Thursday, June 16, 2016

"2010-2011 Trip Diary for a Republic of South Sudan: How have I had spent my trip?"

16th Oct. 2011
As I traveled in Juba town, I found things were not supposed to be way they were since independent in July 9thswift shops weredislocated and even next to UNDP compounds, restaurant-likedinning setting restuarants are shutdowns. Road signs weredislocated and replaced with new movement historical signposts and signboards overshadowing the Juba city: Showing and displaying heroes and heroines martyr as they referred in the North-South Sudan Civil War (right along ‘Home and Away’ play medium compound areas) 
Juba city-Central Equatorial State, South SudanKonykony spot, bus stations and swift shops, which were built and some which were still under constructions were finally refilled and opened for businesses----Main roads to the South Sudan ministries----known as ‘wazarat’ in Dinka language has traffic lights: Solar light. And other new constructed areas like cultural centres and youths playgrounds, stadium adjacent to AFLEC and National Democratic Institute (NDI) compounds. Of course, it is pretty-mansions that were newly put in place….I was so stunned and shocked when I saw them. 
After few days in Juba city-Central Equatorial State, South Sudan, I returned back to Jonglei State, Bor town and next days and evenings I took a walk along few streets in Bor Town to which I was checking out swift shops that were recently put in place. It looks like things were good and magnificients…..tons of people walked along the roads during evening time. Some people take dinners and lunches there in the nearby restruants and drinking beers beverages were stocked there as well. It was awesome to see smilling and happy faces and cheering people as well. I could not imagine how things had drastically changed in the short six year fold interim for referendum since 2005.
After dawn, next morning I took a ride back to Twic East County by ‘border-border’ informal slang known as motor-cycles and sometime I do take a ride back to our Twic East County—Jonglei State by regular four wheel drive trucks---it was a private transportation transit since roads are so ‘rough and bumpy’. ---It made it hard for other public transit buses and convoy buses to make that long ride from Bor Town to Twic East County and they must collapse on the way before theyreached----damaged engines and other mechanic devices entailed. Why they do not fix the roads? I do not know----still mysterious and it is entailed in the ‘fiscal cliff’ and the ‘anema’ economy of Jonglei State share dividends from the Federal government’s oil resource revenue---fifty percent (50%) portion share dividends with the North Sudan as stipulated in the 2005 CPA peace dividends of six protocol mandates-----wealth-sharing protocol.
24th Oct. 2011
In Bor Town, people generally live in a gay-like’---socially staying happier all day long, where by you always keep your words not to say it out loud since people had invented a strange listening mode and also the freedom of expression and press is allowed constitutionally, however it is not yet implemented and ratified. This is unusual behavior, to which people had invented after independent. 
People do not go to foreign restraurants and they expect everyone to go to the South Sudanese bars, and restraurant-like rooms to serve themselves for beverage drinks, foods and so forths.
Street light is no longer working and had walked to the recently ‘built power station’ off side road of Marol road to check it out whether it is working or not. Of course, workers are there every weekdays, but did not see a light a long the road next to ‘Marol’ neighborhood when evening come -----hoping there will be road-side light shinning in the town and only frugallychanneled to state government buildings, and to Jonglei State sponsored public healthcares, and schools. More and more people including businessmen and vendors are using power generators instead for lights unless you are subscribed to receive lights every evenings and days. No traffic lights allowed yet, however it must be on its ways to come. 
Roads are still bumpy since April 2010 when I arrived in the South Sudan from America. Of course, they were fixed, but with muddy soil, where rain normally damaged it and Jonglei state government bumpered and smoothen, and level infrastructure roads with those ‘heavy catefiller construction machines’ during dry seasons---making roads vulnerable to stay concret all seasons and years as well. And it would be good unless they constructed infrastructure roads with cement and ‘applied tar’ waste compound on them as other developing and under-developing countries do. Capitol Juba city for South Sudan is only exceptional here; infrastructure ‘roads and bridges’ are constructed with concrete sands, steels, and bricks and are plasticated with tar waste compounds filtered from crude oil reservoir after refineries. 
