Monday, May 20, 2019

Unspoken Stories: Panel Interviews, and Focus Group Discussions (FGD) from the 1980s Civil Wars torn’s Third World Country of South Sudan

                                             Written By Mr. David D. Wuor

With help from Mr. Simon W. Haragins, who was my 2010-Danish Church Aid (DCA)’s Local to Global Project(L2GP) Studies Consultant.

Edited by Mr. Scott Marracino, who was my closest friend from Niagara University(NU)’s Department of Political Science in Undergraduate Programs

TABLE OF CONTENT.                       
CHAPTER 1. Sudan’s Civil Wars: 1956-1972 Addis-Ababa Agreement in Ethiopia, and 1983-2005  CPA Agreement in Naivasha in Kenya
CHAPTER 2. Tribal Insurgents’ Split Stories: 1991-1993 Nuer ethnic groups’ defections from the Mainstreams South Sudan (SPLM/SPLA)Political Organizations
CHAPTER 3. Sudan’s Civil Wars: Survival Stories
CHAPTER 4. Local Protection of Civilians(POC)’s Insights: Jonglei State Polices, and Local County sheriff, known as ‘Tite-weng’ in Dinka Language
CHAPTER 5. Women, and Vulnerabilities: War-Time‘s Copying Mechanism Stories
CHAPTER 6. Insecurity, and Physical Safety-Net Stories: Conversations, or ‘Abuora’ with local people in Native Dinka language
CHAPTER 7. Livelihoods in Localities: Sudan's Civil Wars, and/or Post-Civil Wars
CHAPTER 8. Livestock Price-Tally: The Tales of Local Cattle Economies in South Sudan
CHAPTER 9. South Sudan’s Courts: Statutory Cases compiled
CHAPTER 10. United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMIS): Peace Building, and Naivasha in Kenya’s CPA Six Protocols Stories
CHAPTER 11. Non-governmental Organizations (NGOS) regarding Food Security: Procurement, and/or Logistics Situations in South Sudan
CHAPTER 12. South Sudan’s Gun Control, and Disarmaments Commission Policy stories
CHAPTER 13. Marriage Alliances: Milestone stories of Intermarriages in South Sudan
CHAPTER 14. UNHCR-Kakuma Refugees Camp in Kenya: “Lost Boys of South Sudan”stories
CHAPTER 15. In 2011, the Ayual section clans clashed with Dacuek section clans overland grasping of Wangulei Town in Twic East County in South Sudan
CHAPTER 16. The Coming for America: Personal Escaping Stories for“New World”
CHAPTER 17. South Sudan’s Governments
CHAPTER 18. Personal Diary: My Trips for South Sudan’s Stories
CHAPTER 19. My Extended Families: A Milestone Genealogy of DNA Ancestries
CHAPTER 20. Statements of Purpose: How Did I Perform, Academically?

