Saturday, December 17, 2016

"Hollywood Movies: What are my least, and most Favorites?"

=] Questions:
1.) What are some of my "favorited Movies?"
- [x] "Santa Clause 2 (2002)" Film
- [x] "My Big Fat Greek Wedding(2002)" Film
- [x] "Brand New Day: Going Home Never Felt so good(2009)" Film
- [x] "God Grew Tired of US: A Documentary Story of Lost Boys of Republics of South Sudan/Sudan(2006)" Film
- [x] "Thor: A Dark World"(2013) Film
- [x] "Madea's Family Reunion: A Home of African-American Mr. Tyler Perry(2006)" Film
2.) What are my least favorited Movies?
- [x] "Batman" Film, Hollywood Movie Production.
- [x] "Under World" Film, Hollywood Movie Production.
- [x] "The Lion King: The Broadway Play" film, Hollywood Movie Production.
- [x] "The King Kong: The Broadway Play" film, Hollywood Movie Production.
3.)What are my least favorited TV episodes?
- [x] "From Bronte's Sisters to Walking Invisibles" TV episode. PBS Station Production.
- [x] "Queen Victoria's Administration Slum House" TV episode. PBS Station Production.
- [x] "Sex, and City" TV episode
- [x] "Survivor: The Game Changers" TV episode. CBS News Station provided.
- [x] "The Amazing Race" TV episode. CBS News Station provided.
- [x] "The Iroquois Nations" TV episode. PBS Station Productions.
- [x] "Mom" TV episode. CBS News Station provided.
4.) What are my most Favorited Hollywood Movie?
- [x] "Coming to America" film, Hollywood Movie
- [x] "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" film, Hollywood Movie
- [x] "Brand New Day: Going Home Never Felt so good?" (2009/2011) Movie, Film Victoria Production.
- [x] "God Grew Tired of Us: Lost Boys of Sudan" (2006) documentary film, Sony Pictures Production.
- [x] "Madea's Family Reunion: Tyler Perry"(2006) Movie, Lionsgate Production.
- [x] "Big Mama" film, Hollywood Movie Productions
- [x] "Lawrence of Arabia" film, Hollywood Movie Productions
- [x] "Liar-liars" film, Hollywood Movie Productions.
- [x] "Shrek 1, & 2" film, Hollywood Movie Productions.
- [x] "Charlie and Chocolate Factory" film, Hollywood Movie Productions.

- [x] ..........,........(2017)."Victorian Slum House" TV episode. PBS Station's DVD/Blu-Ray Documentary.
- [x] "Planned Parenthood" homepage has some of highlights about "sex educations", and STDs preventions.
- [x] ............,........(2017)."The Iroquois Nations", TV episode. PBS Station's DVD/Blu-Ray Documentary. New York State(NYS) of Museum.
- [x] ............,.........(2017)."Poverty, Politics, and Profits: The Housing in Crisis." Frontline: Journalism Fund Documentary. PBS Station Provided.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

"Politics Blog: What were insights from friends on the Facebook?"

Compiled by David D. Wuor
Follow us on Twitter: @DavidWuor

Metrics.                                Last Week.           Previous Week.               Trends(%)

  1. Page visits.........................16                            6                              0.22%
  2. Weekly Total Reach...........46                          41                             0.87%
  3. People Engaged..................12                         14                             0.26%
  4. Total Page "Likes".............390                       383                            7.73%    

Bibliography Reference
..........................(2016). "Weekly Facebook Update For Politics Blog." Facebook: Social Media for Page Insights. November 30-December 7: Weekly Insights Series.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

"In a Time of State Emergency: How well are we prepared?"

In a time of Emergency: How well prepared are we?

Compiled by David D. Wuor

1.) How important is cattle keeping?
=] Well, as long as you have other means of making a living to support self and of family, then why other people would choose to send their kids to Schooling? Since you never know who will do exceptionally and Excell in School, why some of them would relieve their impoverished family behind?

And yet, if we were to talk about daddy family, and then we do NOT have "inherited cattle wealth" from our ancestors. Since 1990s insurgency, where "Nuer ethnicity" had rustled majority of Twic East County, Duk County, and rest of Bor South County until "1993 reconstruction period", the "Nuer ethnicity insurgents" were immensely defeated by SPLM governments.  Although you are already aware of this repercussion, where mass majority of residents in Jonglei State had starved to death due to inadequate "food insecurity." There were none of "head of cattle" left behind between 1990-1993 by "Nuer ethnicity insurgents."

2.) What did "Family of Wuor" accomplish?
=] Given our "impoverished status", where we did NOT inherit any "cattle wealth" between 1990 and 1993 Nuer ethnicity insurgency, we have shipped our "invulnerable wives, sibling, and children" to UNHCR sponsored camps: Kakuma Refugee Camps, Kenya in midst of 2013 "coup de'tat" in Juba City, Republics of South Sudan. And a problem still was to "ad-hocally" spilled over onto Jonglei State.

And my daddy is still there in Twic East County, rearing minimum of our 30 head of cattle, although my half siblings and yet rest of my siblings are schooling in Nimuli town in Equatorial region, where two of my half brothers are partially employed by JUBA governments, where one of my siblings is a "payroll accountant" to SPLM and SPLA governments.

3.) How well prepared are we as family of Wuor for future diaster?
=] We currently have THIRTY "head of cattle" and if anything happened again to rustle Twic East County's cattle, includding our available cattle, although we got ONE head of cattle from Pibor town of "Murle ethnicity", which we got from 2011 deadly battle with Murle ethnicity "cattle raiders" , and then they could come to retrieve their cattle anytime they felt to since "GPAA administration" of Cobra Division by Lt. General David Yau-Yau is already re-in-stated into SPLM governments, where he is also installed to receive any returning Dr. Riek Machar oppositions.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Dinka Ethnic groups: What are types of Marriage Arrangements, and How much "Bride-wealth" individuals pay?

Dinka ethnic group's Type of Marriage Arrangements, and their bride-wealth cost

Compiled by David D. Wuor

1.) What a "traditional Dinka ethnic groups" bride-wealth cost?

- [x] Average Dinka ethnic groups' grooms pay at least between 30 and 100 heads of cattle to extended family members of bridesmaids

A.) Bride-wealth Cost:
- [x] 4 Heads of cattle are offered from both side of bride & groom's family members to be slaughtered at the marriage reception, especially in Dinka ethnic group's Community.
- [x] Bridesmaids: are number of women handpicked, and scheduled to entourage a bride into her "new home" of Marital groom, where they have to be lavishly fed for those at least TWO weeks of their stay
- [x] "Azookwiin" rebate: It is a rebate, which agreed to return out of minimum of bride-wealth worth they had arrangingly offered to family members of bride
- [x] "Alothok" incentives: are incentives assigned to Marital groom's best men based on numbers of Bridesmaids, who have had accompanied a bride to her "new" home
- [x] "Kweeth" of bride-wealth out of home of grooms' extended family

B.) Types of Dinka ethnic group's Marriage Arrangements, & bride-wealth division:
- [x] "Apaat" Arrangement
- [x] "Appot" Arrangement
- [x] "Ayuup" Arrangement

C.) Type of Dinka ethnic group's Marriage entries basis into home of bride extended family:
- [x]  "Jot" basis
- [x]  "Maat" basis
- [x]  "Keeny" basis
- [x]  "Lieech" basis
- [x] "Ruok" splitting basis, where one of parties by pregnancy motion, take a kid by "Paternity Custody", and at least 6 heads of Cattle are paid to family of woman in "pregnancy status"

=] Of course, it depends on what type of "marriage arrangements" you had pursued. Some grooms marry a bride by "Jot" basis, "Maat" basis, "Lieech" basis, & "keeny" basis.

2.) How "Leernyiirbei" bridesmaids selection" is done?
- [x] Well, Bridesmaids selection is done accordingly to whoever related to extended family of bride in Marriage motion.

- [x] "Socrates' Traditional Marriage Narrative is not valid anymore, although those "Traditional Marriage Motions" could still be questioned for "absolute truth", said Philosopher Plato. Of course, both Parties in "Marital Status" could send out their invitation cards to dignitary invitees, where they have to indicate avenue, and time for "wedding receptions."
- [x] "Gok": engagement by a group or rather more than "one" lonely wolf is likely led to durable, and sustainably relationship.
- [x] For a "girlfriend" to be?                                      =] I should get a more affluent rather than a girlfriend, who has the same "social stratification" like me. I am already a "poor gentleman", where I no longer have a vehicle for transportation, & grocery shopping. I do NOT have a "monies" for wedding arrangements, and bride-wealth to family of girlfriend to be. For instance, "The Coming to America" movie film, it is just a movie film. And there is none of my "family members" will back me up as it showcased in the movie clips.  
- [x] A "condom usage": Free Latex, it is plausible in this situation, where I had to protect myself from unknown Sexually Transmitted Diseases(STDs) in the New World.
- [x] According to Council of Dinka ethnic groups' Elders(CoE), there's an "opening statement", especially when Marriage Arrangement begin: "Amadeeni, yin Mr. Bil de Aweet.......eei wo ke bo; buke Miss. Nyan de angadie ben tom maikou........."
- [x] 1988: 1st grade class H: Americans' song lyrics in village of Pawel: " Old Ronald McDonald has a Farm, eio!! eio!! X2 A Cow is "moowing" here! And A cow is "moowing" there! Everywhere is ""moowing", and "moo! moo!!!"

