Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Tribal Insurgents' Split Stories: 1991-1993 Nuer Ethnic groups' Defections from the Mainstream South Sudan(SPLM/SPLA) Political Organizations" By Mr. David D. Wuor, Blogspot Media, May 15th, 2019.

There were so many causes behind SSIM Political defections to which led to the split, and/or disenfranchisement from SPLM/SPLA Movements for freedom fighting against the Old Sudan. And one of those causes for defections within the SPLM party was one ‘Party domination’ in the South Sudan struggles excluding other Parties’ full Participation in leading people of South Sudan out of tribulations, and/or struggles for independence. This one ‘Party domination’ escalated into South Sudan’s Army struggles, where Nuer-ethnic groups disenfranchised, and/or fought against the Old Sudan. This ‘privilege’ of “being deprived of rights”, became the tangible issue of ‘1991 Political defection’ from the mainstream South Sudan SPLM Political party organization. They had arguments for ‘Multi-party system’, and Minority participation in the struggle. In 1990s, Nuer Ethnic groups had tons of back-up plans of disenfranchisement, and/or decisive formations of SSIM Political Party Movement.  As a result, engineer by Training Dr. Riek Machar-Teny pushed the so-called ‘hot button’ trigger, and ended up splitting from the SPLM political party in 1991 with his own Nuer ethnic group to which they have had led “insurgency fightings” against SPLM party. And to the whole movement as well, He sought series of rights’ impending issues to be implemented before independence from the Old Sudan. He later formed the rival political organization in Nasir town, beyond Ayod County in Jonglei State in South Sudan, known as the South Sudan Independence Movement(SSIM) Political Party. It was meant to disengage this SSIM Political factions against the mainstream South Sudan’s SPLM/SPLA political organizations. Sudan People Liberation Army(SPLA) was meant for Military wings as well as with its Humanitarian organization known as South Sudan Relief and Rehabilitation(SSRRA). It formerly was known as SRRA Agency.  This was taken off from the whole English Abbreviation Acronym of SSRRA. Since it is already Humanitarian organization, the SSRRA Agency is also working in liaison fashion with the United Nations(UN) organization.
This 1991 Political defection can be stigmatized on the Tribal line’ tension. Since the South Sudan Independence Movement (SSIM) leader Dr. Riek Machar-Teny has had left with his own Nuer ethnic group from river-lake Nilotic speaking people, they had organized the three years between 1991, and 1993, the benign insurgency against the SPLM Party. There are a lot of rumors that he had a tie with Old Khartoum's scoundrel, and/or rogue regime in getting Weapon of Mass Destruction(WMD),  Ammunition, and/or other military artillery for his own insurgency Army ambitions. He later let out the Prisoners of War(POWs). And He also extracted them to his own Nuer Ethnic groups’ insurgency against the mainstream South Sudan SPLM. Of course, there were a lot of rivals to which later imprisoned in the Bush. Since they did not agree with how struggles was being waged , and/or carried out, they included SPLM High Ranking Commanders such as the late SPLM Commander, Mr. Arok Thon Arok from Kongor Payam district, of Twic East County in South Sudan, the late SPLM Commander, Mr. Joseph Ouduk from Equatorial region, the late SPLM Commander, Mr. William Nyuon Bany from Ayod County, Jonglei State in South Sudan, the late SPLM Commander, Mr. Kuach Kaang from Upper Nile State in South Sudan, and/or the late SPLM Commander Kerubino Kuanyin Bol from Warrap State in Bhar-el-ghazal region in South Sudan. And there were a lot of other Prisoners of War (POWs) to which were held hostages and/or detained for number of years in the Bush. They have had hoped that they will be questioned, and interrogated for spying. And they also let them free after the end of the South Sudan political struggles against the Old Sudan. With this 1991 Political defection organized, group of Prisoners(POWs) with their own Bodyguards broke wrecky Prisoning cells. And they left with the ‘1991 Nuer ethnic group insurgency’ to which they later organized a harsh insurgency fighting against the SPLM led Troops. They have had hoped that they will eventually dismantle them. And they ended up defeating the South Sudan SPLM Troops with its leaderships. Of course, they installed totally, and/or holistically new leadership to which will resume fighting against the Old Sudan.
