours fighting. Numerous quantity of Murle people were killed including their renown best warrior and fighter according to Murle people of Pibor County by the name Mr. Majuong. This was dedicated and named after 1950s Murle Ethnic groups’ Warrior by the name Mr. Majuong. Today this is literally referred to as ‘Beher Majuong’ battle. This also meant fighting with Murle people. They made history to which  word ‘Beher’ in Dinka language are yet definitively rhymed with Murle.

 I think ‘Saving lives’ would denote ‘advantage’ to this gun control and disarmament ‘ad hoc commission’ with which they have had put in place. They would rather take away loosely machine guns from the mentally deranged Suspects. And they should stop them beforehand getting into the Civilian populations. The South Sudan’s deep Southern States and Local governments could also be held accountable for contingent insecurities in the County levels. Whereas disadvantages of this gun control, and disarmament ‘ad hoc commission’ is that, this is the disproportionate measure. Since the gun control and disarmament is being enforced in the various deep Southern States, they should also necessitate, or impose it in all Eleventh Counties in Jonglei State in South Sudan. In addition, the  Murle people were not disarmed. And they were not hardly found in their Pibor County in South Sudan. There was not any disarmament operations in the Equatorial regions in its three(3) States of Eastern Equatorial State, Western Equatorial State, and Central Equatorial State in South Sudan. And in the Bhar el Ghazal regions with its four(4) States of Western Bhar-el-Ghazal State, Lake State, Warrap State, and Northern Bhar-el-Ghazal State, the gun control and disarmament is also being effectuated in the all levels.

1 comment:

  1. Of course, ‘gun control’ policy should be imposed in all governments level. And this gun removal should be partisan issue, whether the Democratic Party should have stands on licensing of individuals, or not.


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