3.) How about them going to Church, and Court for certification of their Marriage?

4.) What is a derivation of word: "Muslim", and its "Tik-Nya" Marriage motion in Judaism-Christianity World?

5.) What is "Exit Strategy" out of problems in "Tik-Nya" Marriage Practice in the World today instead of "Mass migration?"
- [x] Boyfriend, and Girlfriend relationships

=] Dinka Ethnic groups' Marriage's Glossary Keywords:
- [x] "Chieeth" Pre-Screening of groomsmen's bride-wealth
- [x] Invitation Papers
- [x] Wedding Reception
- [x] Wedding gowns
- [x] Marriage certification
- [x] Engagement rings
- [x] Marriage rings
- [x] Achievement ring
- [x] Bridesmaids
- [x] Groomsmen
- [x] Couples' pledge of allegiance in front of Priest in the Church reception
- [x] "Leimze" vehicle bookings
- [x] Pregnancy baby-shower reception
- [x] "Leernyiirbei" Bridesmaid selection
- [x] "Biool" offertory: 4 quantity of cattle on both side of who are holding a "Marriage Arrangement"
- [x] Parents, & invited dignitaries' entourages.
- [x] Time for ring placements
- [x] Time for bride, & groom kissing
- [x] "Azookwiin" rebates
- [x] "Alothok" incentives
- [x] Day of "Ching de Waal": It is a Day, where number of bride-wealth are placed on the dyke horizontally, and vertically during the 3rd Days of Marriage's bride-wealth: "Allen" arrangement
- [x] "Horizontally Wal": It showcased whether bride-wealth are yet ready or NOT yet ready for "Kweeth" screening into hands of groomsmen's extended families
- [x] "Vertically Wal": It indicated whether bride-wealth are yet ready or NOT for "Kweeth" screening into hands of bridesmaids' extended families
- [x] "Chieeth" Pre-screenings: It is when one of groomsmen's family members  are sent out to pre-screeningly evaluate of what groomsmen's bride-wealth are before Day of Marriage Arrangement began.
- [x] "Mioor de Cha": It is normally equivalent to 1 Head of Cattle for offertory slaughtering feast, where extended family of parties in Marriage motion sat down, and ate out peacefully
- [x] "Leery de Meth bei": It is a transportation of a kid of Parties in Marriage motion to home of groomsmen's family
- [x] Courtship
- [x] Financially Child support
- [x] Incest, and Annulment: It is a lawfully cancellation of already done Marriage motion due to incestuous dilemma, rape, and of underaged involvement into "Marriage arrangement" motion
- [x] Divorce motion
- [x] Separation motion
- [x] "Survivor", & Retirement Benefits
- [x] "Koch" replacement: It is a replacement event held if one of parties in "Marriage" motion have had deceased, and then one of Parties in Marriage motion would have to file a "Survivability" benefit.
- [x] "Ruok" splitting motion
- [x] "Akoor" death: It is a death caused by either a woman, or  man in Marriage motion, who have committed an adultery NOT outside of groomsmen's extended family members.
- [x] Adultery issue
- [x] "Family feud" infightings
- [x] "Nyop e Tik Chiin Maach" Cooking event
- [x] "Hannah": It is a tattoo drawing occasion on the hand palms, and feet of bridesmaids
- [x] "Niaai de Nhom": It is a braiding of bridesmaids' heads at the nearby Salons: Hair Shop.
- [x] "Ruuk e Tik" preparation
- [x] "Jaam ee Nyiirthok": It is a symposium event, where bridesmaids, and groomsmen sat down for philosophically talk whether they have a "common ground" on selection of groom
- [x] "Thai de Nyiirbei" event: It is an event, where bridesmaids, and groomsmen are entouragely walked into home yard of groom
- [x] "Gok": engagement, dating, & Courtship
- [x] Reception during an Engagement event: It is a reception held so that dignitary invitees, and parents at large makeup their "state of minds" about future couples' choice for engagement, and commitment before Days of Marriage motion
D.) Types of Relationship's "Given Titles Clarification:
=] "Nuclear Family's Titles?"
- [x] Father: Mr. Wuor Deng Joak de Ajur, and his 3rd wife household: Mrs. Achol Anhon de Dau of Wut Kongor sectarian clans of Kongor Payam district.
- [x] Step-Mothers: 2nd wife Household: Late Mrs. Adhieu Bul de Nyuop of Wut Kongor sectarian clans of Kongor Payam district, her survived son: SPLA Army's Payroll Clerk: Mr. James Deng Wuor de Deng, and her son's family members.
- [x] Brother:............"A brother's son, and daughter are probably known as Nephew, and/or Niece.
- [x] Sister:..............."A Sister's son, and daughter are probably known as Nephew and/or Niece."
- [x] Nephew:.............."Brothers' sons, and Sisters' sons are likely referred to as: Nephews."
- [x] Niece:................."Brothers' daughters, and Sisters' daughters are likely referred to as: Nieces."
- [x] Parents: Mama, & Papa, Husband, & wife, Non-Married Couples, Married spouses, Separated Couples, Divorced Couples, etc.
- [x] Grandparents: grandma, & grandpa.
- [x] Relatives
- [x] Non-relatives: Friends
- [x] Neighbors
- [x] In-Laws
- [x] Masters: Slave-owners
- [x] Slaves
- [x] Freed slaves
- [x] Workers
- [x] Co-workers
- [x] Tenants: Guests, Roommates, Friends on sleep-overs, etc.
- [x] Landlords
- [x] Adopting families, or Foster Care Families
- [x] Host Families for refugees, homeless persons, alyssums, etc.
=] "Extended Families' Titles?"
- [x] Uncle.............."Uncles' children are likely referred to as: Cousins."
- [x] Aunt................."Aunts' children are likely referred to as: Cousins."
- [x] Cousin............"Wen de......", or "Nyan de......: Walen, Wuwac, Molen, and Nor(Dinka ethnic group's translation)." Or Children of my Uncles, and Aunts are likely known as Cousins."
- [x] Etc.
=] "In-Laws' Family Members Titles?"
- [x] Father-in-Law: SPLA Army Brigadier Mr. Deng Leek Deng de Malual, and his family of Nyarweng sectarian clan
- [x] Mother-in-Law: Late Mrs. Akuol Chok de Kuir, and her family of Nyarweng sectarian clan.
- [x] Brother-in-Laws: Late Mr. Leek Deng de Leek of Nyarweng sectarian clan.
- [x] Sister-in-Laws: Mrs. Ayen Deng de Leek, and her family.
- [x] Etc.
=]"Steps' Family members Titles?"
- [x] Step-Father: Mr. Garang Akoi de Bol and biological mother: Mrs. Nyaluak Mabil de Awer of "Pan de Yaak" family within "Ayual sectarian clans" of Nyuak Payam district.
- [x] Step-Brothers, and Step-sisters: 1.) Late SPLA Army PVT Mr. Akoi Garang Akoi de Bol, 2.) Mr. J. Atiop Garang Akoi de Bol, 3.) Mr. G. Manyuon Garang Akoi de Bol, 4.) Mrs. Abit Garang Akoi de Bol, and her husband Mr. Alaak Garang de Deng, 5.) Late Mr. Madit Garang Akoi de Bol, and his Cousin: Late Mrs. Akuol Yaak Akoi de Bol, 6.) Mr. Ngor Garang Akoi de Bol, and his sister: Miss. Nyibol Garang Akoi de Bol.

6.) How many "young-women" have I had sexually stalked, dated, & courtship in the past?
- [x] Miss. Yar of "Awulian sectarian clans"
- [x] Miss. Adut of "Adhiok sectarian clans"
- [x] Miss. Akuac of "Adhiok sectarian clans"
- [x] Aunty Miss. Ajith de Manyok of "Ayual sectarian clans"
- [x] Miss. Adau Joak de Deng of our "Kongor sectarian clans"
- [x] Mrs. Anon de Atem of "Pakeer sectarian clans"
- [x] Mrs. Abuol de Garang Deng of our "Kongor sectarian clans"
- [x] Miss. Akuol de Abbot of "Nyarweng sectarian clans"
- [x] Mrs. Abiei de Gai of "Bor sectarian clan"
- [x] Mrs. Achieu Achok de Deng of "Bor sectarian clans"
- [x] Miss. Maureene Atieno of "Luo ethnic group" in Western Province of Kenya
- [x] And undisclosed past girl-friends

Other Bibliography reference
- [x] For questions of "Islam religion", Visit: Http://www.

Monday, November 28, 2016

"A Wishing-List: What to Buy?"

"A Wishing-List: What to Buy?"