As it showcased in Anya-nya I 1956-1972 Political Power’s struggle within the South Sudan to whom they would lead the people out of tribulations, and hardship. At best, it has had repeated itself in the second uprising struggles (1983-2005) against the Old Sudan amongst the freedom fighters. Everyone else, who sought Political power within the SPLM ‘Politi-buro’. They fell into ‘the Akuot Atem Mayen’ dilemma to which he was the Anya-Anya I veteran leader. And He has had tried very hard to become top leader in the 1983 Uprising. However, he did not get it. And He ended up in escaping for Nuer ethnic groups stronghold destinations, where he later perished without returning to the 1983-2005 struggles. This ‘slippery effect’ to which SPLM commander Akuot Atem Mayen from Nyuak Payam district, Twic East County, Jonglei State in South Sudan. And He also the Anya-nya I veteran, who fell into, repeated itself again. Bunch of the late SPLM Commanders like Mr. Arok Thon Arok, Kerubino Kuanyin Bol, Joseph Ouduk, Kuach Kaang, and Mr. William Nyuon Bany faced hostaged.  And He was detained in the Prison cells in the Bush because of “Political power” of the SPLA Army struggle to which everyone else across the ‘Tribal line’ sought Representations in the SPLM party.  Although the engineer by Training Dr. Riek Machar-Teny was not held hostage, He was detained in his home arrest. If he had stayed longer in the SPLM Political Party, and then He would have had been detained in the SPLA Military Prison cells in the Bush. He avoided this dilemma in organizing the 1991-1993 Nuer ethnic groups insurgency against the mainstream SPLM Political Party. By stemming off from that “Political power” SPLA Army struggles to whom he was one of the Top Commanders within the SPLM political party, they become Partisan rival, forever. But there was not any other “choices” on the Table, much better than “grubhub”s  Delivery of Services to people of South Sudan.
Ascending in the SPLM leadership “grubhub” was ‘troublesome and hard’ to get since number of high Commanding leaders sought Promotions within SPLM ‘Politi-buro’. It got harder since Promotions to the Top Commanding needed people across every ‘Tribal line’ to serve in the “vested interests” of the late SPLM Chairman, Dr. John Garang Mabior. And He was also the leader of South Sudan SPLA Army struggles since its formation in 1983. Any Promotion was not either jumbled, or tossed, for probability of whoever gets heads, or tails become promoted to the SPLM/SPLA Movement Party. However, it was necessary that every ethnic groups got “Representations” in the leadership “grubhub” of SPLM political party.  And it was the only Political party established thus far. As we know, there were three Regional Provinces in the South Sudan during the struggles against the Old Sudan including other three Territories of Abyei, Nuba Mountain, and Blue Nile. And when leadership Promotion was done, every Regional Province, which comprised of Upper Nile region, Equatorial region, and Bhar el ghazal region. And of other three Territories of Abyei, Nuba Mountain, and Blue Nile had been needed for consideration in the selection of leaders. As a result, many late Top SPLA Army Commanders like Kerubino Kuanyin Bol, William Nyuon Bany, Arok Thon Arok, Joseph Ouduk, and Kuach Kaang got upset of what was going in their SPLM Movement. And they were obsessed because they did not get ‘Top tier percentile’ positions within SPLM leadership ‘grubhub” they needed according to my 2005-2008 Niagara University’s undergraduate Political Science student Ms. Rachel Tober. They later began to serve arrogantly in contrary to what the late SPLM Chairman, and the former president Dr. John Garang de Mabior of South Sudan during that time of struggles. Before they got independence from the Old Sudan, they were not Sudan’s Civil Wars, and/or War-Crime Mongers, yet. Almost all of those five top late SPLM Commanders: Kerubino Kuanyin Bol, William Nyuon Bany, Arok Thon Arok, Joseph Ouduk, and Kuach Kaang got hostaged in the Bush. And they were eventually detained in the prison cells until 1991-1993 when SSIM leader Dr. Riek Machar-Teny broke into prison cells in the Bush. He has had freed them by absorbing them into his political factions referred to as ‘the South Sudan Independence Movement (SSIM)’ Independence Movement. And He subsequently posed, and/or waged a harsh “insurgency fightings” against the mainstream SPLM political organization. They thought that they will eventually defeat the whole system with their ‘Iron fists’, and/or of ‘Iron Curtain’ to which they had the notions that SPLM/SPLA Movements were corrupted. And it was believed to be dysfunctional, especially in the SPLM leadership “grubhub”, where it had sought renewing, and/or reformation for better leadership. The SSIM Independent Movement leader Dr. Riek Machar-Teny had late British-Born Citizen wife, Mrs. Emma McCunes, who masterminded, thought-processing, and/or envisioned the whole Nuer Ethnic groups’ defections from SPLM Movement Party.