People a cross all race stay in Bor Town and it can’t be said to be one ethnicity (Dinka-Bor and Twic ethnic groups populated a ‘shining town on the hill’ according to the USA president Ronald Reagan phrased in the 1980s) with monolithic groups are dwelling in Bor town, in Jonglei State, South Sudan. More and more people from all nationality and ethnicity took a toll in the Bor town---the historic town for South Sudan liberation struggles when they ignited rebellions against the Old Sudan in 1983. And it appeared most people around the world paid visit to see how democracy in experiment is taking effect before it devolutes to other ten (10) states unified under and by the ‘golden’ shinning and glowing star of their national flag they crafted through International governmental agencies’ advisements and consultancies. It was previous ‘red’ glowingwarm star before the so-called ‘Cold War’ period and later South Sudan leadership was advised by American governmental actors to change it to ‘gold’ star to show ‘unity of state afterforeseeable states. Of course, it is not a multi-racial County, only ‘black’ from East Africa and North Sudan and this does not mean other foreign ethnicities are not welcome here in Bor town. 
‘Achol and Manyok’ acronyms for Bor County symbolizes straight Uganda--like national flag’dress’ code----Not Chol (Twic East County) acronym symbolizes straight Kenyan likenational flag ‘dress code’ ---Gay-like community that means you do not glance at people when talking.
Type of Transport----Cars and Motor cycles. They are available all days long and anyone can access them anytime to travel anywhere in Town. You can choose either to take a ride by cars or motor-cycles for transit transport orbiting the Bor town. It appeared getting along a town, especially in Bor Town, Jonglei State and Juba Capitol city in the Central Equatorial State is pretty-much easier than in the other remote Counties and other localities in the country. For instance, In Twic East County, there are ‘transit’ buses, four wheel cars for long distance travels and motor-cycles for either long and short trips in the County and as well as to the other riparian of Jonglei State. Or you can take boats and canoes from Bor town to other part of Jonglei state swamp areas islands. It was so awesome and I took a ride to the river Nile basin shore known as ‘laang-bahr’ in Dinka language and I was so stunned and overwhelmed when I saw old ‘navy canoes’ known as water-proof motor-boats and of course, they are no longer drivable---they are wreckaged, however they are left out for tourists display and other citizens who had never seen them before during the liberation struggles and tribulations……
13th Nov. 2011. 
Bees today outburst at Pawel Town and stung Bior Ajang-warkeen, pregnant woman, a child and Ajang-whaibiei—Just right around Bior Kuir-gaarial and Bior Kongor Gak’s  swift shops and was extended to Pawel town’s hand-pumps drilled in the center of town. Children and number of women, who fetched water, were stung by bees. This happened right after old folk from Kongor section Koor-nyin since their daughter Amour Geu gave birth to a boy-infant child threw a ‘celebration of birth’ and they came for little  blessing prayer after deliverance and births: 
a) It rained that day when she gave birth and they thought it was a ‘miraculous and blessing for them’ 
b) Kongor Chol directed  them to go to Bior Kuir-gaarial’s swift shop since it was momentumly closed-down and was opened after the time I left for America due to several reasons behind it---
Road condition---it is still bumpy and rough physical infrastructure from Bor Town to either Juba capitol city or versa-visa. Traveling fares’ cost is ranged between 100 South SudanPounds (SSPs) to 200 South Sudan Pounds (SSPs). Of course, it is extremely sky-rocketed. Same can apply to Twic East Countytraveling fare cost. Simply roads are not that smoothly good for normal transportation: Cars, big trucks, they no longer go there; only motor cycles still go there. Therefore, situation is getting worser and worser back at Twic East County, Jonglei State---South Sudan.
Swift Shops are almost shutdown and only few products from the motor cycle carriers---no more truck loads making supplies to Twic East County during rainy seasons since roads is muddy and it is hard for these four wheel drive-trucks to run at this time of the year. For instance, more businesses literally were closed-down due to lack of goods supply, but demand is still extremely high that made them costly in the Twic East County when they received those goods and products to afford. This situation made businessmen and vendors in unequal balances with buyers and consumers since pricing of goods and products are sky-rocketed without buffer system set-up to lower and control the price of goods when they get there during those rainy seasons. 