In this memoir anthology, I have literally discussed, and/or narrated varieties of problems to which the ‘local people’ as I referred to, had faced in South Sudan. During those years of South Sudan, and/or Old Sudan’s struggles, they have had also suffered from Sudan’s Civil War. Since Anya-Anya I until as recently as in 2005, CPA in Naivasha in Kenya’s Agreement was signed for tentative Referendum voting for secession, or unity of whole country stipulated in the 2005 CPA’s six Protocol Mandates. This CPA Protocols had encompassed of the Wealth sharing, Interim government for Autonomous two Sovereign Nations of both South Sudan, and/or Old Sudan, border demarcations since 1905 Boundary from Abyei territory was outdated. And it still are bulky controversial that led both sides of Country into more than two decades struggles. And ‘head-locking’ by Abyei territory, Nuba Mountain territory, and Blue Nile territory are yet some of 1983-2005 CPA’s Six Protocol Mandate on the table.
This anthology encompassed range of issues discussed extensively in the entailed chapters. I thought, I should turn those 20 Chapters into something that will last for long time like a Book instead of keeping them in my ‘gut’ for over time. And I think there is a tendency for fading away. And of course, they might lost in my memories, forever if they are written into the Books. Of course, it is not coming from Academic Researches. However, they had stemmed off from my experience, and/or a Trip to which I had taken for South Sudan in April 2010. I was thinking I should return back to the Country to meet my family, friends, and/or extended families to which I did not see my extended families for number of years away in the UNHCR-Kakuma Refugees Camp in Kenya since 1999. And in 1999, I have had flown for Kenya from Panyagor town, Twic East County in South Sudan after the 1991-1993 Nuer ethnic group insurgency. They were averted it from the Areas. And they were notchy stopped through intensive Counter-insurgency fighting. And it was very sophiscated grand fighting strategies in the Area of Twic East County, Bor South County, and Duk County to which have had been devastated by this “havoc” defections of Nuer ethnic groups as my 1st cousin Mr. Bul Garang Mabil, and his wife Mrs. Apajok Aguer Biar from Jackson, Mississippi had paraphrased it. Number of high SPLM political organization’s Commanders, who became Prisoners of Wars (POWs). They were indicted, and/or detained for timeless period of time in SPLA Army’s detention Centers. And SPLM detainers were imprisoned for “unfixed” problems settling in the Court of laws until South Sudan gained an independent from Old Sudan.
I also was going to include one more Chapter that synthesized Chiefs of Kongor Payam district since 1890s British Colonization. However, I decided to discuss, and/or include them in my future “Memoir” Anthology book. And it is worth covering the whole County of Twic East’s Chiefs, and as well as bringing in Chiefs from other two Counties of Bor South County, and Duk County. That will make it a solid and a cohort piece of reading for knowledge. Since South Sudan recently got out of war with the Old Sudan, nothing had been put together yet according to my knowing. Writing about the Boma Administration, and Payam Administrations will slightly touched on this “grubhub” of local governments’ Service Delivery to people, generally.
As you will read this unspoken Memoir Anthology, you will find it interesting. Since it is ‘fresh’ and run ethologically from 1956-1972 Anya-Anya I right after Old Sudan got independence from 1890-1953 British Colonial overseas governments. Could it be said that it is a Narrative Anthology? Of course, it is basically “Memoir” Anthology coming from “memoir” standpoint, where you will not find Research Citations, & Bibliography in the end of the anthology book.
There is a ‘Diary chapter’ from my trip for South Sudan, entailed. And I thought, I should include it in the “Memoir” Anthology. Although you would also find other Chapters demystifying the Structure of my extended family origin heritages, it is worth denoting, and/or discussing in the “Memoir” Anthology book. I know, and/or I thoroughly understood that in the United States, it does not matter, where you come from and dearly phrase, ‘Melting pot’ speaks volume about this dilemma. Since so many immigrants come from so many part of the world. And however, this is not going to be my intentions, and Agendas here in writing this anthology. I wrote it to keep a written and published manuscripts for my future references since it is so important from heritage origin I came from. And I do remember reading a solid and “concise book” written by Francis Mading Deng, who is today South Sudan’s UN General Assembly Ambassador to United Nations. He talked about his father Chief Deng Majok, who was a pivotal leader of Dinka-Ngok Ethnic groups’ people of Abyei and beyond in the Upper Nile Provinces. They are today dispersed, and/or scattered around the whole country of South Sudan. You almost find them in the three South Sudan’s States of Upper Nile State, Unity State, and Jonglei State. Although there are some of Dinka-Ngok Ethnic groups’ people staying in Bhar el ghazal Province, especially in the Warrap State in South Sudan.
Of course, I am not trying to produce something similar to like what Professor Francis Mading Deng had produced it. And He is currently an Ambassador to United Nations (UN) General Assembly in Upstate New York region of New York City (NYC). However, I thought I should do something, in addition to what he did. Since he talked, and/or written, extensively about, who was his Biological father? It is so remarkable works; and I do personally appreciated him in putting something into book. This was not part of our Dinka Ethnic groups’ Culture, but they stemmed off from the Western Culture, where you write something down, and/or be published for future records for that generation until it reaches the next generations. They resurrected, and know what had been recorded in the past Decades and Centuries.
I was raised in the “cachet culture”, where things are passed down ‘orally’ for one generations without putting them down into a Book. And I am so thankful that I learned something to which some of extended family had not learned. They were trapped in the Culture of ‘no record’, but they managed to memorize range of Historical trends, and/or issues for their Memoirs Anthology. It is also remarkable things. And I do feel proud of them in getting us to where we are today in teaching us ‘values’, and/or ‘ways of life’ as their Forefathers had done in the past.