‘Political Correctness’ played a big part in the 1991-1993 Political defections from the mainstream SPLM political organization. The SSIM leader Dr. Riek Machar-Teny did not think that SPLM Movement Party Abbreviation Acronym was misspelled. And it was better put together SPLM/SPLA Acronym. They were not conjoined “Quintet” twins. It was probably too broad,  and/or too verbatim in getting the “Action” message of SPLM/SPLA Army struggles out. And there was not any thing wrong to its formations. The South Sudan Independence Movement (SSIM) was necessary meant to correct it, and/or replace the SPLM Political organizations to which He saw was fighting for the people of whole Sudan. He thought, it was not specific enough to define ‘the scope, and endgames’ for SPLM/SPLA Army struggles, especially the 2005-2011 Independence, and/or Referendum’s “Minority Votes” Package of South Sudan from the Old Sudan. This ‘Political Correctness’ manifested itself today when South Sudan voted overwhelming in January 9th, 2011 Referendum. They have had tirelessly fought for Independence, and of sovereignty for Nation-building of South Sudan. Whereas the late leader, and the former Chairman of SPLM Dr. John Garang Mabior thought that he was fighting for freedoms of South Sudanese people including, especially the ‘Marginalized of Marginalized people’ of Sudan. He famously phrased it so that the “Silent Majority” raised up, and/or revolted against the Old Sudan. The late SPLM leader Dr. John Garang Mabior did not think that he was too vague, too verbose and/or too broad in the frameworks of his SPLM/SPLA Army struggles as well as with the SPLM Abbreviation Acronym itself to which he thought he will someday capture the whole Sudan with his ‘iron fist’ including the people of National Democratic Alliance (NDA). They were primarily from the North Sudan. But they were politically excluded from Old Sudan governments. He sought for Tribo-Minorities’ disenfranchisement, and/or for their full “Political Participations.” And the SPLM Political organization had a tendency to enfranchise their 2011 Referendum votes, and/or draw them to his side. Getting specific will not help in uniting people of the Sudan, especially the riparian people of South Sudan as well as the marginalized and/or excluded people from the North Sudan. Although they did not involve physically in the South Sudan(SPLA) Army struggles, they were behind the scenery of South Sudan’s Arm struggles against the Old Sudan. And getting specific would probably disassociate them for being politically, and/or diplomatically correct. He sought their supports for the South Sudan’s SPLA Army struggles. And they would begin to align themselves with rival Old Sudan. You can also look at the today South Sudan’s National flag, especially the ‘golden star’ framed with the Triangular Blue; it was a ‘Red’ Star before. But subsequently, they got a political pressure from the United States governments in Washington, DC. to change from their Former KGB Soviet Union's’ ‘red’ star. And they eventually condonced and/or replaced it with the ‘golden star’ since the 1990s “Cold War” was ended. I do not know much about what went wrong. However, you can make your own research about the ‘golden star’ which is yet featured in the South Sudan’s National flag. And there are other tons of ‘Political correctness’ amongst political opponents in diaspora, and within the South Sudan.
As 1972 Sudan’s deputy Prime Minister, Mr. Abel Alier Kwai emphasized it, or wrote in the Book that was entitled ‘Too many Agreements, dishonored’ , He likely meant that Old Sudan does not keep their words. And of course, he was literally reiterating the so ‘many accords’ signed by Old Khartoum’s rogue Regime in Sudan, but he was not specifically referring to what went wrong within the SPLM political organization between the years 1991, and 1993. However, he had made a point since many South Sudanese politicians were so bombarded by situations. And one of them, is ‘1991 Nuer ethnic group defection’ from the struggles against the Old Sudan to which the SSIM Independent Movement Rebel Leader, who is an Engineer by Training Dr. Riek Machar-Teny, was dissuaded with “premises.” And there are a lot of  “frameworks” surrounding the SPLM Political organization’s platforms. He was dissuaded, and/or sparked out in defections in 1991-1993 to which he subsequently formed his Political factions. And He met what he envisioned rather than Compromising with SPLM political organizations. It could literally be stigmatized as a disagreement among South Sudanese freedom fighters. Since one of them, especially the late SPLM Chairman, and late leader Dr. John Garang Mabior was fighting for ‘Freedom, Equality, and for Unity’ of the Country, they can’t be justified for what exactly monolithic “endgames”, they have had fought for. And on one hand, the SSIM political factions’ leader of defected Nuer ethnic groups, Dr. Riek Machar-Teny ‘sought an independent for South Sudan’. And He antithetically proposed that it is good to leave out the Old Sudan to itself. Although both the late SPLM rival crews, and/or the current South Sudan SPLM leaders had never agreed on the substances. Of course, they did not agree on the facts, which were laid out in 2005 CPA Agreement mandate for six(6) years Term of 2011 Referendum votes for either “Unity”, or “Secession” from Old Sudan.