Back to Schools theme ---Both Primaries and Secondary schools are still operating well: privates and public schools. More and more children and adults as well in the after North-South Sudan Civil War period had crowded schools such as primaries, secondaries and colleges. I was so overwhelmed and gladed seeing people overarchingly attending schools in the South Sudan to jump start their literacy levels and to also make United Nations Millionenium Developmental-Oriented Goals (MDGs)goals accomplished in the recently new and youngest’ sovereign nation in the face of orbiting planet---earth to which we are dwelling. 
Residency in Bor Town---Only Kuir Bior-gaarial’s place is normally where people mainly from Kongor clan sleep therebefore they headed off for Juba capitol city in the Central Equatorial State and back to Twic East County, Jonglei State. It is extremely stuck up and visitors share queen and twin-beds---it was very generous accommodations to house both ‘wut and dhien’ Pan-Bior’ sections and Kongor clan people by and at alarge as well. 
Sunday Sermons in Bor Town---people in Bor Town attends church sermons’ services tremendously. People wonder a lot if you walk a long side road---no going to swift shops somewhat until Church services are finished and closed  e.g In Kuir Bior-gaarial’s home that Sunday, his wife prepared a warm tea for usfor morning jump-start stamina break-feast and this was stunning since I first came. I always come here and spent few days and nights and then head up for Juba town to run some errands and then run back to Twic East County, Jonglei State, South Sudan. 
Ladies preferences---they preferred someone, who goes with ‘manyok’ meaning someone whose girl born after him: blue and white’ color thread symbolism and of course, they also like someone or people who wears ‘black’ gown ---black symbolizes some whose boy born after him: Red and white color preferent symbolim---Nyarweng clan for instances and one one hand, ‘blue and white’ color symbolism for both Awulian and Ayual sectarian clans. ----that is what conotated with ‘manyok’ acronym. And it goes and one like. It was hard learning these cultural and literally substances to which they stanced. It is ambiguous and vague translations and it must be hard to unpack literal meanings. My two years trip was shorter as I even never imagine and I was absorbing and learning cultural significances and values and ways of life since I left very young since 1999 when I flew for Loki town-Kenya to attends schools there with other lost boys of South Sudan who left as earliest as 1987.
Cultural shock and Anxiety----people in Bor Town appeared to be experiencing some sort of worries since they are living alive of gay-like life of ceremonial parities, where they fear of being rejected and challenged---life style kind of lives---they have invented from popular culture i.e soldiers, especially tended to turn toward gay-lives and Dr. John Garang is usually and most frequently refrained as their historic leader, where they used ‘William Deng Nhial’ from Bhar-el ghazal region, pivotal and monumental person remembered as the person they rely to as an assasinated pre-successor with South Sudan paramount chiefs: Ajang Duot, Jongak Deng Malwal, and Bul Koch, who was ordered by Khartoum govement to be assasinately thrown on inflammable burning wood-fire, where he stayed on the wood-fire until he burned(died) to ashes with an amazing couragewithout crying for surrender, but bore hold the foreseeable South Sudan national pride and freedoms during their South Sudan liberation struggles including Anya-nya I leader Joseph Lagu from Equatorial region. That was incredible bravery of those paramount chiefs and of course, it is heart-breaking to telling stories to how these martyr leaders perished and assassinated.
Street lives in Bor Town----Young generations, especially usually clustered along a road during days and evenings. And as you sit outside in front door of the buildings those young kids or adult combined greet any person they get. This is strange behavior unlike in Twic East County’s youths –probably in Panyagor town, they have adopted a culture of gay-hood where they tend not to like someone, who walk a lone on the street and I wonder where they adopted this kind of lives even I did not experience this sort of life in the USA probably this had evolved after Obama administration so what can we do? 