Somewhere in this anthology, I included pages from ‘Panel interviews’. And I as well included written pages from ‘Focus Group Discussions (FGD)’ of local residences of Twic East County. They should have had been encompassed into this unspoken Memoir Anthology book.  And I did not cover other two Counties of Duk County, and Bor South County since it needed traveling to those localities. And it is also good to talk to those residences, physically so that you could get a solid information from them. There are not any damages or something missing here since I had made a trip. I was younger before I left for Kenya. I had traveled to Duk County, and Bor South County before I flew for Kenya with my father, Wuor Deng Jok’s co-workers. And he was my Biological father’s personal friend from GOAL International organization in the Village/Town of Panyagor.  Right after the 1993 ‘Reconstruction Phase’, there were three Counties of Twic East, Duk County, and Bor South County in South Sudan. They were devastated. And they also became ‘ghost’ Areas, especially when 1991 Nuer Ethnic groups’ insurgents matched in the Areas. They made a disgraceful destruction by raiding livestock to which were raised by Dinka Ethnic groups.  And there were a lot of Cattles, and/or Properties to which were built by the Dinka Ethnic groups in South Sudan. And this might include Swift shops, Blankets for shielding from Weather’s “cold front”, running generators, Clinics and/or Dispensaries, and so forth.
I know number of my colleagues from South Sudan, had written books regarding deadly journey from South South to Ethiopia. And then they trekked with ‘bared foot’ back to South Sudan after Coup d'etat in Ethiopia in 1991. Approximately, it happened in the time when 1991 Nuer ethnic groups’ insurgents. Number of top High Commanders from SPLM Political organization, defected from that organization. And they started their Political factions known as South Sudan Independence Movement (SSIM) that had resulted in the huge Massacre by staging ethnic cleansings’ in the Twic East County, Bor South County, and Duk County in South Sudan. I am a “survival victim” with my Biological father, Mr. Wuor Deng Jok, and step mother, Mrs. Achol Anohn Dau, And there were also my step siblings like Mr. James Deng Wuor, and Mrs. Adut Garang Lem Jok from 2nd  wife Household. And Mr. Dengthii Wuor, Duot Wuor, Bior Wuor, and step sisters Mrs. Apadang Wuor, and her husband Mr. Mach Kudior from 3rd wife Households to which I have had left behind in UNHCR-Kakuma Refugees Camp in Kenya. Although there were other late step sibling Jok Wuor, who did not survive 1991-1993 Nuer Ethnic groups’ insurgency relative to the situation, in which groups of young men and/or “Lost Boys of South Sudan” had faced it.  And year 1991 was “Coup d'etat” in Ethiopia when president of Ethiopia Mengistu Haile Mariam was overthrown by his own people of Ethiopia, and Eritrea. In the result, Eritrea had gained their Independence after taking off Magisto Haile Mariam from his “Seat of throne.” It is so coincidence, however, I took a different Piecemeal Approach in tackling, narrating, and/or putting this memoir stories together in writing.
Of course, number of my Colleagues had turned their writings into Hollywood Documentaries in narrating what they have had gone into. And how did they survived?  They survived by using different kind of urine drinking technique for coping mechanisms. They probably have had employed some of their varied unknown Techniques of copying mechanism from Sudan’s Civil War times’ Starvations. They unlikely had applied those unknown Techniques of “Copying Mechanism” until the United Nations High Commission for Refugee(UNHCR), and/or the United States governments gave them a ‘Hope’ by uplifting over three thousand (3,000) young men, and/or Boys from the UNHCR-Kakuma Refugee Camp in Kenya to the United States of America(USA). In year 2000, these “Lost Boys of Sudan” , especially those, who were the ‘under-aged groups’ between ages ‘14-17’ years old, they were first uplifted to the United States of America(USA). And then the “Lost Boys of Sudan”, especially those, who were the “Above-Aged groups” between ages ‘18-21’ years old, were also followed by over ‘Eight-teenth-aged groups’ of young men of South Sudan. In 2001, Mr. Abraham Biar Chol, Mr. Mathon Agoth Noi(Deng Deng Agoth), Mr. Akol Ater Mathuch(Peter Akol Ater), and me, Mr. David Deng Wuor(David Bul Garang) as published in year 2009 Democrat and Chronicle Newspaper, We arrived here into “New World” until the latest Departures.  This is not about narrating what had gone wrong. However, I am giving you a Preview of what you will read, and/or find in this “Memoir’ Anthology to which I have put together.
It is enriched with other Chapter-Topics. And it will not be boring read. Since I got what must be missing with other ‘life journey stories’ from group of young men of South Sudan known as “Lost Boys of Sudan”, who were named after Fiction story of Peter Pan of Neverland. It seemed to me that our ‘Refugees’ Status quo brings us together.  But we unlikely have had gone through different harsh experiences, either out of South Sudan, or anywhere in the South Sudan. Also, there is something, I found very striking to the “Memoir” Anthology of ‘Lost Boys of Sudan’ in which those, who did not come to the United States of America(USA), or to Neighboring Countries in the Western Hemisphere, we have had become a total different group with those young men, and Boys that had made it to ‘Diaspora Abroad’. They become known, and informally referred themselves as ‘found young men’ since Country has had gained a ‘Peace Dividend’ in 2005. After we left for Abroad, and yet they appeared to informally refer them with that funny “eye catching” phrasing known as ‘Found Young Men’. I did not address this ‘Funny Expression” etiquette’ in this “Memoir” Anthology, but it is worth knowing to get to the core meaning of what they meant. Literally number of these young men, who referred themselves as ‘Found Young Men of South Sudan’ were once in UNHCR-Kakuma Refugee Camps in Kenya. And some of them likely were in the Internally Displaced Camps (IDPs) in the part of Equatorial Provinces in South Sudan. But they were left behind because there might be something “gone wrong” with their files with the Immigration Services. And probably some of them were not interested in going for Abroad as we did.