Compiled by David D. Wuor

=] Questions:
1.) Where to Buy a used Vehicle?
- [x] Bring-in "monies" to any car dealers in Rochester, New York when I got at least between $3,000.00 and $6,000.00 instead of Marina Dodge dealers, Webster, New York
- [x] "Seek a "Consumer's Alert Consultations" ONLY at Advantage Federal Credit Union(AFCU), or Genesee Federal Credit Union(GFCU)," implied 2016 Green Party Candidate Mrs. Jill, and Former 2000 Green Party Candidate Mr. Raphael Nader.

2.) How am I going to keep up with that "ideal used vehicle" if I do NOT have an "existing income" for DMV car registration, Vehicle plate, maintenance, gasoline, All States' insurance, and/or GEICO car insurance payments: "GEICO car insurance has a 97 percent Customer services satisfaction," Unknowns Buffalo Bills' Football Player said in Ads.
- [x] "Always remember a spin zone(O'reilly: A Fox News Commentator for O'reilly Factor).  And probably watch out for Mr. Loth de Mapeer(Dinka ethnic groups' folklore and Riddle), for he is a Zika virus driven.  What a pinhead(O'reilly: A Fox News Commentator for O'reilly Factor)?"
- [x] Dinka ethnic groups' Pinhead Statements: "Wo ke lo peen wo waa, Go waa peer kon ku kwon Yom, Denke rac cie rieth de rel, Moth monynhom! Moth monynhom cie cok nyieeny."

3.) What was previously owned Used Vehicles?
- [x] Used 1997 Toyota, Corolla
- [x] Used 2007 Chervolet, Cobalt: Tebo Financial Services in State of Ohio, and Marina dodge, Webster, NY have already sold it at "Mecum Auction" in State of California by my authorization after 2014 unemployment from Strong Memorial Hospital(SMH).
- [x] Used-Trade-in 1995, & 1998 Pontiac, Grand Am.

4.) What other "dream things", and own in my timeline?
- [x] A "Twin-bed size", Spread-sheets, Pillows, and its Mattress appliances
- [x] A Sofa for sitting, and its two pillows
- [x] A Used 1997 Toyota, Corolla
- [x] Air Conditioner(A/C) for summer time seasons
- [x] PlayStation(PS4) DVR, NASCAR CDs, games, and its "remote control"
- [x] Microsoft Offices' package for my laptop
- [x] Become a "Radio Talk host" in the future, especially for 1180 WHAM Radio of
- [x] Two(2) cowboys' jeans, 2 shorts, 1 dressing shoes, 1 belt,  clothing iron, and its ironing board
- [x] Winter jackets
- [x] TV Set
- [x] A Recliner sitting sofa

5.) Play a NYS Lottery whenever I got enough "monies." Nobody knows, I might win at least between $5,000.00, and $1,000,000.00 dollar.

- [x] Stop by A Church or Catholic Charities organizations like Catholic Family Center( if they have anything for donations to me.
- [x] Call my Former host family thru St. Paul's Church: Mr. Jerome Joseph DeLuccio, and his wife Mrs. Anna-Marie DeLuccio if they know philanthropic people in the area of City of Rochester, NY , who wanted to make a donations.
6.) What happened to African-Americans' couples from State of Florida, who sought a donation thru a Charity organization's homepage: whilst they were receiving "monies" from governments?
- [x] Governments said to them if they accept "monies" from that charity organizations, and then they would no longer receive their governments according to one of media reportings.
- [x] Of course, "viably choice" was upto this African-Americans' couples either to give up what donations' monies from Charity organizations, which already have IRS governmental agency's taxation codes, or keep receiving their governmental SSI benefits, and Florida State's Food stamp payments as usual.

Saturday, November 26, 2016

Social Security Administration(SSA) gov't's "Ticket to Work" Program: Why NOT going to workplace?

SSA gov't's "Ticket to Work" program: Why NOT going to Workplace?"

Compiled by David D. Wuor

Reminding Note?
=] Brings this "Ticket to Work" program by Monday to SSA Office in Rochester, NY between their workdays 9am and 5pm before a Pamphlet notice for "Medical Review."
               a) Tells them that I do NOT want to go to work due to reasons as follows:

1.) Why NOT going to Workplace?
     =] General speaking, people said that I have had married a daughter: "Mrs. Deborah Akur Deng de Leek"of SPLA Army Brigadier Mr. Deng Leek Deng de Malual from Duk County, who have the same Middle name with me. And yet his 2nd daughter: Mrs. Deborah Akur Deng de Leek has a "non-marital affair" with "Mr. Panrac Majak Deng" from Bor South County, where they are currently staying with my children in UNHCR's Ifo Refugee Camp, Somali-Kenya  border instead of UNHCR's Kakuma Refugees Camp, Kenya.

       =] They allegedly said that I have stolen an "Family Name Identity" of 1st Cousin: Mr. David Bul Garang, since 2001 Kakuma Refugees Camp to USA, who currently live with his wife: Mrs. Apajok Aguer de Biar, and children in Jacksonville, Mississippi.  I should have been truthful to both New York State's Supreme Court undisclosed Justice in their "legal Name Change Affidavit" form, Homeland Security, USCIS Immigration Service, Academic credentials due to 2009-2010 Plagiarism at the College of Saint Rose-Albany, New York, and to UNHCR since 2001 Kakuma Refugees Camp, Kenya by telling them that this was NOT my "biological family surnames."

      =] However, I went to Kakuma Refugees Camp, Kenya in 1999 by different family surnames of Mr. Moses Deng Wuor of Group 50, Zone 4. in Kakuma I, II, and III. And I was directly airlifted from villages of Panyagor Town's Airport, today at Twic East County in Jonglei State, Republics of South Sudan alongst with Mr. Deng Bol of Group 46, Zone 4.

2.) Who have had involved in resettlement to Kakuma Refugees Camp, Kenya in 1999?
           1.) SSRRA representative Mr. Panchol de Aduong of SPLM Party government
           2.) GOAL organization's representatives Mr. Ahmed Deng de Wel of Bor South County, who was trained as an "animal Doctor." And as well this became his profession.
           3.) SPLA Army 2nd Lt. Mr. Garang Bul-ariew of Twic East County, Republics of South Sudan.
          4.) I have had paid SSRRA: a Rehabilitation and Relief Agency a 15,000.00 dinar of Old Sudan, which was equivalent to Ksh. 500.00 Kenyan Schilling for a non-round trip by Airplane for Loki, Kenya.

     =] Employers, of course, would like to see a "original Family surnames" on "job placements' applications due to allegedly identity theft: Mr. David Bul Garang instead of 2010 "legal family surnames": Mr. David Deng Wuor.

        =] Residents of City of Rochester, New York also allegedly said that I am racist, where I have fought with TWO "white-men" in Wegmans Food Market, and Strong Memorial Hospital(SMH) respectively. I suggested that I should NOT seek an employment in this New York State(NYS) whatsoever. I would rather stay at home, where I will still receive my Social Security for people with Disability benefits(SSI).

      =] Housing: I have been verbally invicted especially for bed bugs, and of fear of other infectious diseases.

        =] Harassment at work, where they ridiculed me for being born with 1980 "lipstick syndrome", Sexually Transmitted Diseases(STDs) of Hepatitis B., undiagnosed Zika virus, and 2006-2007 a medically "Deep Depression" undergraduate College year in Niagara University after graduating from SUNY Monroe Community College(MCC).

                  i.) Hepatitis B.

          =] Drone: I suggested that they should remove me on a "terrorist watch" list by Strong Memorial Hospital(SMH), and Employers in New York State(NYS).

            =] People of New York State(NYS), especially residents of City of Rochester, New York are allegedly accusing me about weakening of US currency, although they are already pegged to Gold values since 1930 of "economically deep depression."

           =] DNA Faternity Testings:
                       1.) Mr. Wuor Deng Joak
                       2.) Mr. Garang Deng Joak(Not to be found, although I have used his family surnames in JVA, IOM, & INS interviewing forms between 2000 and 2001 in Kakuma Refugee Camp, Kenya).
                       3.) Mr. Garang Akoi de Bol, & Mrs. Nyaluak Mabil de Awer
                       4.) Late Mr. Chagai-Makol de Mabior
                       5.) Mr. Daniel Wuor Joak(Exiled in United Kingdom(UK).

Friday, October 7, 2016

"When is 2nd visit for Room's Extermination?"

"2nd Visit for Room's Extermination?"