In ‘After Civil War with North Old Sudan----people feel relieved from the extremism and a dictatorship kind of government –where they now have fear of come back of military-like type of government---where government had imposed type of rule of ‘you either with us or not with us’. Probably this might be where this kind of behavior or lifestyle derived---they felt as if they have gained an abundant life with an abundant freedom i.e Dr. John Garang now become historic figure and they always talked about if you happened to drip-off your words without using or mentioning him you probably must be in trouble; therefore people may generally over-look you as ‘deserter or enemy within’---
13rd November 2011
Today, Achol Yuol and Kongor Chol went to Bul Bior to find out incidents, which resulted in medical admission of Bior Ajang-warkeen to Panyagor clinics and also, Yar Ajang, the wife of Garangthii Bul Bior-Kweigak came in today to greet us since my dady is herding their cattle and daddy Wuor Deng Joak used to look after Bior-Magarthith cattle back before civil war and right there, Adhieu Malek from Awulian sectarian clan, wife of Bior Magarthith was like his mother to father Wuor Deng Joak in the time…. 
And yet, Bior-Magarthith and Adhieu  Malek are no longer in existent---they are deceased only Aguer Bior-Magarthith with sisters and their children well are now alive---Garangthii Bul Bior-kweigak’s family now switched to us, they wanted to keep that family-like living with us--- the Wuor Deng Joak’s family and daddy is now herding their cattle combined. To us, it is a pleasure to continue with that lovely tie with whole Bul Bior-kweigak and Achirin Bior-Kweigak family sections and as well as to whole extended families of Bior-kweigak ---Not only a small clan, but to hold on with everyone inclusively. This is what daddy Wuor Deng Joak said he like the most…..
Garang Atem from Duot Bior family section (Adau Lual’s households) combined with Akuac’s  household: Chol Deng Ajang’s family, Achuoth Deng Ajang’s family, Kongor Deng-aliau’s family and rest of Aguer Bior family section of Adau Lual’s household  joined us here in Kongor Chol’s home, Deng Joak, is also with us family of Wuor Deng Joak. 
Land issue----someone by name Kur Madol, who owned small private Primary School next to Kuir Bior-gaarial’s home today on October 27th took an illegal stance against residents a long Marol road. He almost caused a fight and troubles with residents and therefore as a result, local police was called to resolve land issue---Kuir Bior-gaarial, Ajur Chol-manyangdit, and Maluakdit rushed into Police department to report a pending land issue of which he wanted to expand his private Primary school so that he can earn more money.
In Bior Ajang Duot and as well in Kuir Bior Kuir-gaarial, they have selected number of people so that they do not hurt their spouse----random partnership in the after independent appeared to hurt spouses. For example, Kuir Bior-gaarial, he has step-brother, Juac Bul, Malual, and the rest of others, who have been selected so that he does not hurt his spouse or fiancé much more smarter way to go with so that you do not hurt your spouses,
Practice at Church today----It is now being used as a place, where people practice gay-like activities—it literally means conversations –i.e Akuol Akoi and Achol Juac, wives of Bior prepared for us discs or food. This was intended for us to go with and of course, people had misunderstood premise of struggle and they thought that since the war is over----people will start to go with and person, who never go with is seen as an evil person. I witnessed something today that during offertory, one of the kid stepped forward in the front of me and I let her went first and rest of congregation, were watching at me---I was stunned and overwhelmed. 
Twic East County---In Panyagor, people are so diverse and yet most of the swift shops are almost empty with stocks---they are desperated since no more or big trucks come with goods to replenish swift shops ---road is so bad or terrible to take truck with flood on the ground and now it only takes motor cycle and businesses across angle is slow down. It is already November and trucks should be on the road by then----hopefully it might changed by then. 
Probably before Christmas time, businesses might have received products or goods to replenish their shops and restaurants alike will kick back to work. Weeks before Nov. 2nd, I took a trip to Panyagor to find out how things are and it appeared that number of people who used to go to the restaurants have declined miserably and it was ‘suck’ to see disperse bubble number of people declining. For example, in Abyei restruarant-like only worker, who makes tea are still there. No more food is made in that restaurants including Akuol Mabior’s restaurant-like shops---I did not see all businesses only few of the restaurants. It is tragic though and I did not think of. Probably this might changed in few weeks to come or months. As I aforementioned, only businesses of motor-cycles carriers are working and you could not imagine day and night. Road is so full with motor cycles. Only motor vehicles from NGOs and Counties are still operatingsince they are landed four wheels drive and land-cruised by manufacturing and craftly designed. They merely travelled in long distance; just point to point from Panyagor, Pawel town, Wangulei town, Paliau town, and Maar Town. They no longer by-passed those aforementioned towns until when water dry-up. 