This stressful disagreements amongst the SPLM, and/or the SSIM leaders out bursted into magnum rapture, which led into their ‘pessimisticism.’  Both Rebel leaders of the SSIM Independence Movement had sought an independent for South Sudan’ instead of resolving the economies differences between the two Countries: South Sudan, and Old Sudan. The Rival factions’ leader of the SSIM Political party to the SPLM political organization did not believe that there will be a foreseeable ‘Unity’ of South Sudan, and of Old Sudan. Dr. Riek Machar-Teny, the leader of SSIM political factions was so ‘pessimistic’ about uniting the whole Country in the single Banners’ framework of Government of National Unity (GONU). And He likely preferred to keeps both Countries of South Sudan, and Old Sudan as separated sovereign Entities to one another in the 2005 CPA six Protocols, which consists of “Wealth sharings”, Autonomous sovereign Nations, Abyei territory with its defined “Border demarcations”,“Power sharing” dividends under six(6)years Term for 2011 general referendum, Abyei separated referendum for secession, Nuba Mountains territory, and/or Blue Nile territory with its referenda. He did not think that “Premise” must be achieved it. And He thought nobody will implement those 2005-2011 CPA Protocol mandate. It is too costly. And it is  too broad due to undetermined behaviors of Old Sudan to which Abel Alier Kwai reiterated and emphasized that Old Sudan had signed so many ‘Accords.’ However, they had dishonored numerous Agreements beforehand without implementations. For instance, 1972 Addis-abbas Agreement in Ethiopia, this was “round-tabled” with Old Sudan to end the problems of both South Sudan, and Old Sudan’s Sovereign Entities. But, they deliberately signed it, subsequently it was short-termly ‘dishonored’ them. They have had refused to implement portions to which they discussed, and agreed on protocols for “co-existence, and for self-governing.”
It was a ‘Political defection’ to which the 1990s Nuer ethnic groups alongside with ‘bunch’ of political Prisoners of Wars (POWs), especially the Top people from SPLA High Commands. The SPLM political organization has had splited from the SPLM party. And they sought to entourage the rival factions’ Party of the SSIM Independence Movement. And of course, this defection had done a totally mess to the SPLM/SPLA Army struggles. And they have had done a lot of wrongdoings to residences of South Sudan. ‘Damages’ included Properties like Blankets, Cooking wares, Sleeping beds, clothings, wearing Shoes, Canoes and rowing Boats, Fishing nets, Mosquitos nets, Swift shops, and/or small Restaurants. And number of vehicles were also ‘vandalized”, and/or smashed down for good between 1990 and 1993. Of course, the 1991 SSIM Independence Movement has had destroyed Motorcycles, Bicycles, Clinics and/or dispensaries, Animal clinics referred to as the Veterinary Clinics, standing Mortars, which were used to ‘reduce grains into powder and flour with pestle’. And this is in addition referred to in Dinka language as ‘Doong’ e Hol.’ And they have had also defaced the Livestock Barns known as ‘Luak” in Dinka language, sleeping Tukul Huts, brick built Houses, physical infrastructure, and/or the roads, Compounds, wiring, and wooden fences, field of Sorghums and of Corns. “Pestle of injustice” were also disfigured in the meantime in South Sudan. This “disfacement” were done to some people, who were residing adjacent to the basin of river Nile, Hydro-power for electricity in some Areas of the Bor South County,  Twic East County, and Duk County, Jonglei State in South Sudan. In the Upper Nile region, wooden Tables, lamps for dome lights in the regular Tukul houses especially in some zombied Towns in those three Counties of Twic East County, Duk County, and Bor South County, were unlikely left vandalized, whatsoever. There were a lot of  destruction done to our village of Kiir Malei in Twic East County in South Sudan. And this “havoc mutilations” might have had consisted of sitting Chairs, Stools, Cupboards, constructed Schools’ buildings, and of running Water generators.
List of “damaged investments” might also go on like water Tanks, water Containers, water Pumps, Boreholes, and/or wells, And the livestocks, too including herds of sheeps, flock of goats, flock of chickens, hand-full of Ducks, and of tamed Pigeons, they unlikely might had been raided by the 1990 Nuer Ethnic groups’ insurgents to which they have had contributed in “looting, and plundering of their belongings.” After residential people of Twic East County, Duk County, and Bor South County in South Sudan had escaped, and/or fled their lives for riparian river Nile basins, we were unlikely supposed to stay for short-term hiding until problems was resolved in 1993 in Pawuoi Cattle Camp of Mr. Achiek Reech in Bor South County in South Sudan as some of our 1987-1989 the “Lost Boys of Sudan” Mr. Philip Guet Mach, Mr. Samuel Ajak Kuol, Mr. Bior Kuch, Mr. John Akim Manyang, Mr. Paul Joh Achop, Mr. John Anei Nhial, and/or Mr. Solomon Panther Anyuon would reiterated it. Everything was confirmed missing, or collaterally destroyed in 1990s. In addition, the SPLM political organization has had decided to fight Counter-insurgency against the 1990s Nuer ethnic groups, where groups of political Prisoners of Wars(POW) might had penetrated into the SSIM Independence Movements. And of course, they might have had mitigated the problems caused by the 1990s Nuer Ethnic groups from Upper Nile regions in South Sudan ranging from vast geographical areas of Town of Bentiu thru Town of Gambella in Ethiopia’s Border with Sudan, Eritrea, Djibouti, Kenya, Uganda, and South Sudan. And this 1990s Nuer Ethnic groups’ destructions unlikely kept Dinka Ethnic groups away from returning back to those affected Counties of Twic East County, Bor South County, and Duk County in South Sudan in the aftermaths.