As you will flip from one page to the other, you will find a totally different Chapter that addressed separate issues such as ‘Disarmament’ of local people by both UNMISS in South Sudan. After the Country had signed the ‘Peace Dividends’ with Old Sudan through brokerage Deals by International Community Agency like Intergovernmental for Development(IGAD.  Especially, it is the East Africa’s regional Organization that resolves ranges of issues, and/or the rest of other Envoy(s) from outside East Africa. And of course, the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) had contributed in this ‘Peace Dividend process’ in conjunction with the United States government. And I do remember US former Secretary of State, Collin Powell during the South Sudan, and/or Old Sudan’s Naivasha in Kenya Agreement in 2005 before Dr. Condoleezza Rice succeeded him in the first Term of 2001-2004 President George W. Bush Administration.  In the US State Department in the post of US Secretary of State after former US Secretary of State Collin Powell announced beforehand not to stay in the second Term of 2004-2008 President George W. Bush. And also in the 2009-2012 President Barack H. Obama Administration, US Ambassador Susan Rice was sent to the South Sudan during the referendum gathering to witness the ‘History Making of Newest Nations’ comparing with the World’s Nation-Building records. I know, this is not relevant to discuss here, but it is essential to the coming of Country of South Sudan’s Historical trends as well as to its citizens, who were there during that time. Likewise, I had witnessed, and/or stayed in the 2005-2011 CPA Referendum Celebrations, and marking it to the History Narrative of South Sudan. Since that early in the Morning until it was restarted in the afternoon when sun with humidity and heat was so extremely muggy. I thank God, they had put up Tents, and/or drinking bottle of waters were used up, especially by general Audiences; And invited Dignitaries did not had that problems though. I was so thirsty, and I had to run to the nearby shops, where I could buy a Bottle of drinking water. Since then, they were out in the outside Podium of 2005-2011 CPA referendum Celebrations’ stadium-like “Brick-fence” setting. Unfortunately, Drinking water were also out in that nearby shop. And I bought a bottle of soda, instead to cool me down from high dehydration, incurred. Since I did not want to miss the whole Celebration, it was good to ‘pay tribute to past 1983-2005 SPLA Army veterans, especially SPLA Army 105 Infantry Divisions’ Martyr. It was good to be present’ so that I could be able to tell it in the future. I was there, until it was closed down, and I thank God it was televised. Tons of people were watching the South Sudan’s 2005-2011 CPA referendum’s Celebrations, lengthy speeches from the residing Areas were read out. It appeared to me that Country of South Sudan had made a magnificent, and/or technological Advancements during those six(6) years-terms interval before 2005-2011 CPA Referendum voting, especially in ‘the Juba Capitol’. As it showcased in the “Table of Content” of this “Memoir” Anthology, there are total of Nineteenth (19 Topic Chapters) chapters synthesized.
I want to thank Anthropologist Simon W. Harragins, whom I have had worked with during the 9-months interval of Social Research works with sponsorship of Danish Church Aid (DCA) in learning from the field works. Although I had an Academic Training in the United States of America, especially from 2005 SUNY-Monroe Community College in Rochester, New York, 2008 Niagara University in Lewiston, New York, 2010 The College of Saint Rose in Albany, New York, and finally from 2014 SUNY- College at Brockport, New York before I left for South Sudan to visit my extended families. There were a lot of stuff to be learned in the Field Works. I did not see them since 1999 when I flew for Kenya for UNHCR, the Refugee resettlements.
Our Social Research works was something essential to my learning curve. Although I had a graduate Social Research Assistant works with Professor David Rice from the College of Saint Rose in Albany, New York from September 2009 to April 2010.  There were numerous of things from Urban Studies with range of varieties of “urban issues” to be learned from. They are important to the stage of America’s Urban Politics since everything start from the Urban Areas, where en mass of people, who got a different Citizenship Status stayed across the social wage-earning classes relevant to the Sociology’s “Social Stratifications.” This might not be important, but I thought I should include them in my gratitude, and/or appreciation for Training me on how to become probably successful Social researcher in the field of Social Science. In the Process of becoming a Political Scientist Professor Andrea Rubery, who is currently the Chairperson in the Department of Political Science from 2013-2014 SUNY-College at Brockport in New York State, She had become a pivotal asset in teaching me, and/or morally supporting me during my undergraduate Studies in the 2005-2008 Niagara University in Lewiston, New York until I successfully earned my undergraduate degree in Political Science.
There are a lot of people, especially my American friends, and/or Volunteers whom I dearly thought I should thank them from bottom of my heart for their relentless, and tireless works. They have had done to me a lot of good things since my Arrival to the United States of America (USA), in the Western New York region. I am unlikely healthy, yet. And I am indebted for countless of Appreciations, especially my Psychiatry Physicians as well as to Mr. Mike Boucher from St. Joseph Neighborhood Centers(STJNC) Clinics, and from the University of Rochester’s Strong Memorial Hospital(SMH)-Mental illness, and/or Wellness Department. I also thank Mrs. Nancy, and her husband Mr. Bob Frank; to Father Fred Reynolds, and his wife from St. Paul’s Episcopal Church in Rochester, New York. And of course, to Mzee Jerry, and Ann-Maria Deluccio, to Mr. Arthur and Betsy Malone from Risen Christ Church, to Mr. John and Cheryl Erickson from Risen Christ Church, Mrs. Deborah Humphrey, and Mr. Stanley from University of Rochester’s Strong Memorial Hospital(SMH)’s Environmental Services Department, where I used to work. I was transferred from the Department of Parking, and Transportation from the University of Rochester, New York. I am also thankful to my Biological father, Mr. Wuor Deng Jok, and his third wife, Mrs. Achol Anohn Dau. And to Mr. Joseph Kuir Bior, who hosted me during my Trip to Country of South Sudan, in Bor Town, Jonglei State in South Sudan between 2010, and 2012.