Compiled by David D. Wuor

- [x] Visit this homepage:
- [x] Come to a "Metro Mattress Store" by tomorrow to buy a bed, and its Mattress appliance off Monroe Ave. since I do NOT have a queen bed, and its Mattress appliance: Hilldale Winsloth Bed, bed frame, spreadsheets, and its Mattress.
- [x] Sale Pricing: Just buy what I could afford between $289.99, and $733.00 before this Saturday, October 8th, 2016 between 10.00 Am, and 11.00 Am.
- [x] Metro Mattress's Store Location: 2949 Monroe Avenue, Pittsford, NY 14618
        Store phone: (585)465-5210

- [x] Always remember NOT empty a pocket, and be a homeless again!! Some of 2012-2014 Clothings to which I have had bought are yet soaking in the basement at home of Bhar-el ghazal region's residents after they evicted me.
- [x] I got "no bed" yet, however I should put away everything into "black bags."
                i.) Clean a room before exterminators come
               ii.) I should keep whatever "monies" remaining from a rent in case a government untimely stop paying me; for a bad case scenario, a landlord evict me as they have had done between 2012 and 2014.
               iii.) No buying either sofa, or bed
               iv.) Save whatever monies remaining from a rent, grocery food shopping, and phone bill payment in case a cost living arrangements untimely increments as NYC City Mayor Mr. Rudy Giuliana has had done for NYC peasant residents removing in the City, and a crime reduction.

Monday, July 25, 2016

"On issues Matter in the Republics of South Sudan: What is my take?"

"On issues Matter in the Republics of South Sudan: What is my take?"

Compiled by David D. Wuor

Dear Maternity's Extended Relatives Mr. "Thuch Malual Deng":

You must be certainly right when you vocally stressed that "truths should start to grip amongst leftists, rightists, and of centrists" since fear and diseases are getting prevalent in villages.

And hopefully "village residents" will eventually rally for their very TOP concerns when they started to acknowledge statement: "Lueel die bany" in Dinka ethnicity language, although villages pay "property taxes, and personal income taxes" to the "Town supervisory governments".

And I am NOT accurately aware of "local government breakdown" since we are all  constituents to governments, although your "location satellite" matter most to politicians.

Question: When does "Village" substantially become a Town?

Well, although you have already slammily ridiculed this "Facebook social media" as getting "nastiest" blogging sphere, I think "village" become a town when their "tax brackets" qualify them. The poorer the "village residents", the less likely to become a town.

What a "naked deception" from Government of South Sudan (GOSS)?

I meant a lot of "government officials" are yet chilling in the "foreign countries", although they had already looted and plundered a "pyramid treasures" from South Sudan governments' "oil revenue" leaving a young Country with forseeable "hydraulic fracture diaster" including the "SPLM in Oppositions". You couldn't stay in either one of THOSE East Africa Countries without paying a rent, transportation, and foods.

Of course, Government of South Sudan officials(GOSS) are already aware and they just wanted to blindfold "International Community" external powers saying they are going for "ethnicity peace protocols " again in "21st Centennial"  whilst late Dr . John Garang de Mabior had already signed a "CPA FIVE protocols" in 2005 before his attempted suicidal death in Chopped  helicopter leaving his "widower Nyandeng Chol de Mabior" and a Country with outstanding unpaid debt default on all military ammunitions, and ware-heads, which were recieved during the "Cold War period " era from former "Soviet Unions" and of Ethiopia regime of Megisto Haile Merriam.

Well, I couldn't stop learning though except between 1991 and 1993 Nuer ethnicity insurgency campaigns, although I had left my "3 grader" textbook backpack hanging in our Khiir de malei village's cattle barns' artics-ceiling including: "Hello children", "Ben the fishermen" books, etc.

And I vividly remembered that it was between 1988 & 1990s: Pawel Primary school, and Khiir de Dau Bul Primary School, Twic East County when I started my elementary school, although a lot of my today 1987 "Lost Boys of Sudan" had barefootedly trekked to a Country of Ethiopia for "insecurity and of better educations."

Of course, University of Rochester's "Lost Boys of Sudan" undergrauates were only "Abraham Biar Chol-banywut" ,and "Awak Malith", although rest of other former employees were: "David D. Wuor",  "James Bol Darwei", "Solomon Panther Anyuon", "Galuak de Mayen" from Nuer ethnicity people, Deng Wal Biar, "John Anei Nhial Anei", ,Daniel Akok Maketh, Sebastian Mawien de Marou, Peter Manyuat Monydeng, Bior Kuch, Mathon Noi, Philip Guet Mach, Santos Manyuat Makuach, Abrami Alier, Malual Awak Thongjang, and our more laundry rooms' "complimentary lists" should staggeringly continue.

And it seemed that there were a minimum of 28 "Lost Boys of Sudan" both current & former employees of "University of Rochester" and of its Strong Memorial Hospital(SMH),which could bring a grand total of 4,800 "Lost Boys of Sudan" across USA, who were used to be their employees since 2002 approximately.

What could I say, according to the disambiguation homepage, it defined a "mascot" symbol as animals or persons, which given institutions used as their "representative symbols." For instance, our U.S. Navy are said that they use "goats" as their "representative symbol" for voyaging success in the deep sea water level and of pacific oceans.

What is SPLM-IO dissidents upto in City of Juba?

And wait, having had "non-black" wife doesn't qualify you to question the legitimate President of Country apart from having published "Ph.D" "descertation papers" as well. Of course, one of them will have to go for cleaning offices in "nigh" future whatsoever.

Academia degrees are just universal papers, where you could NOT rely on them thinking they will deliver you from "axis of evils".

Or you could sit at home and rethink about your own removal from governmental office. Is there "theory of everything?" Of course, there should if there weren't, where "multi-causality" is usual legitimate justifications of "why things are the way they are."

On issues of "Tribo-Nations Politic?

Given "1905 Abyiei Territory Annexation" to Southern Kordufan district, late paramount chief Deng Majok from Dinka-Ngok ethnicity people, was aggressively campaigning for his "chieftaincy" re-election nomination, although most of his supporters had misquoted him as if he has had sold "Abyiei Territory" to Old Sudan, where predominantly "Arabic heritage" ethnicity constituents had dwelled and controlled for centennial years since Biblical Adams era.

Anyway, constituents of "Dinka-ngok" ethnicity populations are already part of South Sudan according to the "2013 referenda voting turnouts." And yet they are no longer part of "1905 Abyiei Territory Annexation" protocols by late paramount chief Deng Majok.

I just thought I should enlighten you on this little "trivial challenge" since seat for late paramount chief Deng Majok was about to encroach and be taken from his hands by number of warthogged "challenging candidates" from within "Dinka-Ngok ethnicity" constituents.  However, late paramount chief Deng Majok had seen those outsider candidates as severe threat to his seats.  And for him to win a "paramount chieftaincy re-election", was to build a grassroot coalitions with constituents of "Southern Kordufan district " so that they helped him secure re-election.

And in enlightenment of his low media-coverage, low approval rating, sluggish Gallup polling, and of low popularity level rates amongst his "Dinka-ngok" payam district was un-bearable and un-controllable. Of course, late paramount chief Deng Majok in comparison with late Chief Monykuer de Mabuur from Duk County, Jonglei State, South Sudan and Sudan,  had ended up annexing "Abyiei Territory" allotment, and "security apparatus" to Southern Kordufan districts in 1905 so that he won a re-election, which eventually had "unreality" happened.

What is my "street experience", especially at the Laundromats for dirty clothing washing's Machine in the City of Rochester, New York?

Well, I am so touched by their experiences though since number of us came to USA in midst year 2001 from Sudan and from Kenya as younger as them.

And I was in laundry room when they got off from their Elementary, Middle, and High schools, although one of them taught me a lesson of perseverance and courageousness.

Of course, I was sitting inside a laundry room drinking my "2 percent milk  content" whilst my soiled linens got dry in the machine, although one of them had tried to grasp my smartphone out of my hands by excessive force. Of course, one of them was so courageous by hitting me on the chest thinking that I will hit them back and injury one of them again as I had done from work to the elderly manager.

Of course, my tears ran down of my eyes tunnel and fearlessly walked through FIVE young Black boys without fear of being hurt by them. And they were all standing in the laundry room doors, and they were stunned by my courageousness as I walked through our boys as I used to thinking that one of them will hurt me into death. Well, none of them had hurt me with exception of my first fist punch on the chest, although grip of their hands was younger than me.

In meantime, as I was trying to report them to "law enforcements", they all were already astrayed onto streets. And "law enforcements" were laughing at me since I was getting out of jail institution. Well, I ended up hanging up on "law enforcements" since I was so extremely embarrassed by my "disorderly conduct" to which I had severely hurt an elderly manager at work.

On issues of goods being imported into a Country?

Of course, this is a young Country amongst the THIRD WORLD Countries given its 2011 induction into East Africa Countries.

And they are on the right path when it comes to almost "theory of everything"  except its gross human rights abusing records. It is an astonishing violations, where they ought to "dig deeper past their limitations"(T.D. Jakes, 2015) to grasp their relative power.

However, a Country of South Sudan would diligently compete with "Advanced industrialized Countries" without failure, and "belittlement" to protecting their constituent consumers from the "Middle-men vendors", where FDA's product label patents have no jurisdictions to hold those who are frequently importing unauthorized "Genetically Modified"(GMO) products, which might contain "Potassium bromide." I am no doubt they have a "man power", although a lot of their intellectuals are suffering from "brain drainage syndrome" in the Old Khartoum governments and of around World.