Before 1991-1993 Nuer ethnic groups’ defections from the mainstream SPLM political organization was averted, tons of Dinka Ethnic groups’ Speaking people’s lives were lost within Twic East County, Duk County, and Bor South County in Jonglei State in the Republics of South Sudan. Anyone that perished either by Starvations, Hunger strike, pandemic diseases, and/or gunshot wounds, residents without sturdy Clinics, dispensary Tents, Nurses , and/or medical Doctors, were unlikely to care for them. They were “head-counted” toward the hands of 1990s Nuer ethnic group insurgency in the South Sudan as killed or missing. Without this 1990s the Nuer Ethnic Groups’ insurgencies, they would have had been “head-counted” toward Old Sudan’s “Janjaweed” Militias of Darfur regions in Old Sudan,  and to hands of ‘Mujahideens’ Splintering groups in Old Sudan. And there were a lot of  mercenary Armies with KGB Soviet Union's ‘iron fist’, whose 1990s Nuer Ethnic groups’ atrocities might have had devastated their lives. There are a lot of renowned people, who had perished during this 1990s Nuer Ethnic groups’ insurgency. And my late great grandparents, Mr. Bior Aguer Bior-kweigak, who was nicknamed ‘Anyarpiei’ was also “battering killed” by the Nuer ethnic groups insurgency in Twic East County, Jonglei State in South Sudan. He was popular person within the Twic East County in South Sudan and beyond. Even late Dr. John Garang de Mabior, whose late Biological parents, Ms. Gak Malual Kuol, and Mr. Mabior Atem Aruei are from Kongor Payam district in Twic East County in South Sudan, has had paid a “Ceremonial Tribute” visitations. And it was because of his famous conducive phrase, which referred to as ‘Muok e Thiin’ in Dinka Ethnic groups’ language. This “Muok e Thiin” words literally meant that Dinka Ethnic groups’ Speaking People should “stays in the foot” without withdrawing back from what they have had set forth to accomplish in the 1983-2005 SPLM/SPLA Movements’ History Narrative. This “Stay in the foot” phrase is commonly used by the late SPLM leaders. And it is much similar to other wisdom of “Fortune Cookies” telling by Western World thinkers’ phrase like ‘speaks softly, but carries a big stick’ , and etc. This “Speaks softly, but you carries a big stick..” quotations was coined by the 1946-1990s ‘Cold War’ eras, the former US president Teddy Roosevelt. This phrase is not similar to “Stays in the foots..” quotations. However, they meant something different depending on how people used them in the sentences, and/or in writing context. Other person, who was killed by Nuer Ethnic groups’ Speaking people, especially in the different “Tribal clashes”, was late and/or former Kongor Payam district Chief, Mr. Duot Bior-”kweigak” Ajang Aguer from Twic East County, Jonglei State in South Sudan. Number of cattles were looted, and/or rustled by the 1970s Nuer ethnic groups’ Cattle rustling “warfares” to which most of Kongor Payam district’ livestocks including ‘Ayeen e ke late Paramount Chief Mr. Duot Bior Ajang Aguer’. This literally meant “Best cows” amongst his “cattle breeds.” They unlikely were taken away without returned during that the 1970s Nuer Ethnic groups, and/or the Dinka Ethnic groups’ “deadly clashes” with Nuer ethnic groups’ cattle rustlers. Basically, he must not have had been happy about that frequent 1970s “rustling attempts” of those ‘best cows’ amongst his “herd of cattle.” These rustled cattle must have had been the top “Best Cows”  in comparison with rest of their Kongor Payam districts’ livestock if they were alive with my late great grandparents, Mr. Jok Ajur Kibai Ater, and/or Mrs. Nyanchirin Bior Ajang Aguer from Dinka-Hol Ethnic groups, Duk County in South Sudan. Losing a figure person from Kongor Payam Districts is something ‘ironics’ and mythological to the hand of an enemy. After losing figure person from Kongor Payam districts, that “Tribal” tensions still likely ended the Tribal warfares, completely. And it became the ‘mythological’ saying to the Dinka Ethnic groups’ Speaking people of Kongor Payam district in South Sudan. Going down the Narrative History of 1960s South Sudan’s Civil Wars with Old Sudan, the late Paramount Chief, Mr. Ajang Duot Bior-’kweigak’ of Kongor Payam districts from Twic East County in South Sudan, He was assassinated by the Old Sudan governments with rest of other Dinka Ethnic groups’ Speaking people’s late Chiefs including Dinka-Nyarweng Ethnic groups’ Paramount Chief, Mr. Jongak Deng Malual Aleer, and/or Dinka-Hol Ethnic groups’ Paramount Chief, Mr. Monykuer Mabuur. Of course, Dinka-Hol Ethnic groups’ late Paramount Chief, Mr. Monykuer Mabuur might have had escaped the 1960s assassination from Duk County, whereas, the Ajuong Payam districts’ late Paramount Chief, Mr. Bul Koch from Twic East County in South Sudan might have had been thrown into the “Baal of Fire” until he passed away. Of course, Ajuong Payam districts’ late Paramount Chief, Mr. Bul Koch from Twic East County in South Sudan, eventually agreed to stand on the “woodened Fire” to death for “Freedom”, and/or for “pestle of injustice” of his own People from Old Sudan’s rogue Regime in Khartoum.