Price of goods and products were so sky-rocketed since demand was high and supply was low miserably. This has created a rough situation and people are almost dying out of poverty strike due to slow down of goods with high inflation. Price of goods across the whole country is not being monitored. It is left to its self-thinking. It will control itself----This is unusual and in the developed countries. There are number of people who are employed to keep track of price from inflation. Not to damage businesses  and yet in the third-world countries’ economies, there is a poor monitoring and almost all businesses are left to itself----Buses that take people from outside Jonglei state are also slow down. They only transitionally stopped in Bor Town and Motor cycles have already been kicked –in. Anyone that travelled to Twic East County, take the so-called ‘border- border’ daily speaking jargons---literally meaning motor-cycles. And price fare is also shoot-up. It is now between the ranges of 250 to 300 South Sudan Pounds (SSP) currency depending on the number of passengers per a trip---people are now left out to choose their means of transport either through motor-cycles or aero-planes----flight Fares seemed to be the same kind in-term of unit of price--- 
Gay-like dialogue (It meant happy long conversation with laughters) ----It is so rampant here in Twic East County and they think that they are not homosexual except they did not throw a marriage for the same couple. Already gay-like talk is element of homosexuality. For example, in Dr. Garang Secondary School August 2011 to November 2011, a new headmaster brought happy life-setting interactions than ever before and installed newleadership staff: Alier Kwai and Manyok Atem.  The aim for founding fathers is to maintain ‘woman’ heritage slogans: white and red---heritage-type for their belief and faiths. Although you see two people walking together, they are in impersonalizing theme of partnership in Christ even in the Church, they prepared it as a place for gay-like talk and anyone who happens to wear white custom is seen as a person who is against the practice introduced by their founding fathers---people said it as it was founded and envisioned to be like state of Israel where homosexuality is so rampage. North-South Civil war was seen as a ‘holocaust’ since majority of Arab people were anti-‘gayism’. They see it as an evil acts and practice against their Muslim extremist ideology and belief until Judaism and Christianity stepped in.
Challenges in study----today Twic East County Minister for South Sudan Council of Ministers (Lower chamber) Deng Dau from Ajuong Payam district stopped by Dr. Garang Secondary School and he gave a short town-hall press conference speech toSecondary students, teachers and staffs----He also granted One thousand South Sudan (1,000.00 SSPs) for endowment to Dr. Garang Secondary School for upcoming term 2012 Secondary school feeding and upkeeps. He took a picture taking with number of Secondary students, staff and teachers---He appeared proud and determined in front facial of the South Sudan national flag podium.