And Minister of Department of Environment Mr. Deng Deng Hoac Yai is certainly on the path, where he is yet pushing his departmental legislation to the "Legislative assembly" chamber floor for "procedural motion voting" and for filibustering debate after passage.
"On issues Matter in the Republics of South Sudan: What is my take?"

Compiled by David D. Wuor

Dear Maternity's Extended Relatives Mr. "Thuch Malual Deng":

You must be certainly right when you vocally stressed that "truths should start to grip amongst leftists, rightists, and of centrists" since fear and diseases are getting prevalent in villages.

And hopefully "village residents" will eventually rally for their very TOP concerns when they started to acknowledge statement: "Lueel die bany" in Dinka ethnicity language, although villages pay "property taxes, and personal income taxes" to the "Town supervisory governments".

And I am NOT accurately aware of "local government breakdown" since we are all  constituents to governments, although your "location satellite" matter most to politicians.

Question: When does "Village" substantially become a Town?

Well, although you have already slammily ridiculed this "Facebook social media" as getting "nastiest" blogging sphere, I think "village" become a town when their "tax brackets" qualify them. The poorer the "village residents", the less likely to become a town.

What a "naked deception" from Government of South Sudan (GOSS)?

I meant a lot of "government officials" are yet chilling in the "foreign countries", although they had already looted and plundered a "pyramid treasures" from South Sudan governments' "oil revenue" leaving a young Country with forseeable "hydraulic fracture diaster" including the "SPLM in Oppositions". You couldn't stay in either one of THOSE East Africa Countries without paying a rent, transportation, and foods.

Of course, Government of South Sudan officials(GOSS) are already aware and they just wanted to blindfold "International Community" external powers saying they are going for "ethnicity peace protocols " again in "21st Centennial"  whilst late Dr . John Garang de Mabior had already signed a "CPA FIVE protocols" in 2005 before his attempted suicidal death in Chopped  helicopter leaving his "widower Nyandeng Chol de Mabior" and a Country with outstanding unpaid debt default on all military ammunitions, and ware-heads, which were recieved during the "Cold War period " era from former "Soviet Unions" and of Ethiopia regime of Megisto Haile Merriam.

Well, I couldn't stop learning though except between 1991 and 1993 Nuer ethnicity insurgency campaigns, although I had left my "3 grader" textbook backpack hanging in our Khiir de malei village's cattle barns' artics-ceiling including: "Hello children", "Ben the fishermen" books, etc.

And I vividly remembered that it was between 1988 & 1990s: Pawel Primary school, and Khiir de Dau Bul Primary School, Twic East County when I started my elementary school, although a lot of my today 1987 "Lost Boys of Sudan" had barefootedly trekked to a Country of Ethiopia for "insecurity and of better educations."

Of course, University of Rochester's "Lost Boys of Sudan" undergrauates were only "Abraham Biar Chol-banywut" ,and "Awak Malith", although rest of other former employees were: "David D. Wuor",  "James Bol Darwei", "Solomon Panther Anyuon", "Galuak de Mayen" from Nuer ethnicity people, Deng Wal Biar, "John Anei Nhial Anei", ,Daniel Akok Maketh, Sebastian Mawien de Marou, Peter Manyuat Monydeng, Bior Kuch, Mathon Noi, Philip Guet Mach, Santos Manyuat Makuach, Abrami Alier, Malual Awak Thongjang, and our more laundry rooms' "complimentary lists" should staggeringly continue.

And it seemed that there were a minimum of 28 "Lost Boys of Sudan" both current & former employees of "University of Rochester" and of its Strong Memorial Hospital(SMH),which could bring a grand total of 4,800 "Lost Boys of Sudan" across USA, who were used to be their employees since 2002 approximately.

What could I say, according to the disambiguation homepage, it defined a "mascot" symbol as animals or persons, which given institutions used as their "representative symbols." For instance, our U.S. Navy are said that they use "goats" as their "representative symbol" for voyaging success in the deep sea water level and of pacific oceans.

What is SPLM-IO dissidents upto in City of Juba?

And wait, having had "non-black" wife doesn't qualify you to question the legitimate President of Country apart from having published "Ph.D" "descertation papers" as well. Of course, one of them will have to go for cleaning offices in "nigh" future whatsoever.

Academia degrees are just universal papers, where you could NOT rely on them thinking they will deliver you from "axis of evils".

Or you could sit at home and rethink about your own removal from governmental office. Is there "theory of everything?" Of course, there should if there weren't, where "multi-causality" is usual legitimate justifications of "why things are the way they are."

On issues of "Tribo-Nations Politic?

Given "1905 Abyiei Territory Annexation" to Southern Kordufan district, late paramount chief Deng Majok from Dinka-Ngok ethnicity people, was aggressively campaigning for his "chieftaincy" re-election nomination, although most of his supporters had misquoted him as if he has had sold "Abyiei Territory" to Old Sudan, where predominantly "Arabic heritage" ethnicity constituents had dwelled and controlled for centennial years since Biblical Adams era.

Anyway, constituents of "Dinka-ngok" ethnicity populations are already part of South Sudan according to the "2013 referenda voting turnouts." And yet they are no longer part of "1905 Abyiei Territory Annexation" protocols by late paramount chief Deng Majok.

I just thought I should enlighten you on this little "trivial challenge" since seat for late paramount chief Deng Majok was about to encroach and be taken from his hands by number of warthogged "challenging candidates" from within "Dinka-Ngok ethnicity" constituents.  However, late paramount chief Deng Majok had seen those outsider candidates as severe threat to his seats.  And for him to win a "paramount chieftaincy re-election", was to build a grassroot coalitions with constituents of "Southern Kordufan district " so that they helped him secure re-election.

And in enlightenment of his low media-coverage, low approval rating, sluggish Gallup polling, and of low popularity level rates amongst his "Dinka-ngok" payam district was un-bearable and un-controllable. Of course, late paramount chief Deng Majok in comparison with late Chief Monykuer de Mabuur from Duk County, Jonglei State, South Sudan and Sudan,  had ended up annexing "Abyiei Territory" allotment, and "security apparatus" to Southern Kordufan districts in 1905 so that he won a re-election, which eventually had "unreality" happened.

What is my "street experience", especially at the Laundromats for dirty clothing washing's Machine in the City of Rochester, New York?

Well, I am so touched by their experiences though since number of us came to USA in midst year 2001 from Sudan and from Kenya as younger as them.

And I was in laundry room when they got off from their Elementary, Middle, and High schools, although one of them taught me a lesson of perseverance and courageousness.

Of course, I was sitting inside a laundry room drinking my "2 percent milk  content" whilst my soiled linens got dry in the machine, although one of them had tried to grasp my smartphone out of my hands by excessive force. Of course, one of them was so courageous by hitting me on the chest thinking that I will hit them back and injury one of them again as I had done from work to the elderly manager.

Of course, my tears ran down of my eyes tunnel and fearlessly walked through FIVE young Black boys without fear of being hurt by them. And they were all standing in the laundry room doors, and they were stunned by my courageousness as I walked through our boys as I used to thinking that one of them will hurt me into death. Well, none of them had hurt me with exception of my first fist punch on the chest, although grip of their hands was younger than me.

In meantime, as I was trying to report them to "law enforcements", they all were already astrayed onto streets. And "law enforcements" were laughing at me since I was getting out of jail institution. Well, I ended up hanging up on "law enforcements" since I was so extremely embarrassed by my "disorderly conduct" to which I had severely hurt an elderly manager at work.

On issues of goods being imported into a Country?

Of course, this is a young Country amongst the THIRD WORLD Countries given its 2011 induction into East Africa Countries.

And they are on the right path when it comes to almost "theory of everything"  except its gross human rights abusing records. It is an astonishing violations, where they ought to "dig deeper past their limitations"(T.D. Jakes, 2015) to grasp their relative power.

However, a Country of South Sudan would diligently compete with "Advanced industrialized Countries" without failure, and "belittlement" to protecting their constituent consumers from the "Middle-men vendors", where FDA's product label patents have no jurisdictions to hold those who are frequently importing unauthorized "Genetically Modified"(GMO) products, which might contain "Potassium bromide." I am no doubt they have a "man power", although a lot of their intellectuals are suffering from "brain drainage syndrome" in the Old Khartoum governments and of around World.

And Minister of Department of Environment Mr. Deng Deng Hoac Yai is certainly on the path, where he is yet pushing his departmental legislation to the "Legislative assembly" chamber floor for "procedural motion voting" and for filibustering debate after passage.

"Greetings: What was a letter I wrote to Mr. John Mayen Chol de Bol?"

Dear Mr. John Mayen Chol de Bol, 

Of course, it has been quite awhile without hearing from you "extended relatives" regardless of where ancestry heritage stemmed since year 2013 alleged "tribal crisis." And it is always bad, though seeing everyone running for their lives thinking lives in diaspora is worth living.  

How is everything lately? 

You know, I am so sick of this "mass migrations", where every past "villages" across a landlocked edges of East Africa Region have had been left vacant. 

I guess, a good thing is that majority of people are acquiring a basic English Literacy, and of best a "Curricula" , where in our own Country of Republic of South Sudan, were hardly attained a "basic Education" since 1987. 