To my Daughter Ms. Achirin D. Wuor, and to my stepson Mr. Anyieth Panrac Majak. To my youngest step brother, Mr. Jacob Bior Wuor from my Biological Father’s third wife household.

For my stepfather, Mr. Garang Akoi Bol, and Mother Mrs. Nyanluak Mabil Awer, who currently stayed in the village of Alieet, Twic East County in South Sudan. They have had been instrumental in my life journey in 1980s.

And to my America’s Host family since they also had been a safeguard, and inspiring in getting me into the right “Spiritual Pathways of Labyrinth.”

To my first wife, Mrs. Deborah Akur Deng, and her husband, Mr. Panrac Majak Deng. Although, she never agrees or buy what I said; she is still a mother of my Children.  And I truly have “Deep State” desire, and/or I duly respect for her Point of view.

1 comment:

  1. 05/31/2019: I think 🤔 God has a remote controller for this exoplanetary 🌍 Earth. He sometime reduces amount of Oxygen(O2), and Nitrogen in air with exception of carbon dioxide(CO2) in the atmosphere. As he controls all mixture of gases in the atmosphere, I tended to vomit 🤮 literally in my room. However, I literally vomit 🤢 in the room making bathroom unreachable. This literally occurred in lapse duration of insufficient oxygen in blood stream.


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I am already succumbed to change by Mr. David D. Wuor