Of course, after mass killings, the SPLM Political organization, and late SPLM Chairman Dr. John Garang Mabior made his minds with ‘Politi-buro’ thinktank to end the 1990s Nuer ethnic groups’ insurgency. Tons of the SPLA Army Troops were sent to fight the Counter-insurgency against the rampant 1990s Nuer ethnic groups’ insurgency. In the Bor South County, Twic East County, and Duk County in South Sudan, this 1990s Nuer Ethnic groups’ insurgency fighters were full of political Prisoners of War(POW) whom they had been extracted into their SSIM Independence Movements. They were unlikely defeated by Dinka Ethnic groups’ SPLA Army Troops. And they probably were removed out of Panyagor Town in Twic East County in South Sudan. Since it was established as the “stronghold place” for its insurgency Operations back to Ayod County in Nasir Town in South Sudan, these were already the Nuer Ethnic groups’ insurgency Operations originated. Majority of the Nuer Ethnic groups’ “Freedom Fighters”, were pushed back to their village/Town of Nasir in Ayod County in South Sudan. Number of political Prisoners of War(POWs) including the former SPLM Commander, Mr. Joseph Ouduk, former SPLM Commander,Mr. William Nyuon Bany, and/or the former SPLM commander, Mr. Kuach Kaang, were eventually extracted to the 1990s Nuer ethnic groups’ insurgency. Although rest of other political Prisoners of War(POWs) like the former SPLM Commander, Mr. Arok Thon Arok, and the former SPLM Commander Kerubino Kuanyin Bol later perished without seeing, and/or witnessing the South Sudan’s 2011 referendum votes. And they sturdly sought their Independence from the Old Sudan. It became a “mess, and heartbreaking”, the especially to their families. And they were already “enemies” to one another as well as to their accomplices---the SPLM political organizations. Since, they had fought, and/or struggled for South Sudanese people in the first place, they were finally extracted to the 1990s Nuer ethnic groups’ insurgency. There is also a Borehole in village/Town of Panyagor, today dedicated to the late former SPLM Commander, Mr. Kuach Kaang from Upper Nile region in South Sudan. And it was a Borehole place, where he was shot to death. During the 1993 Counter-insurgency fightings, which lasted for minimum of more than Two days magnitude, numerous people from Bor South County, Twic East County, and/or Duk County in South Sudan, had fled the “pestle of injustice” made by 1990s Nuer Ethnic Groups’ benign insurgents since dawn. He was a great leader; He likely will be remembered for years to come in the Republics of South Sudan. Although, he was misled to enlist into the 1990s Nuer ethnic groups’ insurgency, they are still the SPLM/SPLA Martyr. Of course, these 1990s “War Mongering Crimes” will be revered for their “defeat.” These SPLM/SPLA Army’ atrocities must have been resettled in their Military Tribunal Court in City of Juba in South Sudan. And some of the SPLA Army convicts might have had been put back to their own SPLA Commanding ranks after dismissal of their “injustice Barbarisms” between 1983, and 2005. Alienating people’s lives was not the platforms, and intentions for the SPLM political organization. However, to achieve freedoms, there might have had been other “Sovereign Nations”, to which were cemented by Bloodshed, frequently. After over Two decades of fighting against the Old Sudan, the internal Nuer Ethnic groups’ insurgency were priorities. There are a lot of Political rivals, who did not ‘buy’ SPLM “platforms, and/or endgames.” I would not mention them in this Memoir Anthology for their privacy of their sensitive Data. But, the 1990s Nuer Ethnic groups’ defectors are yet absorbed into the SPLM or some of them, must still have had joined the SPLA Army membership for other series of existing Political Parties like the South Sudan Defense Forces (SSDF), and/or the South Sudan Independence Movement (SSIM) in the South Sudan.