South Sudan Symbolism----national flag for instance, is being misunderstood and interpreted in acronym made it hard for foreigns to literally get exact definitions of national flag. Basically it represents ‘woman’ and it is not Ajak and Achol/Chol. They are just color of rain-bows and yet people in South Sudan misunderstood it. Black stripe represents people of South Sudan of African descent and heritages. White stripe represents ‘peace attained during the liberation struggle’ and tribulationsRed stripe represents bloodshed of people who have perished in the both civil wars: 1956-1972 Anya-Anya I and 1983-2005 Second Civil War. Green stripe represents natural resources and lands to which people of South Sudan dwelled and had sacrificed for. Equi-triangular Blue represents water’ inherited from the riparian river Nile basins in the South Sudan and yellowish gold star represents ‘the unity of states in South Sudan in the federal system’. It is not all of people in South Sudan, who have misunderstood just few in the pariah people, especially illiterate majority and mass people dwelling in the South SudanOf course, it will take overtime to gradually absorp and learn symbolic meanings entailed in the national flag of their own to which they all have suffered and perished in those twenty decades hiding in the canopy of South Sudan. They now referred color of flag to symbolize acronym of people’s surnames----i.e AjakChol, Achol, Atem, Aluel, Matiop, Manyok, et cetera. More on color constellation symbolism: Achol represents black and red, Chol represents blue and black, Aluel represents plain redAjak represents “white and red”, Atem represents “black and white” and lastly manyok represents “blue and white.” It is terribly getting bad here in conceiving literally definitions and meanings of South Sudan’s national flag color constellation symbolism and it had become a mentality learning curve. Of course, it is so rampage in this country and people, especially amongst educated people or folk.  I was stunned and sick thus far of how people were taking colormeanings of flag to memorize them by naming names acryonym of people as acronym ‘spelling bees’ to remember them. That was eccentric and intelligentsia for those in the pariah of South Sudan. For more details, you can access it through Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) world factbook:
Note on Twic East County Minister Deng Dau’s team-----He employed number of staff: Manyok, Mabior, Akuot, etc., who work for his vested interests and this is not unusual for politicians. They usually do that so that they stay on the game to win elections and of course, to stay long in politics as they wanted. Do I like it? It is awesome, however it is also good to have different people who are like-minded in your teams so that to void group-thinking syndrome. He is a very nice man, easy going type of politician and I spent a night in his compound in the Ajuong payam district. It was great politician. What do remember the most was way he served his own people, especially aging folk. He designed a something much similar to welfare regime and social safety-net to which he run locally. Almost every month, he distributed those cups of sugar and tea-leaves and he has a laundry list of people who benefit from that social safety-net.
Random ‘Shalom’ restrictions:----means do not give a ‘loose’ change in the pocket  or money to anyone today----Everything has changed today and people especially educated people are afraid of giving money to people ---not to man found walking in the streets, but to specific woman since it refers that you have signed a contract of ‘gay-like pair-up’---which number of people are skeptical about. Today, Manyok Mapur borrowed ten (10) South Sudan (SSPs) from me and he already had 100 South Sudan pounds (SSPs)----probably he was testing me whether I am generous or not. I wonder what he was going to do with it? I was so stunned about that since this is first visit from America to the suburbian village of Twic East County---Pawel town. 
This happened after one of my half sister—Apadang Wuor came along to update me about family affairs ----she also came with Alang Ajang, one of Secondary School students---it means High School student in the American academic curriculum---students to whom I greeted during examination. I also wonder how this happened and probably she might have been addressed by someone within staff in Secondary school to which I volunteered to teach English courses---there are a lot of people, especially within Paduon section in Kongor Payam district searching for mysteries behind Chol Biowei’s death. Number of people rumoredly pointed finger on Kongor, especially within Pan-Bior section clan. There had been rumors that dady, Wuor Deng Joak was used by Paduon section since his mother was from that section  and has switched to Pabiei cattle stockade camp for cattle camp next to Garang Secondary School in Pakwuor in the suburbian village town to look after cattle together with his brother Ajur Deng Joak, He decided to pair-up  with someone or gentleman from Ayual community called ‘Angok’ to whom he co-reared livestock in the Pabiei livestock camp since it is not easy to solely guard cattle only without helper?  This gentleman is closed to my maternal side. However, this switch has created an ‘internal problem’ locally, which might have resulted in the death of Chol Biowei figuratively talking. But can that be true though? I believe that mysterious death of Chol Biowei might be in the hand of Twic East County Minister for South Sudan Federal government Deng Dau from Ajuong Payam district. 
15th Nov. 2011
Wife of Deng Aguer–Makeer insulted me, what I need thus far? She think probably, I will adulter her-Akon, who currently residing in the home of Akon Mayaau---(very nice woman, but when she socially drank she stayed whole without sleeping----singing her own folklore songs praising herself and a father and it was remarkable and marvelous though. I used to listen to her whole until I drifted to sleep. It is for the first time to hear Akon---the wife of Deng Aguer-makeer saying bad things against me ---she was probably a new face, and young lady within Pan-Bior-kweigak sectarian clans. And I did not stop at her home since Akon Mayau took off for Juba Town with her daughter and grand children. 