As a matter of fact, I have copied Childhood Colleagues, and extended relatives Mr. Makwei  Mabior Deng de Garang-atungdiak since we were 1988 Neighbors. We were used to attend cattle, and of course, played together in the village of "Khiir de Malei." And yet, rest of villages have had been vacated due to 1990s "Nuer ethnic groups' insurgency", where they had looted and rustling everything including head of cattle, sheep, and goats. 

What did 1983 "SPLM movement" do to Nuer-ethnic groups on the way to and way back to "Bilpam: Military Leadership Training Center", in Ethiopia?

I guess, this is where Tribalism started, where 1987 "Nuer-ethnic groups" Children were marginalized, and stationed in Itong Camp, Ethiopia to learn a "Forbidden History" of Queen Ashebbe, and of Israeli King Solomon. And probably rest of 1987 "Dinka-Ethnic groups' children were intentionally stationed in both Pinyudo Camp, Ethiopia, and of Pochalla Camp, Ethiopia, where caretakers could NOT be blamed for "Tribo-Consciousness" preaching. 

Well, I should have called you, however I do NOT have your phone number. Remember between 1994 and 1998, we used to go to Panyagor Primary School, Jonglei State, Republic of South Sudan. You know, I did NOT get a hold of past girl friend Miss. Akuol de Abbot from Duk County, although I have had run into Miss. Angeth Kuir de Kuol from Lith Payam of Abek Community within Twic East County's Community during my 2010-2012 Trip for Africa, where she were still living with family of Mr. Kuir Kuol in the suburban village of Panyagor Town. 

Of course, she was NOT looking, though as she used to be between 1993, and 1998. She said to me that she has bore children to, or with someone from Bor County, Jonglei State, Republic of South Sudan. And this gentleman from Bor County's Community had neglected, and thrown her away without financially support. I guess, I would no longer blame this gentleman for no financially support system due to "mass migrations", where everyone is on the run. 

I am Looking forward to read, and hear from you whenever you got a spare time with UNMISS: Peacekeeping Mission in the Republic of South Sudan. Of course, I could NOT talk about about humanitarian, and military intervention since they are vested in the Office of President Mr. Salva Kiir de Mayardit. 

With bests,

David D. Wuor 
Home phone: (585)-434-1059(USA). 

Saturday, July 23, 2016

"A Country of Nigeria: What was a law enforcement's reaction to Presidential election at ballot boxes?"

Of course, this is an awesome news for citizens of Nigeria in a "region of West Africa" given a recent coercion in ballots, with which "Islamic Boko Haraam Militants" had shot down about 41 voters, who were lined up along ballot boxes.

And probably this recent intimidation killing posed by "Boko Haraam militants" in Northern Nigeria had transformed into "bullet or ballots" landslide victory for Islamic Presidential candidates, where this  incoming Islamic presidential candidate has had taken a skewed huge advantage leaving christian incumbent  president Goodluck Johnson involuntarily out of control for ballot boxes, where majority of Nigerian citizens and potential voters were "internally displaced", and had been taken to "Minawao" Refugee Camps in a Country of Cameroon by UNHCR organization before this emergency "run-off elections" was declared by Nigerian lawmakers for stability prospectus.

What's a future of Nigerian voters?

Well, I think Nigerian voters had made a viable decision in ballot boxes by unanimously choosing and casting their votes for Islamic incoming presidential candidate since previous administration of Goodluck Johnson had miserably failed a Country of Nigeria, where he involuntarily watched over "300 Nigerian school girls" walk out into hands of Islamic Boko Haraam militants without declaring "State of emergency" to stop and to claim hostages before "441 days elapsed".

Friday, July 8, 2016

"Labelling a 'Jumpsuit dress' in the closet: What is LGBTQ Movement's backlash about its color?"

Well, Bany "Abrami Alier" de Achuek, I guess you are RIGHT when it comes to labeling and identifying what that "jumpsuit dress" clothing ' s color definitively "represented" in Dinka ethnicity language.

And make no mistake, speaking of naming rainbows' "color syndrome" sometimes is problematically xenophobia since it had hurt late Civil Right Movements leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr in 1960s, especially amongst people of color in USA.

LGBTQ movement activists and the ACLU organization would definitely endorse your geniune predepositions about what color should that "jumpsuit dress clothing" represent since it always led to "gay marriage equality" discussion and of what marriage institution meant amongst the "conservative leaning thinkers."

Of course, liberal leaning thinkers like you and me would NOT agitate to discuss "rainbows' color", although farthest to right Nazis: "ultra-conservative thugs" might likely push for assassination attempt as it had happened to late "Civil Right Movements"  leader Dr. Martin Luther King Jr in 1968 in a State of Tennessee, while he was taking a stairway walk for "special meetings."

And you could also learn MORE from late SPLM lawyer "Martin Majier Gai"( who was also from Bor County constituent) assassinating conspiracy theory, where they said that he was waterboardly thrown into deep water solution by TOP "SPLM National Security agents" in 1990s, although rest of SPLM detainees stealthily escaped underneath "Gitmo - like detention."

Thursday, July 7, 2016

"Workplace's Allegations: What was my "E-Mailing Letter" to 1st Cousin Mr. Deng Duot Deng Joak?"

Dear Mr. Deng Duot Deng Joak, and Mrs. Adhieu Ajak Deng Biar

I just got your email today about co-worker "allegation", which have had led to your suspension from JBS Australia's Beef and Lamb Processing Company.

Of course, you have handled a workplace's situation nicely, however you just follow whatever they asked to do. 

As always, suspension from workplace is much healthier if there is a guarantee that you will return back to work. I do NOT know how many "verbally warnings", and "suspension" you are supposed to take before it led to your "permanent terminations" from workplace. For instance, in my previous "workplace" case from 2012-2015 Strong Memorial Hospital, especially from Department of Environmental Services, Rochester, New York(USA), I have already had a pre-existing 1 "No-Show No-Call" Attendance's Written-Up Warnings before I got a fire from workplace due to fighting misconduct with one of management team. 

As a matter of fact, our mothers are from Nyuak Payam district, although our fathers: daddy Mr. Wuor Deng Joak, uncle Mr. Ajur Deng Joak, and uncle Mr. Duot Deng Joak with my deepest respect to our Aunty Mrs. Aluk Deng Joak, and late Mr. Yaak Thuch de Akol from Kongor Payam district. 

With thanks, 

David D. Wuor 
Home phone: (585)434-1059

Sent from my iPhone

On Jul 8, 2016, at 12:24 AM, Deng Duot <> wrote:

Dear relatives,

Would you please find this attached letter which I respond to allegations made against me by one of my employee in the Company I work for.

I had been suspended from work since last week but the problem is being investigated right now. They company had issued me a letter last Wednesday to respond to what they think I had done or breached some of their company policies.

Warms Regards,

Deng Jok,

JBS Australia Pty Ltd's employee.
<Personal Letter FINAL DRAFT.docx>

"External Powers: Should the Republics of South Sudan seek an Intervention?"

Well, Ms. Daniella Valentino Wol:

Of course, you have got it right though that South Sudan should seek interventions from "external powers" so that  they help them situated and filed a "Country bankruptcy" again much similar to what City of Detroit, Michigan State (USA) had done already so that they get a version of IMF structural adjustment programs from the World Bank.

It seemed that you still have "union" with Old Khartoum, although South Sudan is yet operating independently under auspice of Government of National Unity (GONU), where Government of South Sudan(GOSS) could seek  "intervention"anytime.

The African Union Commission(AU), IGAD regional Authority, UNMISS peace-building forces, and "Trioka powers" are also there as part of "external powers", where each one of those "external powers" could intervene if any issue match their jurisdictions.

However, it seemed to me South Sudan ought to solve it own "Social welfare problems", although a Country is yet operating solely from ONE "source Oil revenue", where I think they could be why a lot of citizens are still unemployed whilst higher paying former "government officials" are let loose without any clear justifications to ordinary citizens.

I think it should be worthwhile if current administration of President Salva Kiir Mayardit prepared a "solid and truthful concised speech," where he would declare "humanitarian crisis" and of "food security" in his version of "Great Society(Lyndon B.Johnson, 1968: "The Great Society)."

And also, there is "UNDP compounds" there in Juba City and yet they are peeling their ears open for any request for "Humanitarian Food Security" intervention" since those might have been "attributes" behind mass "unemployments" and of stagnant wages, where "teachers and troops" for instance, are under paid given poor Countries' revenue after "crude oil share" are sold.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

2018 "Presidential Election: What could likely happen in a recent 2016 TGoNU Unity governments of Republics of South Sudan?"

=] Mr. William Deng Riak, I guess you have made your arguments when it comes to "lack of constituencies", & ideas of "new states" in Third World Countries, where they already have 10 states in THREE regions. Of course, what we do NOT know is whether SPLM in Opposition's Political appointees will survive from next "reshuffling power" in year 2018 Presidential election, or not. Obviously, political appointees are meant to go home with incumbent Presidents,  and his Cabinet Ministers if they lost a 2018 presidential election.