Counter-insurgency strategy included sowing of ‘clustered-bombs’ as the grand strategy for the endgame of 1990s Nuer ethnic insurgency in Twic East County, Duk County, and Bor South County in South Sudan. Especially, these ‘clustered bombs’, and landmines were sowed around, and in the surrounding Areas of the Panyagor town. With exception of Bor South County, and Duk County, they were put in place to deter 1990s Nuer ethnic groups’ insurgency from coming with total backlash. None of pre-existing “Protections of Civilians”(POC) thought about how to fight both Tribal Warfares, the 1990s Nuer ethnic groups’ insurgency, and the 1983-2005 South Sudan-Old Sudan’s Civil Wars. Of course, this 1983-2005 Civil Wars was fought simultaneously with the little “Man-power”, to which they had. But, they have had “courage” to stand up against Old Sudan’s rogue Regime in Khartoum in Sudan without draw back to their feet. And they also had sacrificed with determination for “Freedom, Justice, Unity, “success”, and ‘Hope.”  After installing this counter-insurgency strategy sowing ‘clustered bombs and landmines’, they immensely stood upto “saving lives”. They unlikely had other priorities, especially to those residences of Twic East County, Bor South County, and Duk County in South Sudan. Since this 1990s Nuer ethnic groups’ insurgency fighters had Nightmare to wage the “Tribal Warfare” against neighboring people, they unlikely could have had been seen as the ‘Completely betrayal.’ And these were merely political Propaganda, which lied in the series of causes like the single “Party dominations” from the SPLM political organizations’ platforms.
As Counter-insurgency fighting was being waged in place, the phase for Neighborhood zoning for “Reconstructions” eras was known in Dinka language as ‘Behr abaai Piny.’ This literally might have had sprung up in winning the “Hearts, and/or Minds” of 1990s Nuer Ethnic groups’ insurgency fighters. Tukul houses, livestocks’ Barns, and/or swift Shops had been burned down, especially in my village of Kiir Malei, Twic East County in South Sudan. And number of Civilian returnees was so rampant back from their “hiding spots” like the riparian of river Nile basin, and swampy areas to their respective Areas for livings. With the help of United Nations(UN) organizations like World Food Programme(WFP), GOAL International, and/or International Rescue Committee (IRC), Neighborhood Zoning for “re-construction” Projects might have had happened in those Areas, which were affected by the 1990s Nuer Ethnic groups’ insurgency fighters from Upper Nile region in South Sudan. And this was meant to stump over the Twic East County, and Bor South County in South Sudan. With exception of Duk County in South Sudan, they might find vulnerable places. And these Areas could have had been targeted for the 1990s Nuer ethnic groups’ insurgency fighters, whose their uncalculated backlash attempts, and/or attacks was unpredictable, then. More, and more Tukul houses, the Cattle Barns, and the GOAL International Orphanage Program Centers might have had been put up for the very reasons. I do clearly remember this “Tribal Warfare” episode of 1991-1993 Nuer ethnic groups’ defection. And later they extended into the massive Neighborhood Zonings’ Reconstructions in the Area.  GOAL International Orphanage Centers in the village/Town of Panyagor in Twic East County in South Sudan’s Storekeeper, Mr. Mach Mel, late GOAL Manager, Mr. Garang Kuei Mel, GOAL Veterinary Physician, Mr. Ahmed Deng Wel, and my Biological father, Mr. Wuor Deng Jok, alongst with rest of tons of employees, were tirelessly working for the GOAL International Humanitarian organizations. They have had helped GOAL International Orphanage Centers’ children, whose families were killed, and perished due to starvations, hunger strikes, and/or pandemic diseases. Of course, GOAL International organization was found in 1977 from Ireland in New York City in New York, USA. And you can find more details about this 1977 Charity Organization by going to its homepage. This GOAL organization had tremendously helped in “reconstruction” by building humongous compounds for Orphaned children, where they can ‘jump-start’ their Basic Primary Education in South Sudan. And they used to provide them clothings, and feeding certifuge. They have had also provided them Basic necessities until these Orphaned Children grew up under the “dire” Care of this GOAL International Humanitarian organization. Number of these Orphaned Children, especially both young men, and women got marriage, where they found their second Chance’s home, and new families. The GOAL International Organization was still working, and/or operating until 1999 in Panyagor town from Twic East County in South Sudan when I  sought an Immigration Vetting Process for Asylum for UNHCR-Kakuma Refugees Camp through “en routes” to Loki in Kenya by “small Commercial jets.” And yet, the GOAL International organization still operating in South Sudan rather than basing only in Panyagor town, Twic East County, Jonglei State in South Sudan as it was used to. Other Humanitarian organizations like World Food Programme (WFP), Lutheran World Federation (LWF), and International Rescue Committee (IRC) had gigantically boosted  the Neighborhood Zoning for “reconstruction” phase in Twic East County, Jonglei State in South Sudan. After removal of 1991-1993 Nuer ethnic groups’ insurgencies, they peaceful co-existed today. Tons of Agricultural works were provided to them. And they distributed Shelters, and/or Supplies to the Internally Displaced Persons(IDPs) returnees so that they could restart clearing their Sorghum fields, and Corn fields in South Sudan. Besides