This was during Twic East County’s youths play/or dances in Pawel Town. After Akon, wife of Deng Aguer insulted me, Garangthii Bul Bior-kweigak, Bul Bior, and Manyok Kuir Ajang rushed into Deng Aguer-Makeer’s home showcased that they were angry about insult of me that they heard. They briefed her not to repeat it again and this is not unusual in the Dinka ethnic group Society settings. Elderly and/or age-mate of husband can intervene to resolve those kinds of trivia-insults. She was lucky enough that they did not arraign her for beating with few slashes.
16th Nov. 2011
I ran into Kongor Chol, Garang Atem, Makeer Chol, Deng Joak, and Thon Lual, Mator Achuoth gathered in the room and unwillingly called for lunch thinking I will join them. I do not know their intention behind them---thus far Chol Biowei is reportedly said to have deceased in the bed asleep for unknown reason in Juba Town. And of Paduon Section, is yet searching for someone , who had killed him and of course, they are in a mode of reprisal---since they do not know, where to point finger to. And also Bior Ajang-warkeen---from Pan-thiolochi within Kongor section, Apietlocy boma clan was stung by bees under a sitting trees—Causation of bees to outburst over an elderly people and number of women as well, probably Amuor Geu’s mid-wives and Akon, wife of Deng Aguer-Makeer might have caused an incident that resulted in admission of Bior Ajang-warkeen and rest of other people including women.  This was so strange, mysterious and unusual incident –perhaps Achol from side of Bhar-Al-ghazal, she might have been belonged to a culturally section of Kiei people (literally meaning bees) from inside of Lake State. 
16th Nov. 2011
Amor Geu and her daughter Abuk were picking –up dirt from tycoon-like hut’s wall—they both went from one hut to the other. I guess they were unfolding and scratching off sands from the wall probably to eat it and how come? Strange! She is already given birth and I know from the bottom of my memoir that only pregnant women tend to pick-off ‘dirt and sand’ from the wall---probably she might be suffering from dietary imbalance i.e lack of iron in the blood stream figuratively speaking. 
17th Nov. 2011
As Kongor Chol took off for Bor Town for family affairs –i.e visiting her sister, who was neglected by her husband Deng from Pareng boma within Kongor Section ---a marriage ceremony was thrown up in the home of Akoi Maketh from Palek section within Kongor section, in Apiot-lec boma and a chair was taken to the wedding –I do not know whose wedding was being done thus far---i.e who are getting marriage? Of course, it is a wedding ceremony between Palek section and Pan-Bior section, especially section of Pan-Aguer Bior-kweigak (Adau Lual’s household section)---history repeat itself? This happened right after I washed my clothes---I did not think about it and it was coincident that I washed my clothing and a wedding took up –I guess probably a wedding might be between section of Pan-Bior and Palek section clan within Apetilocy boma in Kongor payam district. 
18th  Nov. 2011
Kuir Biar was sent to the compound like of Kongor Chol in a form of covert cover up like from the Akon Maketh’s home and he also asked me for key for toilet---he greeted me and as he took off for wedding ceremony with the suspicious ‘black’ gown, Manyok Kuir Ajang was sent out for home, although he doesn’t have a connection with Ayual community----just a surname—Manyok coincidence and relativity. He did not finish up wedding. Probably this must be a divergent notion, in which Bior Aguer Bior-kweigak in the past gave his daughter: Achol Aguer Bior-kweigak to Garang Giet from Palek section within Apiot-lec boma and this was meant to tie-up connection with Palek through marriage alliance and of course, Manyok-Buchuk, uncle of Wuor Deng Joak was kept in place and number of women and men walked off right a cross my clothes thinking and wondering why I did not go to the wedding ceremony in the nearby home of Akoi Maketh from Palek section…..

1 comment:

  1. “Note on Twic East County Minister Deng Dau’s team-----He employed number of staff: Manyok, Mabior, Akuot, etc., who work for his vested interests and this is not unusual for politicians. They usually do that so that they stay on the game to win elections and of course, to stay long in politics as they wanted,” wrote David D. Wuor


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I am already succumbed to change by Mr. David D. Wuor