=] Questions, we ought to answer is what is "new states?" I do NOT know either, however what I know is "redistributing" power of House of Congress after every 10 years according to 2010 Statistics of USA National Census, where "head-counts", and "Map-drawing" boundaries of  demographic population is done by apportionment of Congressional districts. Hypothetically speaking, the less density of Congressional district, the more reduction in a number of current Congressional districts. For instance, in the Federal level governments of New York State (NYS) governments, there were 28 Congressional districts between 2000 and 2010. And yet, after 2010 Census a number of Congressional districts have drastically reduced to 25 Congressional districts due to change in demographic populations, where constituents have relocated to various 50 States across USA since year 2000 Census.

=] And previously, you have made an argument about "lack of Constituents" in TGoNU Unity governments of Republic of South Sudan, where IDPs constituents have relocated to refugees camps in various Countries in East Africa region as well as to UNMISS' Tribo-Nations' reservation site acronymically known as "Protection of Civilians (POC) site.

=] I suggested what we ought to differentiate is TGoNU Unity governments' political appointees, and non-political appointees in their Congress. In American politics, there are total of 535 members of Congress, where 100 members of Congress are Senators from 50 States, whilst 435 members of Congress are House of Representatives. And a number of House of Congress are meant to change every 10 years when Census is held due to demographic population's "change" in the Congressional districts. Make no mistake, Cabinet Ministers is made up of political appointees and non-political appointees, where the incumbent President of a Country has an "Executive power" to appoint and to remove statesmen to lead each one of THOSE allocated bipartisans' 15 Cabinet departments, which is obviously equivalent to Parliamentary system of 30 "Cabinet Ministers."

2018 "Presidential Election: What could likely happen in a recent 2016 TGoNU Unity governments of Republics of South Sudan?"

=] Mr. William Deng Riak, I guess you have made your arguments when it comes to "lack of constituencies", & ideas of "new states" in Third World Countries, where they already have 10 states in THREE regions. Of course, what we do NOT know is whether SPLM in Opposition's Political appointees will survive from next "reshuffling power" in year 2018 Presidential election, or not. Obviously, political appointees are meant to go home with incumbent Presidents,  and his Cabinet Ministers if they lost a 2018 presidential election.

=] Questions, we ought to answer is what is "new states?" I do NOT know either, however what I know is "redistributing" power of House of Congress after every 10 years according to Statistics of National Census, where "head-count" of demographic population is done by apportionment of Congressional districts. Hypothetically speaking, the less density of Congressional district, the more reduction in a number of current Congressional districts. For instance, in the Federal level governments of New York State (NYS) governments, there were 28 Congressional districts between 2000 and 2010. And yet, after 2010 Census a number of Congressional districts have drastically reduced to 25 Congressional districts due to change in demographic populations, where constituents have relocated to various 50 States across USA since year 2000 Census.

=] And previously, you have made an argument about "lack of Constituents" in TGoNU Unity governments of Republic of South Sudan, where IDPs constituents have relocated to refugees camps in various Countries in East Africa region as well as to UNMISS' Tribo-Nations' reservation site acronymically known as "Protection of Civilians (POC) site.

=] I suggested what we ought to differentiate is TGoNU Unity governments' political appointees, and non-political appointees in their Congress. In American politics, there are total of 535 members of Congress, where 100 members of Congress are Senators from 50 States, whilst 435 members of Congress are House of Representatives. And a number of House of Congress are meant to change every 10 years when Census is held due to demographic population's "change" in the Congressional districts. Make no mistake, Cabinet Ministers is made up of political appointees and non-political appointees, where the incumbent President of a Country has an "Executive power" to appoint and to remove statesmen to lead each one of THOSE allocated bipartisans' 15 Cabinet departments, which is obviously equivalent to Parliamentary system of 30 "Cabinet Ministers."

"A Letter Writing: What was one of "59" letters have I had written?"

Dear Miss. Maureene:

Thank for quick reply and I believe you are having fun with your internship with Catholic Mission of Dominican Friars in Nairobi, Kenya. This is an awesome opportunity since they had sponsored you and had given you a University 'fullbright' scholarship. It is very rare for other people to receive such College scholarship and internship is also graunteed with stipend allowances. With that say, you will not have to worry about paying tuition back to the College you had gone to.

I Just thought I should write you a few sentences this morning.  It was my weekend off from work today if I were NOT fired from Environmental Services Department. I have had a good One year, and Six Months off from the University of Rochester-Hospital, where I used to work. It was an awesome University Hospital known as Strong Memorial Hospital(SMH) that was dedicated after World War II: War Memorial. And they have a renowned reputation in the Western New York region as well as in the whole country of USA. I was so blessed to have had worked for them since there was a leeway and/or leverage to grow with them in terms of Career Advancement, whereof. They said that I could have had transfered from ONE department to another. It was done by bitting for posted opportunities---unionized positions. And if I have had a "job seniority",  and then I would have had qualified for it.

I am so fortunated to have you since we both are College graduates. And this ingredient, I do not find it in my first marriage narrative with my first wife: Mrs. Debora Akur Deng, and Mr. Panrac Majak Deng from Bor County Community of Jonglei State. She is awesome though and she speaks fluently in both English and Swahili. And she had said she was a fourth grades dropped-out from Primary School and I never attempted to defame and slander on her since she is a mother of little daughter Miss. Achirin D. Wuor, and of little son Mr. Anyieth D. Wuor in today "Ifo Refugee Camp", Kenya's border with a Country of Somalia. I do NOT have pre-deposition to devorce unless she wanted it to. One of weakest elements is that she doesn't make her own income whereby she would become a  "breadwinner" as some of World renowned feminists said it before 1920s. She is now with her Aunt family in Eldoret, Kenya and my Sister-in-Law is staying abroad, especially in Canada with her husband and her little children thus far.

However, there is a lot of reasons why I wanted to keep you both in my lifespan if God's willing, although I do NOT make a big SSI income with USA President Barack H. Obama's Cabinet Departments of Entitlement programs for people with government approved Disability benefits with Social Security Administration(SSA) if we are going to speak "poor, and vulnerability" underprivileged people. Of course, I was asked by USA government if I could partially go to work, and then I have had turned down for good reason of previously "mentally illness" conditions. But this is NOT the only reasons and I will try to build our solid friendship until it return to relationship in the near future since this has always been my "Audacity of Hope" as President Obama always reiterated in his TWO books.

And also your "Luo ethnics groups" heritage said to stem from today Republics of South Sudan in the region of Bhar-el-ghazal. And I really wanted to break this Ethnic groups' barrier so that I would travel freely when I go to Kenya without worry knowing you are there. I really wanted to have a Ethnics groups' diversity in my own family and having you will be awesome Ethnics groups' ingredients.

As you already knew my TWO half brothers Mr. Jacob Atiop Garang, and Mr. Gabriel Manyuon Garang used to schooling in your home district of Kisumu in the heart-land of that Western Province of Republics of Kenya, however if I do NOT hold-on with you, then it will be invain and I would be known in history as a "liar" since I failed to make you to be part of my family heritage. We are NOT wealthy, but we are partly "peasants"  since majority of our fore-parents did not go to College pertaining the history of South Sudan and Old Sudan regime. I am ONE of the first "millennial generation" to graduated from College and be in diaspora. But this opportunity did NOT happen out of scratch with Kenyan people and European people in giving this HOPE to us since Civil War of Sudan with independent "Nation-state" of Republics of South Sudan in 2011.

In nutshell, there is a lot of reasons why I wanted to hold-on with you as a potential "bribe to be"  in addition to my first wife since polygamy is permissable in our heritage. I deeply understood your Catholicism faith and tenets, where you wanted to stay faithful as long as Catholic mission span. I will try NOT to breach anything, but our friendship will stay as a baseline until it blossoms into solid relationship of polygamous family of our heritage.

With Bests,

David D. Wuor

On Mar 28, 2014 2:14 AM

"2007 Chevolet Cobalt Vehicles: A Repository Return Letter to 'Tebo Financial Services' at State of Ohio, USA?"