United Nations High Commissioners for Refugees(UNHCR) Food Security, and/or Medications were being catered to them. They also received those Food Security Supplies from World Food Programme (WFP), Lutheran World Federations (LWF), and International Rescue Committee (IRC) in concert with other Humanitarian Organizations. After three years interval of malnutritions, everyone gained weights with body building Food aide Supplies. They used to receive them from United Nations High Commissioners for Refugees(UNHCR) Food Security Supplies in Ration Distribution Centers within village/Town of Panyagor in Twic East County in South Sudan right after 1993. And until the time, I migrated for Kenya, especially in UNHCR-Kakuma Refugees Camp in Kenya, they were still being fed for UNHCR-Food Security Supplies. Even in the time of rainy seasons when Airport were not much safer for landing for United Nations(UN)Food Aide Supplies, they still come by the UN Humanitarian Planes. And they dropped them Food Security Supplies from above Skyline, where they quickly used to “move” their UN Humanitarian Plane in low latitude flying. It was an amazing works. And I still remember World Food Programme(WFP) field Representative, and/or Manager, Mr. John Pakahr screaming through the Portable Talkie Radio. And/or these short ranged Radio were literally known as ‘77’ in Nominal figure. It was the handheld 77 Takie Radio, where the WFP Field Manager used to direct them to the village/Town of Panyagor in Twic East County in South Sudan. They used to directed United Nations(UN)Food Security Supplies’ Airplanes known as ‘Boch’ in Dinka language during the very time for safety landing, and dropping off. After low latitude flying, they dropped off United Nations’ Food Aide Supplies for humanitarian consumptions, especially by the US Federal Government's Emergency, and/or Management Agency(FEMA) “disaster” affected residences. Number of World Food Programme (WFP)’s Logistic Carrier Employees (literally known in Dinka language as ‘Ataahn’) headed out for collection of recently dropped Food Aide Supplies from above the Skyline. Many people, who recently returned from the hiding places, especially from riparian river Nile basins, they supported their families in those affected Areas by United Nations(UN) Entry level jobs. As I said my Biological father, Mr. Wuor Deng Jok, and/or his 3rd Household wife, Mrs. Achol Anhon Dau, were  supporting us with the “Firewood Splitting Service” works,  he gave for the 1990s GOAL International Humanitarian Organization. He was also the World Food Programme(WFP)’s “Logistic Service Carrier.” And these were the same things applied to rest of people, who were working for other Humanitarian organizations such as World Food Programme(WFP), Lutheran World Federations(LWF), and International Rescue Committees(IRC) in South Sudan. They supported our families from that Physical works they gave apart from the United Nations(UN) Food Security’s Monthly Rations. They used to receive the World Food Programme(WFP)’s Food Security  in the monthly basis.

Just right after the Neighborhood Zoning for “reconstruction” phase in both Twic East County, and in Bor South Count in South Sudan, with exception of Duk County in South Sudan, they were terribly affected by 1991-1993 Nuer Ethnic groups’ defections. The Engineer by Training Dr. Riek Machar-Teny of SSIM Independence Movement Party, the Co-leaders of the SSDF rival factions, and the South Sudan Independence Movement (SSIM) Party deputy Whips agreed to see a sign 2002 “Peace” pact known as Nairobi Agreement with late SPLM Chairman Dr. John Garang Mabior in Nairobi, Kenya. When the Republics of South Sudan, and Old Sudan were about to sign the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in 2005 in Naivasha, Kenya, the 2005 CPA Agreement was coordinated by the International Communities, and/or Inter-governmental Agency for Development(IGAD) in East Africa Countries. This 1991-1993 Nuer Ethnic groups’ “Peace” pact, or  Agreement is today referred to as 2002 “Nairobi” Agreement to which the mainstream South Sudan(SPLM)Liberation organization's’ late leader Dr. John Garang Mabior, and/or 1991-1993 Nuer ethnic groups’ defections leader Dr. Riek Machar-Teny got to the final Parties’ unifications Agreement for “Co-existence”, and’or “voter enfranchisement” for Minority Ethnic groups in South Sudan. And they were united for the sake of South Sudanese freedom, and Sovereignty. You could see the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) documentations stipulated in the six(6) Protocol Mandate for Agreements for the full six(6) years Term interval for referendum in January 9th, 2011. This 2002 “Nairobi” Agreement in Kenya was meant to calm down 1991-1993 Nuer Ethnic groups’ insurgency fighting with Majority Dinka Ethnic groups in South Sudan. And they later transformed its original SSIM political factions into the South Sudan Defense Forces (SSDF). This is so monumental, and important to the 2011 referendum as well as to the 2005 CPA Peace dividend signed in January 9th, 2005. Of course, the former SSIM rival Dr. Riek Machar-Teny to the SPLM Political organization has had become the 1st vice-president for South Sudan governments to 2010 President Salva Kiir Mayardit. Although, he had made so much graphic Bloodshed through used of  ‘Ethnic Cleansing’ killings, especially in the Bor South County, Twic East County, and/or Duk County in South Sudan during 1991 to 1993 for political reasons, He is still the 1st vice President for President Salva Kiir Mayardit until they are out of office.

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I am already succumbed to change by Mr. David D. Wuor