=] Mr. William Deng Riak, I guess you have made your arguments when it comes to "lack of constituencies", & ideas of "new states" in Third World Countries, where they already have 10 states in THREE regions. Of course, what we do NOT know is whether SPLM in Opposition's Political appointees will survive from next "reshuffling power" in year 2018 Presidential election, or not. Obviously, political appointees are meant to go home with incumbent Presidents, and his Cabinet Ministers if they lost a 2018 presidential election.
=] Questions, we ought to answer is what is "new states?" I do NOT know either, however what I know is "redistributing" power of House of Congress after every 10 years according to 2010 Statistics of USA National Census, where "head-counts", and "Map-drawing" boundaries of demographic population is done by apportionment of Congressional districts. Hypothetically speaking, the less density of Congressional district, the more reduction in a number of current Congressional districts. For instance, in the Federal level governments of New York State (NYS) governments, there were 28 Congressional districts between 2000 and 2010. And yet, after 2010 Census a number of Congressional districts have drastically reduced to 25 Congressional districts due to change in demographic populations, where constituents have relocated to various 50 States across USA since year 2000 Census.
=] And previously, you have made an argument about "lack of Constituents" in TGoNU Unity governments of Republic of South Sudan, where IDPs constituents have relocated to refugees camps in various Countries in East Africa region as well as to UNMISS' Tribo-Nations' reservation site acronymically known as "Protection of Civilians (POC) site.
=] I suggested what we ought to differentiate is TGoNU Unity governments' political appointees, and non-political appointees in their Congress. In American politics, there are total of 535 members of Congress, where 100 members of Congress are Senators from 50 States, whilst 435 members of Congress are House of Representatives. And a number of House of Congress are meant to change every 10 years when Census is held due to demographic population's "change" in the Congressional districts. Make no mistake, Cabinet Ministers is made up of political appointees and non-political appointees, where the incumbent President of a Country has an "Executive power" to appoint and to remove statesmen to lead each one of THOSE allocated bipartisans' 15 Cabinet departments, which is obviously equivalent to Parliamentary system of 30 "Cabinet Ministers."
=] Questions, we ought to answer is what is "new states?" I do NOT know either, however what I know is "redistributing" power of House of Congress after every 10 years according to 2010 Statistics of USA National Census, where "head-counts", and "Map-drawing" boundaries of demographic population is done by apportionment of Congressional districts. Hypothetically speaking, the less density of Congressional district, the more reduction in a number of current Congressional districts. For instance, in the Federal level governments of New York State (NYS) governments, there were 28 Congressional districts between 2000 and 2010. And yet, after 2010 Census a number of Congressional districts have drastically reduced to 25 Congressional districts due to change in demographic populations, where constituents have relocated to various 50 States across USA since year 2000 Census.
=] And previously, you have made an argument about "lack of Constituents" in TGoNU Unity governments of Republic of South Sudan, where IDPs constituents have relocated to refugees camps in various Countries in East Africa region as well as to UNMISS' Tribo-Nations' reservation site acronymically known as "Protection of Civilians (POC) site.
=] I suggested what we ought to differentiate is TGoNU Unity governments' political appointees, and non-political appointees in their Congress. In American politics, there are total of 535 members of Congress, where 100 members of Congress are Senators from 50 States, whilst 435 members of Congress are House of Representatives. And a number of House of Congress are meant to change every 10 years when Census is held due to demographic population's "change" in the Congressional districts. Make no mistake, Cabinet Ministers is made up of political appointees and non-political appointees, where the incumbent President of a Country has an "Executive power" to appoint and to remove statesmen to lead each one of THOSE allocated bipartisans' 15 Cabinet departments, which is obviously equivalent to Parliamentary system of 30 "Cabinet Ministers."