Dear Tiffany Ford:
Thank you for emailing me about "issues" regarding late "biweekly premium payment ". And I just wanted to affirm to you that I had lost my Environmental Services'  job from Strong Memorial Hospital(SMH) since I was involved in "verbally threatening and of "aggravated assault fighting" with one of "management teams" with which Medical Doctor from where I was assigned to work(a.k.a Radiological section acronymically/ "Angio"), where he had "verbally threatened" me, by "coercion possessing my "cleaning cart", where he had said I was in "slow pace" for delaying next patients to go for "X-ray examination".
He eventually ended up saying if you could NOT speed up your "cleaning pace mode", and then I will write you up a "half-page predepositions" to your Environment Service Department's Supervisor: Jerome Iverson  to fire me, although I have had ONE "grievance - written up "occurrence warning" with previous Environmental Services Department's supervisor: Jude Brock and with  current victim plaintiff: Manager Zynon Putney, out of FIVE "occurrence warning" for either TWO days suspension from Job or be "fired" for good from Strong Memorial Hospital(SMH).
Anyway, I spoke to one of your staff today so that they come and return a vehicle for "repository status" like auctioning it to how it is worth now, but "no less"  rather than what a vehicle worth now. If you ended up auctioning it to THIRD party for less than what a vehicle worth now, and then return it back to me for good and to  my dealer: "Marine Dodge" in Webster, New York  since I am still a legal "signatory owner" of my vehicle: 2007 CHEVROLET cobalt.  
I could NOT keep a vehicle in the "driveway" with me in case a "tree falls on the vehicle" thereof. And therefore it would likely end up holding me reliable to any today and forseeable future physical damage to the vehicle. And I also had discontinued my "DMV licensed plate" and of "insurances", where a vehicle could legally still stay in my possession in either its current "driveway" or in the "offside street."
I am deeply apologized to you all for any late "premium payment" entailed and had incured in the last few days. Of course, I was "handcuppedly" taken to the New York State(NYS) govement's Monroe County Jail institution by both my employer's Public Safety's security guard and of and by Rochester City Police officers in the "liason fashion mode" of "arresting and of institutionalizing" precedure, where a "plaintiff victim" was simultaneously taken to Employer: Strong Memorial Hospital(SMH)'s "triage patient  intake" ward of Emergency Department(ED).
What happened next?
I had ended up spending a Night in Monroe County Jail institution,  where I was also seen by a Nurse and next morning, we including existed "inmates" I had found in the Monroe County Jail Institution, were seen by Monroe County Court Judge by 9:30 Am that morning on THURSDAY/FRIDAY February 5th, 2015 during my dependent case status of "court arraignment" and of "Pre-trial Release/bail out procedure". 
I was so fortunate enough to be constitutionally granted a "Pre-trial Release documentation" espoused with "bench warranty" decree if I come home and then i wrecklessly failed NOT to follow up with "Monroe County Court's "Pre-trial Release Corps", which already had been designed by my current Judge Teresa Johnson to serve as a "released inmate" in the "parole and of probation status", with which I am told to "call and sign-in" with Monroe County Court every "Monday" of the week until my assigned: "March 4th, 2015",  Court Appearance date is finally elapsed whereof. However, my failure to appear at this assigned Court appearance date, would foreseeably result in the "re-arrest warranty", which legally is referred to as "bench warranty", without any possible "legal back-up" for "no arrest warrant" whatsoever. 
With Bests,
2007 Chevrolet Cobalt owner/Signatory possessor
David Deng Wuor
On Feb 23, 2015 3:07 PM, "Tiffany Ford" <> wrote:
It is important to contact Tebo today. Please call 1-800-701-8093

Thursday, June 23, 2016

"On Facebook Text-Messaging Dialogue: What did we discuss between 2014 and 2015 with Mr. John Gak Adu de Diing?"

=] 2015: "Text-Messaging Dialogue's Transcript?"

           Mr. John Gak Adu de Diing: text-messaged me by saying: "Yep!!,  Mr. David D. Wuor

           Me: "You inferred that you still have a minimum of at least six more Semesters left to go. And Only 4   Semesters are completed? Wow!! That's so saddening, though."

           Mr. John Gak Adu de Diing: "Yep....!! That's the trend of Republics of South Sudan's Higher Education and of Academic Institutions..... It's luck at the end of the Day if one's completes his Course timely, and then, that would hardly happen."

           Me: "My phone is out of power. And I will have to go to amount a charging cord onto Power extension cords. We will chat then!! I hope that was a right choice, though for all of us in abroad, and at "home front" Country."

           Mr. John Gak Adu de Diing: He said to me that there's s "poor reception here" of the telecommunications' network."

           Mr. John Gak Adu de Diing: "He asked me. How was African Leaders Summit with President H. E. Mr. Barack H. Obama, and First Lady Mrs. Michelle R. Obama?"

           Me: "African Leaders Summit is already a past tense. And it was so terrifying things for President Obama to debrief a Continent of Africa's leaders since Creation era. I was just listening to video clips about veterans of SPLA Army graduating from University of Juba at Central Equatoria State in the Republics of South Sudan after their past Military Services during 1983-2005 'Civil War' with Old Sudan."

           Mr. John Gak Adu de Diing: "He stated that He thought it was about World Leaders under the United Nations' Umbrella. He believed that about over 130 Heads of State actors, and of governments    were scheduled for summit attendance....."

          Me: "I responded by saying that well, I do NOT know about that World Summit since it was supposed to be the United Nations debriefing World actors."

         Mr. John Gak Adu de Diing: "He asserted back to me that's ok!!"

          Me: "I confirmed to him by stating that's ok, too!! We will chat again, though. And there's NOT  anything about World leaders' summit since we are waging a "War on Terrorism, and Violences" abroad, especially in the region of Middle East, although the Republics of South Sudan has had signed a 2005 CPA protocol dividends with Old Sudan. Of course, it was NOT the "Warsaw Treaty", where "Western Worlds" have had signed it to end a THIRTY years old "War" in a Continent of Europe."

         Mr. John Gak Adu de Diing: "He said that it seems that you are pre-occupied. And please, Mr. David D. Wuor, You should never mind!!"

         Me: " I responded back to him by saying that we tended to keep a low interference when it comes to those Arabics Worlds' Affairs. And I am taking a "tough stance" on them to keep a home's birth origin remain in "tranquility, and of prosperity with itself and Arabic Country of Old Sudan."

         Mr. John Gak Adu de Diing: "He explained that he believed in these more projects. And that's how the World is moving.....!! He said that we create problems, and we solved them. He asked me by
joking that is an "Employment Opportunity" coming onto your ways?"

=] 2015: "Text-Messaging Dialogue's Transcript?"

       Mr. John Gak Adu de Diing: "Hello, Mr. David D. Wuor?"

       Me: "What is upto you?" I said that I am doing fantastically well my Paternity uncle: Mr. John Gak Adu de Diing?"

       Mr. John Gak Adu de Diing: "He responded by stating that he is good, although he has been ok!! Are you so lost?"

       Me: "I asked him, What are you upto in the City of Juba despite 2013 dreadful "insecurity concerns"of "Nuer Ethnic groups' violences", and of an obvious issues of "ethnic cleansing" in general?"

      Mr. John Gak Adu de Diing: "He shrugged by saying that well, they are in state of survival for fittest......"

      Me: "I said that well, I am grateful that you are in a good health, although we have hadn't chatted for awhile since last year of 2014."

     Mr. John Gak Adu de Diing: "He startled by saying that yeah!! He has had heard that President Obama mentioned a National Security of "Tribo-domestic conflicts" in the Republics of South Sudan, where diagnosis scope met on a matter of National Security to United States of America(USA). He questioned me by saying: Can it be trusted, however verified?"

    Me: "Of course, a theory of Darwinism is meant to depicting a "Natural Selection" for our concern of daily basis "Survivability" amongst species since most Evolution Scientist Charles Darwin's  "fittest species", are said to be those who are left in the planet earth."

    Mr. John Gak Adu de Diing: "He shrugged by saying yeah....!!"

    Me: "Well, a Republics of South Sudan is a Sovereign country!! And officials are necessarily deemed to get "asset freeze" type of sanctions. Of course, they could get a sanction from one of these concerned Troikas' "International Community", where USA governments are a member of "Troika" International Community since recent 2013-2016 issue of "Ethnic groups' violence" is so benign. A Country is already hit by issue of "mass migration", which have had become a geopolitics of regional Countries of East Africa and of International Community. However, you do NOT have to worry about  USA President Obama's rhetoric series of "Executive Order" decree since 2008-2016 he got into presidency. He is our son, though!! And he just wanted to let his "Luo-Kenyans' ethnic group Natives" know that they have to live in a "ethnic groups' problem-free Continent" since their Medieval migration from region of Bahr-el- ghazal, where "Jesus the Messiah" once reigned."

    Mr. John Gak Adu de Diing: "Of course, looming sanctions have had already been hitting harder on the common TGoNU governments' officials on the grounds of "Wazaran" governments' Ministries. As obvious, Survivability, and of "livelihoods" is fair in the City of Juba. But to rest of the Country residents, there is a dire need for human consumptions' basic necessities. He stated that He hope spontaneous decisions will be carefully evaluated. Otherwise, it is gonna be issue of who "sink in ocean" for livelihoods' calamity of the new "land-locked" Country of South Sudan."

  Me: "A Country of USA is a diverse Country. And for instance, if the World demographic populations got sick, and then we also got to cough, or to sneeze out from those seasonal FLU fever."

  Mr. John Gak Adu de Diing: "Well, you are absolutely right!! A top 1 percent of "wealthier cliques",  are frequently bullying a bottom "Middle-Class" income, and of improvised masses of "lower-class" income here abroad as well as in home front of City of Juba. And that's probably what made a past "Wild West" thugs barbarically behavior was inflicted, where they lived by "gun pistols" on their hips. This was what known as "West expansion", where majority of Revolutionary Americans were going to awes


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I am already succumbed to change by Mr. David D. Wuor